Debunking the Dialectic of Design and Dimorphism

In this article, I will debunk the five arguments fascists currently use to target transgender people. All fascist movements are predicated upon the myth of categorical purity. Because the material reality of individual humans is not one defined by discrete category, fascism always seeks to conflate people with words and category. It is for this reason that fascism is incompatible with human flourishing.

Proof: The Facts of Life vs the Cisgender Debate

Dave Chappelle’s cisgender enablers repeatedly assert that anti-trans “jokes” are “just jokes” and not an essential aspect of the dehumanization process. So, let us put cisgender media’s claim to the test. The pushback against supporting…

A Cotton Ceiling Conspiracy Rebranding: Super Straight

An internal discussion within the trans community, originally known as the Cotton Ceiling, concerned itself with the way physical cisnormative beauty standards impact notions of desirability, how these biases relate to the fetishization of trans people,…

Fascism and transphobia are ALWAYS linked

Anti-feminism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and racism are THE entry points to fascism. Remember, the FIRST Nazi book-burning was the burning of books from a trans clinic. Given that, would it surprise you to know…

Your How-To Guide to Gender Critical Activism

Do you fear trans people and want to rationalize the simmering hate you feel? We here at the TransAdvocate have spent almost 2 decades debating and debunking anti-trans nonsense and we’ve learned a thing or…