Transgender YouTube Sunday

February 17, 2008 ·

I don’t know why I didn’t see this earlier, or why it just now hit google alerts, but I think it’s a pretty good interview.


I love this video. I’m going to burn it to DVD and start giving it away to people that want a trans101. It’s very well done.


And now… a vantreliquest!


Congrats to Broward County! The following is a news piece reporting that Broward County Florida added gender identity and expression protections by a unanimous vote.


This I added in, just to show how cruel and oppressive people can be. I don’t find one thing funny about this video, even though it’s supposed to be a comedy. I added this comment at Youtube:

“Oh god yes. Making fun of transgender people, is HILARIOUS! Well, it’s pretty funny unless you are trans and have lost the ability to see your daughter because of it. Then this video seems downright cruel. Next up, bipolar people! Then maybe you can do some videos on people with depression that commit suicide. The hilarity is endless.”


Mara Keisling addresses the crowd at Creating Change


Girl CAN SING! OK, now I really hate Calpernia, … in a jealous, envy, kinda, admiration, kinda way 🙂 She’s got talent, for sure.


Because Jesus would love to make fun of transgender people:


“t” is billed as a “10-part documentary series” about “ten very diverse and unique transsexual women” in New York City.


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  1. Many of these videos are great but ughhhhhhhhhh starting with Susan Stanton put a bitter taste in my mouth.

    I am not a fan of Susan Stanton.

    I can explain why in one simple copy-n-paste.
    “…Susan has said all along that she’s not like other transgender people. She feels uncomfortable even looking at some, “like I’m seeing a bunch of men in dresses.”

    Eventually, she decided it was too early for transgender people to be federally protected. People need more time, more education, she says. “The transgender groups boo me, now, when I speak. Isn’t that ironic?

    “But I don’t blame the human rights groups from separating the transgender people from the protected groups. Most Americans aren’t ready for us yet,” Susan says. Transgender people need to be able to prove they’re still viable workers — especially in the mainstream.

    “The biggest issue against the federal legislation is that politicians think the ladies’ rooms will be invaded by guys in drag,” Susan says, “instead of someone like me.”

    I don’t even have to resort to going to things I hate about her personality and approach to the whole transgender thing, either! There’s plenty there, too, but I don’t want to be accused of an ad hominem.

    It disturbs me that she has become the media’s go-to for the “transsexual voice” when she doesn’t speak for me at all.

  2. Many of these videos are great but ughhhhhhhhhh starting with Susan Stanton put a bitter taste in my mouth.

    I am not a fan of Susan Stanton.

    I can explain why in one simple copy-n-paste.
    “…Susan has said all along that she’s not like other transgender people. She feels uncomfortable even looking at some, “like I’m seeing a bunch of men in dresses.”

    Eventually, she decided it was too early for transgender people to be federally protected. People need more time, more education, she says. “The transgender groups boo me, now, when I speak. Isn’t that ironic?

    “But I don’t blame the human rights groups from separating the transgender people from the protected groups. Most Americans aren’t ready for us yet,” Susan says. Transgender people need to be able to prove they’re still viable workers — especially in the mainstream.

    “The biggest issue against the federal legislation is that politicians think the ladies’ rooms will be invaded by guys in drag,” Susan says, “instead of someone like me.”

    I don’t even have to resort to going to things I hate about her personality and approach to the whole transgender thing, either! There’s plenty there, too, but I don’t want to be accused of an ad hominem.

    It disturbs me that she has become the media’s go-to for the “transsexual voice” when she doesn’t speak for me at all.