

Trump: “Trans Women are Women”

January 21, 2025 ·

Right wing media sources are reporting that Donald Trump will issue an executive order that asserts that trans women are women. According to the bro-culture vulture platform, The Free Press, in addition to "strik out at gender ideology and pronouns," Trump will, via Executive Order, decree that "Woman means an adult human female.” Presuming such an Order would be issued in the English language, let us consider what these English language words mean. According to the American Webster's dictionary, these… Read more.

CDC: If you don’t like gender stereotypes, you’re now transgender

October 10, 2024 ·

In a headline-catching study just published by the CDC, and not a peer-reviewed journal, the CDC claims that it has found that 3.3% of high school students are “transgender” because they disagree with the gender stereotypes assigned to them at birth. This claim, as presented by the CDC, is false. Specifically, the CDC has institutionalized the bias that lies at the heart of all bad trans research: the enormous difference between what trans people say their experience is and what researchers… Read more.

Debunking the Dialectic of Design and Dimorphism

January 23, 2024 ·

In this article, I will debunk the five arguments fascists currently use to target transgender people. All fascist movements are predicated upon the myth of categorical purity. Because the material reality of individual humans is not one defined by discrete category, fascism always seeks to conflate people with words and category. It is for this reason that fascism is incompatible with human flourishing. Read more.

A Cotton Ceiling Conspiracy Rebranding: Super Straight

March 13, 2021 ·

An internal discussion within the trans community, originally known as the Cotton Ceiling, concerned itself with the way physical cisnormative beauty standards impact notions of desirability, how these biases relate to the fetishization of trans people, how it impacts the perception of trans people in queer spaces, and how these cisnormative standards affect the body image of trans people. The "cotton" in the name of the term refers to the clothing covering the (fetishized, reviled, etc) bodies of trans people.In other words,… Read more.

Fascism and transphobia are ALWAYS linked

January 11, 2021 ·

Anti-feminism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and racism are THE entry points to fascism. Remember, the FIRST Nazi book-burning was the burning of books from a trans clinic. Given that, would it surprise you to know that Hitler was quoted to motivate Trump's insurrectionist crowd? "Hitler was right..." - Rep. Mary Miller (R - Ill.) While not all anti-trans activists are fascists and Nazis, anti-trans hate is a popular recruitment tool for fascists and Nazis. Whether it's religious nationalists or so-called… Read more.

Is Briscoe “Gun Nut” Cain a closet queen?

September 15, 2019 ·

If you know anything about the queer community, you're familiar with the stereotype of the closeted dude who lives a lie by pretending to be Mr. Manly Man. You know, the guy who can't shut up about how trans people totally gross him out and how he's totally all about straight-cis identity politics? The guy who makes his entire life revolve around the very public promotion of the idea that he's the embodiment of guns, god, and them-there good ol'… Read more.

Introducing TransAdvocate Brazil

June 1, 2017 ·

My name is Amiel, and as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian edition of the TransAdvocate, I’m happy to announce the official launch of the newest addition to the TransAdvocate family: TransAdvocate Brazil. As a Brazilian intersex trans man, I felt it was time to bring the TransAdvocate model of journalism to a community that has, for far too long, had its story told by cisgender people who are more interested in sensationalism than anything like an honest depiction of… Read more.

TransAdvocate Suspending Its MichFest Petition Signature

April 12, 2015 ·

On the evening of April 8, 2015, The TransAdvocate editors came to a unanimous decision to suspend our signature on the Equality Michigan petition asking for MichFest to change their trans-exclusionary, womyn-born-womyn intention. This was decided after earlier in the day the National Center for Lesbian Rights' (NCLR's) Kate Kendall sent a letter to Lisa Vogel and withdrew its name from Equality Michigan's petition asking for MichFest to change its trans-exclusionary, womyn-born-womyn intention. Copy of… Read more.

Anti-LGBT bigot caught engaging in election fraud in Texas

June 30, 2014 ·

Engaging in fraud in order to overturn LGBT and especially trans equality in cities throughout the nation is nothing new for anti-equality bigots. In the past anti-equality efforts, election fraud was limited to purposefully deceiving voters about trans equality or intimidating voters. Recently, the TransAdvocate documented an anti-equality activist using county property to attempt to circumvent a Texas election law. The Houston Area Pastor's Council (AKA, the Texas Pastor's Council, AKA, the US Pastor's Council) is the Texas-based anti-queer group that is heading up… Read more.

Adrien Lawyer of the Transgender Center of New Mexico Paves the way for Transgender People

March 12, 2014 ·

Adrien Lawyer found himself exploring his options in transitioning from his outwardly feminine appearance to presenting as male in 2004.  He says “I remember playing with the boy’s toys like guns and toy knifes when I was a kid.  I would dress up as a boy and do the things typical of what most boys do.” When Adrien began researching his options in 2004 to make his transition he felt that there was no one to support him, he… Read more.

[CENSORED BY TERFS] When the hate becomes personal: my experience with TERF harassment

March 11, 2014 ·

NOTE: What you are about to read is a CENSORED version of the original post. This TERF has been attempting to censor all online content which exposes her as the troll who was targeting a suicidal trans woman. Being privileged, this TERF has an attorney working to censor any online evidence the trans community posts which document the facts. HERE is the content from Cristan Williams' site that was censored. Here is the post that was originally on this… Read more.

Woman aims to be the first known trans person to climb Mount Everest

March 10, 2014 ·

The highest and deadliest mountain in the world could be just a bump on Monika's road less traveled Manoj Shahi Monika, a third gender person from Kailali, Nepal could be the first documented trans person to climb Mount Everest, but to do that the 35 year old must first make summit. The climb made famous by the book Into Thin Air is fraught with dangers that have maimed and killed many who have tempted fate. There is a saying… Read more.

Eric’s unhealthy obsession with trans kids

February 7, 2014 ·

Sexualizing children is cruel. Mocking children is cruel. Promoting hoaxes that demonizes children is cruel. Let's be clear: Eric Owens gets paid to be cruel to children because they're trans. Unlike dupes who are tricked into spreading anti-trans hoaxes, I've personally told him that bullied trans children overwhelmingly respond to cruelty by taking their own lives. In Owens' newest attack, he sexualizes trans children with imagery and innuendo and even promotes known hoaxes in his effort to target trans children. Daily… Read more.

AB1266: Privacy For All Students and “San Francisco Values”

January 18, 2014 ·

Save me, Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues. Psalm 120:2 The Pacific Justice Institute (CRI) stated in their Letter to the principal of Florence High School (dated October 10, 2013 and posted with a press release on their website seems to have extoled San Francisco Values: A variety of options are available to to protect the privacy of all students. Pacific Justice Institute recently presented testimony to the California Legislature on AB1266, the unprecedented legislation… Read more.

Another Update of California Referendum Targeting Trans Children

December 6, 2013 ·

This update is from a peer LGBT community activist who wants to remain anonymous. The update is accurate as of the December 4th update found on the California Secretary of State's page on the AB1266 referendum update page. • Counties that have completed the spot-checking of signature validity: 32 of 58. • Percentage of total signatures turned in that have been through spot-checking: 24%. • Number of total raw signatures turned into county officials: 614,311 • Number of those that… Read more.

Signature Count Released In AB 1266 Referendum Signature Drive

November 11, 2013 ·

On November 10, 2012, the Associated Press posted the article Group collects signatures to repeal Calif. transgender law. The article gives numbers related to the signature drive by the Privacy For All Students coalition's effort to repeal the School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266). Opponents of a new California law that gives transgender students certain rights say they have collected enough signatures for an initiative that would repeal the law. Frank Schubert, the political strategist handling the signature gathering… Read more.

Ashton Lee’s Testimony Before State Senate Education Committee On AB 1266

October 24, 2013 ·

Ashton Lee in a transgender youth who attends California's Manteca High School. Back on June 12th, he testified before the California State Senate Education Committee on the School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266). I believe it's important to document the harm trans youth when they're not supported and accommodated in our state's public schools .So with that thought in mind, here is the text of Ashton Lee's testimony: Hello members of the Senate Education Committee. My name is Ashton… Read more.

VICTORY in Texas: Activism Works!

September 6, 2013 ·

The transadvocate recently reported on the efforts of the Texas radical right to derail a proposed LGBT non-discrimination policy in San Antonio. As noted, the proposed ordinance wasn't asking anything more of San Antonio's adults than what has been asked of their children (without incident, mind you) for sometime now. The San Antonio public school district already bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity... and yes, that means trans students can gasp empty their bladders just… Read more.

The Towlenut Gallery

May 5, 2013 ·

Even when The Towle has a reasonable post on a trans issue – here, the Cemia Acoff murder – one can count on the Chorus du Transphobique to show what the entitled really believe that they have the right to do, namely to exclude, humiliate and discriminate against in precisely the same way that they expect Gay, Inc. to prevent themselves from being excluded, humiliated and discriminated against. David Hearne declares: A person is dead, and somebody has his panties… Read more.

My Creepy Internet Flame Troll

April 26, 2013 ·

This is a personal post regarding a known flame troll who seems to have focused on me. If this isn't the kind of post you're interested in, please just skip reading it. ~~A Update: Well, Jennifer Usher has responded to this post with Mr. Sandeen Has A Complete Meltdown. I think I need to make a point one more time because Jennifer is still imagining that I'm conspiring with others to cause her harm. Specifically, I've never conspired with someone… Read more.

Turn Your Profile Pic Red?

March 27, 2013 ·

Equality means just that. While the trans community is invested in marriage equality, the reality trans folk face each day is described by the American Psychiatric Association thusly: Discrimination and lack of equal civil rights is damaging to the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals. For example, gender-based discrimination and victimization were found to be independently associated with attempted suicide in a population of transgender individuals, 32% of whom had histories of trying to kill themselves, and in… Read more.

PLEASE! ‘Come For’ Us!

January 20, 2013 ·

There’s a laughably pathetic piece of nonsense making the rounds right now – emanating from one of the usual pits of transexterminationistic insanity.  I have no intention of linking to it, but this is the beginning of it: First they came for Janice Raymond and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t an academic. One doesn’t really need to be an expert on the Holocaust (or even Godwin’s Law for that matter) to see where its headed, but the supporting cast includes Mary… Read more.

Trolling: The Ultimate Activist Trap

September 23, 2009 ·

The Internet is a wild place. It also provides one of the most remarkable resources to any social movement: the capacity to integrate resources and efforts and share narrative and information rapidly. But the flora and fauna of this digital landscape can be downright unpleasant and dangerous at times. As I'm sure anyone who's ventured into the depths of its maw can attest to. What am I talking about? Why, trolls, of course. No, not the scary things that live… Read more.

Embracing Trans Diversity is not a Luxury

July 10, 2009 ·

Over the 12 years of living my life as Monica, I have been privileged to learn many things about the TBLG community, but mostly about the trans community. The biggest lesson in my short life as a woman has been the diversity of our people. Trans individuals have covered every segment of human experience since the dawn of time. We span all races, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, all gender expressions, all social and economic levels, all job experiences,… Read more.

Why Am I Doing This?

April 2, 2009 ·

So when I was offered a blog spot I was excited but at the same time I was scared. I love to write and I'm pompous enough to believe that others give a shit about what I have to say. There's a lot on my mind especially with everything going on this past year. As of this month, April , I will have been transitioning for a year. It's been a um... very interesting year. One full of heartaches and… Read more.

West Side Story Activism, Utah’s GLBT Rights, and the Coming Tranny Apocalypse!

February 17, 2009 ·

We discussed the pretty people in activism, Christian hatred of queer people, and changing the gender binary. The videos and web links used in the production of this vlog are below: India Transgender candidate Transgender to face BJP chief in ‘ her’ first LS fight Pakistan Mazhar Anjum, "Its not easy being a hijra in this society" Gender identity and image The "pretty" transgender movement Gender - Why Only 2 The Pope and the Death of Discourse No Difference Transgender… Read more.

OBAMA GAY, Trangender Wars, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T

February 9, 2009 ·

Today on the show we discussed: Allyson Robinson+IFGE=HRC <3 ??? Here We Go Again: IFGE Elects HRC’s Allyson Robinson To The Board HRC and Their access to power. After expending political capital over Rick Warren, I wondered how much has ole' Joe got. HRC Relishes Sudden Access To White House Obama Fundie Watch Revelations of Truth Why I pray for our new president Dr. Kenneth Zucker's War on Transgenders Non-Discrimination Legislation: Transgender people plead for law change Campaign Puts The… Read more.