Trans101 For Dumbasses

If you’re wanting to ask your favorite transgender person questions and you’re not that bright… this video is for you.

Counting the Cost

If my previous post seemed a little scattered and emotional, there’s a reason for it.  The first trans community function I ever attended was a TDoR funct...

Transgender YouTube Sunday

I don’t know why I didn’t see this earlier, or why it just now hit google alerts, but I think it’s a pretty good interview. ——- I ...

Remembering Tom Lantos

“Love cannot be defeated.” as said to rock vocalist, Bono by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) The political group I belong to – the National Transgender Advocacy Coalitio...

Hatred Poured Out On Our Children

Over the last few days since it was learned that an 8 year old is transitioning at a school in Colorado, quite a few blogs have been pretty ugly about it. I wro...

Christian, But Not Christ

Recently Christianity Today posted a story titled Walking a Fine Line:Pastors wrestle with transgender issues. According to the story, the pastor of the church ...