Gender-Critical Policy Causes Brain Damage in Trans Youth

May 6, 2024 ·

Interventions designed to prevent, halt, or reverse non-cisgender experiences are known as conversion therapy. The scientific consensus is that these practices are “pseudoscientific,” and experts on torture have identified these pseudoscientific practices as “torture.” As such, these interventions represent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which are scientifically demonstrated to cause brain damage, life-long disabilities, and significantly shortened lifespans. In short, severe emotional abuse is torture; conversion interventions are severe emotional abuse, interventions designed to prevent, halt, or reverse non-cisgender experiences are… Read more.

Your How-To Guide to Gender Critical Activism

March 3, 2020 ·

Do you fear trans people and want to rationalize the simmering hate you feel? We here at the TransAdvocate have spent almost 2 decades debating and debunking anti-trans nonsense and we've learned a thing or two about the irrational knots bigots tie themselves into when they try to pass off their fear and hate as fact and reason. Therefore, we've put together this handy-dandy list of the BS arguments that you, a budding bigot, are likely to find really, really… Read more.

TransAdvocate 101

Having observed numerous conversations predicated on fundamental misunderstandings concerning trans advocacy, I put together this TransAdvocate 101 to compliment our Trans 101. If cis and trans advocate communities wish to better communicate, we need a foundation from which informed conversations may take place. Therefore, I will succinctly: 1.) Describe the three fundamentals informing our approach to trans advocacy; 2.) Describe the differences between the cis and trans experience as it relates to “gender identity;” 3.) Describe the… Read more.

Transphobia & Narcissistic Stupefaction

January 30, 2025 ·

Listen to the article, Narcissistic Stupefaction. Until now, I've struggled to name the psychosocial process undergirding the movement that is MAGA. However, I think I've found a term that succinctly identifies the problem: Narcissistic Stupefaction. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor killed by Nazis in a concentration camp, noted that fascists were, in the dictionary definition of the term, stupid saying: Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and,… Read more.

Trump: “Trans Women are Women”

January 21, 2025 ·

Right wing media sources are reporting that Donald Trump will issue an executive order that asserts that trans women are women. According to the bro-culture vulture platform, The Free Press, in addition to "strik out at gender ideology and pronouns," Trump will, via Executive Order, decree that "Woman means an adult human female.” Presuming such an Order would be issued in the English language, let us consider what these English language words mean. According to the American Webster's dictionary, these… Read more.

CDC: If you don’t like gender stereotypes, you’re now transgender

October 10, 2024 ·

In a headline-catching study just published by the CDC, and not a peer-reviewed journal, the CDC claims that it has found that 3.3% of high school students are “transgender” because they disagree with the gender stereotypes assigned to them at birth. This claim, as presented by the CDC, is false. Specifically, the CDC has institutionalized the bias that lies at the heart of all bad trans research: the enormous difference between what trans people say their experience is and what researchers… Read more.

Debunking the Dialectic of Design and Dimorphism

January 23, 2024 ·

In this article, I will debunk the five arguments fascists currently use to target transgender people. All fascist movements are predicated upon the myth of categorical purity. Because the material reality of individual humans is not one defined by discrete category, fascism always seeks to conflate people with words and category. It is for this reason that fascism is incompatible with human flourishing. Read more.

APA worried, FBI arrests GCer for terrorism, and JKR goes full Glinner

April 26, 2022 ·

city road man people
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) issues an alert over the rising number of state laws aimed at harming trans youth, the FBI just arrested a "gender critical" guy for threatening to bomb the dictionary over its definition of "female," and all JK Rowling seems to do now is anti-transgender activism. The APA is Worried Echoing our own assessment, the APA said the course that Florida and other states are taking will harm trans youth: Our organizations, representing nearly 600,000 physicians… Read more.

Proof: The Facts of Life vs the Cisgender Debate

November 3, 2021 ·

Dave Chappelle’s cisgender enablers repeatedly assert that anti-trans “jokes” are "just jokes" and not an essential aspect of the dehumanization process. So, let us put cisgender media’s claim to the test. The pushback against supporting the dehumanization of trans people began with a trans employee for Netflix writing, “I work at @Netflix. Yesterday we launched another Chappelle special where he attacks the trans community, and the very validity of transness – all while trying to pit us against other marginalized… Read more.

Why I support #CancelNetflix. It’s not because Chapelle is offensive.

October 13, 2021 ·

Cisgender media seems to want to have a "debate" over opinions about whether Dave Chappelle is offensive, and I can understand why. If we debate opinions instead of verifiable facts, cis media gets to perpetuate cis grievance over so-called “cancel culture.” So, let’s talk about what is true. First, Dave Chappelle lied about trans existence in his Netflix Special. Next, he apparently lied about his relationship with a trans woman who committed suicide. Then, Netflix fired a trans employee after… Read more.

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