Media Watch

Media Watch

Proof: The Facts of Life vs the Cisgender Debate

November 3, 2021 ·

Dave Chappelle’s cisgender enablers repeatedly assert that anti-trans “jokes” are "just jokes" and not an essential aspect of the dehumanization process. So, let us put cisgender media’s claim to the test. The pushback against supporting the dehumanization of trans people began with a trans employee for Netflix writing, “I work at @Netflix. Yesterday we launched another Chappelle special where he attacks the trans community, and the very validity of transness – all while trying to pit us against other marginalized… Read more.

Why I support #CancelNetflix. It’s not because Chapelle is offensive.

October 13, 2021 ·

Cisgender media seems to want to have a "debate" over opinions about whether Dave Chappelle is offensive, and I can understand why. If we debate opinions instead of verifiable facts, cis media gets to perpetuate cis grievance over so-called “cancel culture.” So, let’s talk about what is true. First, Dave Chappelle lied about trans existence in his Netflix Special. Next, he apparently lied about his relationship with a trans woman who committed suicide. Then, Netflix fired a trans employee after… Read more.

If transgendering is a thing, then so is cisgendering

February 26, 2020 ·

Anti-trans sex essentialist activists love to pretend that "transgender" is a verb for the same reason anti-gay activists like to pretend "gay" is also a verb. If being gay or trans is a mere matter of behavior rather than selfhood, then people can just stop the behavior that makes them gay or trans. This is the basic idea behind anti-gay and anti-trans conversion therapy. Nevermind that this belief about gay and trans people is… Read more.

Transphobe Alex Jones Seems to Watch Trans Porn

August 27, 2018 ·

Alex Jones, recently banned from various platforms such as Facebook and YouTube for, in part, his dehumanization of trans people, accidentally revealed that he watches trans porn on his phone. In a recent commercial for his various health aids, Jones unexpectedly shows the camera the open tabs on his iPhone. At the 00:37 mark, Jones reveals that he was watching a porn video titled, Naughty Tbabe Marissa.   Jones now joins the never-ending ranks of right-wing homophobes and transphobes who are eventually outed as hypocrites… Read more.

Minneapolis Star Tribune runs full-page advertisement for anti-LGBT hate group

October 1, 2014 ·

Months after the Minneapolis Star Tribune was strongly criticized for their coverage of Cece McDonald's case, despite local trans activists' earnest attempts to work with the Star Tribune to better understand the paper's responsibility to use professional standards concerning respectful and accurate language, the Star Tribune continues to repeat many of the same mistakes.  To add injury to insult, they recently ran a full-page advertisement for the anti-LGBT hate group The Minnesota Child Protection League. The ad was placed… Read more.

Everyone, even fans, are appalled with Rupaul’s ‘shemale’ contest

March 26, 2014 ·

Everyone, except GLAAD that is Rupauls contestants yucking it up after being told they will be using a transphobic slur in determining whether a person is a 'real' woman or a psycho case Rupaul, the clown in pancake makeup has figured out a way to be even more obnoxious.  Perhaps he feels that he should fill the vacuum left by the passing of Fred Philps and become the country's next most hated man? Maybe,… Read more.

Revictimized In Death

April 30, 2013 ·

Dehumanization of murdered trans women seems to be the norm these days. No matter how many times GLAAD and trans activists reach out to teach journalists how not to revictimize murdered trans women -- especially trans women of color -- there always seems to be a "next time." A new example of a "next time" is found in John Caniglia's two articles for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, entitled Oddly dressed body found in Olmsted Township pond identified and Brutal slaying… Read more.

BREAKING: due to Target’s trans policy, voyeur accessed women’s changing room?

July 14, 1016 ·

A case of voyeurism that has gripped the media was initially reported on a local Idaho news station: A man who identifies as a transgender woman has been arrested after they took photos of other women inside of the changing room at Target in Ammon. On Monday the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office responded to the Ammon Target store where an adult female says a person taking pictures of her while she was inside a changing room trying on clothes. The woman noticed… Read more.