Posts by Kelli

Posts by Kelli

Monica Jones, AZ Transgender Woman convicted of Walking While Trans

April 14, 2014 ·

Just days after Monica Jones was shown in this video protesting the failed religious discriminatory law in Phoenix, she was offered a ride while walking to a bar. The driver turned out to be an undercover police officer who then arrested her for "manifestation of prostitution'. This law is a vague statute which enables officers to arrest woman for no other reason than asking if they are police. The law is used to feed people… Read more.

Laura Jane Klug, transgender teacher at Lumberton Texas ISD suspended for no reason

April 10, 2014 ·

Laura Jane Klug (image: Facebook) Lumberton Texas ISD suspended Laura Jane Klug, a transgender teacher at the intermediate school. Mainstream news reports say parents complained about her transgender status, but Ms. Klug thinks something else prompted her dismissal. Ms. Klug, in a phone conversation, told the Advocate about her hiring "The school was fully aware of my transgender status when they hired me. I made a point of making that clear to them by showing… Read more.

Open letter to Andrea James and Calpernia Addams

April 9, 2014 ·

Co-authored by, Marti Abernathy It started with Addams March 5th Advocate Op-ed: In Defense of Jared Leto followed by Parker Marie Molloy March 10th Advocate post, critical of Addams, titled "Op-ed: What People Don't Get About Dismay Over Jared Leto. Everything was civil up to that point, but that civility came to an end with Calpernia Addams dismissive April 2nd Huffington Post article "Parker Marie Molloy's Transphobic and Homophobic Slurs Don't Matter, but Our Response Does".  Addams inexplicably attempts… Read more.

Houston mayor announces her support for a transgender inclusive human rights ordinance

April 5, 2014 ·

Houston is the last large city in Texas without a city-wide ordinance protecting its LGBT citizens from discrimination. Mayor Parker announced in her state of the city address, she intended to change that. Mayor Parker, an out lesbian signed an executive order in 2010 which extended protections to transgender city employees in city-owned buildings. However, the fact that the city is still without an LGBT inclusive non-discrimination policy in public accommodations and the workplace has not escaped the community's attention.… Read more.

Transgender college student Andraya Williams humiliated by Piedmont campus police says enough is enough

April 1, 2014 ·

Andraya Williams Subjected to discrimination, intimidation, humiliation and stonewalled by North Carolina Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), transgender student Andraya Williams tells the TransAdvocate she's had enough. On March 19th, Ms. Williams was detained by a campus school guard while exiting the lady's room bathroom telling her that they had heard reports of a man in the restroom and asked her for her college ID. Ms. Williams then presented her ID, which clearly identifies her… Read more.

ATLAH Church Protested: Pastor Throws Verbal Stones

March 31, 2014 ·

Human rights advocates braved the elements Saturday in Harlem to show their angst over the church sign promoting violence against the LGBT, and for good reason. Just 20 blocks away, last year, fists were thrown at a transgender woman who lay dying on pavement stones. Islan Nettles was taken off life support by her mother a short time after. This is the violence that the ATLAH church promotes and this very sign, the one demanding violence, was most likely seen by the people… Read more.

Right wing group considering repeal effort targeting Maryland’s new transgender inclusive law

March 30, 2014 ·

The day after the Maryland House of Delegates passed legislation making discrimination against transgender people illegal, one group has decided to take action against it. The bill, SB 212 "Fairness for All Marylanders Act of 2014" amends the state's law to include gender identity in the workplace, housing, and public accommodations. The Baltimore Sun is reporting that the conservative group MD Petitions emailed supporters telling them: "The good news is that we don't have to accept this bill as law – there is another… Read more.

Everyone, even fans, are appalled with Rupaul’s ‘shemale’ contest

March 26, 2014 ·

Everyone, except GLAAD that is Rupauls contestants yucking it up after being told they will be using a transphobic slur in determining whether a person is a 'real' woman or a psycho case Rupaul, the clown in pancake makeup has figured out a way to be even more obnoxious.  Perhaps he feels that he should fill the vacuum left by the passing of Fred Philps and become the country's next most hated man? Maybe,… Read more.

Fred Phelps founder of the Westboro Baptist Church dies

March 20, 2014 ·

Fred Phelps, founder of the WBC will forever be remembered as one of the most hateful people ever to walk this planet. Fred Phelps has died. According to CNN the founder of the Westboro Baptist church passed away today Thursday the 20th of March 2014 from natural causes. While many are calling for a picket at Phelps funeral Stephanie Mott, executive director of the Kansas Transgender Project doesn't agree telling CNN "hate doesn't drive out hate.  … Read more.

The Irish Times Pub employees violently deny a trans woman entrance on St Patricks weekend

March 16, 2014 ·

Andi Dier. a transgender woman from New York was roughed up by the employees of The Irish Times Pub and Restaurant in Holbrooke as they bruskly removed her from the premise. Ms. Dier says they used transphobic slurs and tried to take her I phone after seeing she had recorded part of the incident. They then stole her state-issued ID and had it not been for a stranger outraged over her treatment, she says the employees would have kept it. Most… Read more.

Arizona Transgender Woman Monica Jones on trial for refusing “Project Rose”

March 14, 2014 ·

Monica's troubles began one night after protesting Arizona’s failed religious anti-LGBT legislation while walking to a bar. An undercover officer engaged her in a conversation which led to her being charged with "manifesting prostitution”, AKA walking while trans. Since Jones hadn't been previously charged with similar 'crimes' Ms. Jones was offered a deferral if she enrolled in the Catholic/police/university "Project Rose" and successfully completed it. However, Ms. Jones is fighting back refusing the plea and religious programming despite being repeatedly harassed… Read more.

Commission report says there’s no reason to continue ban on transgender service

March 14, 2014 ·

Minnie Joycelyn Elders is an American pediatrician and public health administrator. She was a vice admiral in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and the first African American appointed as Surgeon General of the United States. A study on the feasibility of transgender troops in the military was released today by the Palm Center. The commission co-chaired by former US Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders and former Coast Guard Director of Health and Safety Alan Steinman… Read more.

Woman aims to be the first known trans person to climb Mount Everest

March 10, 2014 ·

The highest and deadliest mountain in the world could be just a bump on Monika's road less traveled Manoj Shahi Monika, a third gender person from Kailali, Nepal could be the first documented trans person to climb Mount Everest, but to do that the 35 year old must first make summit. The climb made famous by the book Into Thin Air is fraught with dangers that have maimed and killed many who have tempted fate. There is a saying… Read more.

Transgender woman Chloie Jönsson sues Crossfit for 2.5 Million after being told she had to compete with men

March 8, 2014 ·

Who has the problem with her competing with cisgender woman? Chloie Jönsson is suing Rebox CrossFit for 2.5 Million dollars after receiving a letter reeking of cisgenderism and transphobia telling her she could not participate with other women in the March Cross Fit Games. In a letter obtained by TMZ Sports  she was told by CrossFit "We have simply ruled that based upon being born as a male, she will need to compete in the Men's Division." CF argues… Read more.

We’re not going to talk about “Dallas Buyers Club” at the 2014 LGBT journalist convening.

March 5, 2014 ·

Yes we are. A few days ago, I posted excitedly about going to Washington DC to attend the 2014 LGBT Media convening and the very real possibility of seeing the president. Well, my train was behind schedule, so I missed Bo by 15 minutes but the real frustration hadn't even begun.  Looking at the agenda early in the day I saw three panels where I could air my concerns about Jared Leto's role in the Dallas Buyers Club, the… Read more.

I’ll be at the White House next week reporting for the Transadvocate, a newly designated news site

February 24, 2014 ·

  I will be at the White House next weekend and not outside looking in but inside it with the rest of the LGBT bloggers, who will be attending the 5th Annual LGBT Media Journalists Convening.. Having attended my first one last year I'll tell you, except the unexpected, every second. But this year is extra special. I will be visiting the president's house as a reporter for the transadvocate, formally a blog, but now a newly designated news site.… Read more.

Virginia High School League’s new transgender athletic policy requires sexual reassignment surgery and HRT

February 21, 2014 ·

Giving the Commonwealth's high school league the benefit of the doubt its possible they thought they acted in a way that encouraged gender diversity in sports with the adoption of the state's first transgender high school athletic policy...or it could have been a preemptive strike to ensure that not one transgender student will ever play sports in Virginia. Ether way the new policy which was passed 27-0, requires the exclusion of all teenage transgender athletes except the ones who… Read more.

Dallas Transgender people ain’t buying “Dallas Buyers Club”

December 11, 2013 ·

The Oscar for best supporting role goes to Jared Leto for his portrayal of a drug addicted trans hooker who's fictional character "Rayon" was written into the story line as a tragic joke in "The Dallas Buyers Club". I wanted to experience this movie fully so I watched it with my longtime best friend and HIV/Aids activist Pamela Curry at the Angelika theater in Dallas Texas. I picked this theater purposely because of its proximity to the gayborhood and its indie motif. What I… Read more.

[TW: Blood, Death] Mexico city Transgender Woman thrown off a bridge dies

October 13, 2013 ·

Hilary Molina Mendiola died September 23rd at 7:30pm after being thrown naked from the Southern Juan Escutia Axis 2 in the Cuauhtemoc borough of Mexico city. Ms. Mendiola had bruises on her face according to Noticias showing signs of a struggle. Hilary appeared feminine however this did not give pause to local media who misgendered her repeatably. Cross-posted from PlaneTransgender Read more.

Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He’s Not Transgender

September 5, 2013 ·

Leather. Underwear. Gear. Guys. "A clothes check will be available" | Fair use :) Drag artist Vito John Marzano was denied admittance to the Denver Bear bar the Wrangler because according to the manager his license did not match his gender expression. This was in direct violation of the Colorado Department of regulatory agencies (Dora) Public Accommodations Discrimination policy posted below. This was not the first time the Wrangler has been called out on transphobia. Autumn Sandeen posted about this… Read more.

Is Singer Neko Case Transgender? Maybe Not But She Is The Man

July 27, 2013 ·

"I'm a man, that's what you raised me to be / I'm not your identity crisis, this was planned," she sings. "If I'm dipshit drunk on pink perfume* then I am the man in the fucking moon, because you didn't know what a man was until I showed you."  Neko Case indie country singer and song writer's hard driving lyrics from her new album would make one wonder. That and the hyper machismo cigarette smoking horse and the albums title which is… Read more.

Boycott Putin’s Russian Winter Olympics #FreePussyRiot Balaclavas for everyone

July 25, 2013 ·

The growing parallels between Hitler and Putin's charade duping world leaders, who are all to willing to pretend there was nothing so wrong with Nazism or Putin's Anti LGBT laws that a Boycott of the Olympicswould have been necessary, is well, mind boggling. Nothing has changed, with the Olympic committee or world leaders who remain more concerned with their egos, prestige and cooperate connection$ than human rights, life or dignity. The biggest difference between then and now is social media where… Read more.

Can The Taiwanese Gov’t Revoke A Marriage With A Letter?

July 17, 2013 ·

台灣跨性別伴侶對抗政府同性婚姻法令 In May 2013 Taiwanese citizen Abbygail a transgender woman, won a ground breaking legal battle to marry her partner, Jiyi Wu. This gave hope to the Taiwanese LGBT community as it came just months after a gay couplegave up their challenge to marry. Their  marriage would seem like  a dream come true, a happily ever after scenario, so why did the government of Taiwan annul their marriage just weeks after recognizing it? The couple, Abbygail Legal name Yi_Ting, Wu吳伊婷), and Jiyi, legal name:… Read more.

Justice For Slain Türkçe Transsexual DORA İÇİN : Protest March July 12th

July 11, 2013 ·

I was contacted via twitter by the first and as of this time the only Turkish transgender TV reporterMichelle Demishevich, who told me of some terrible news. A well known transsexual Dora Özer, has been murdered in Aydin Turkey. Source Travesti Club: July 9, 2013 Time: 23:00 'in the transvestite DORA ÖZER murder was the last straw now. Site Hacifeyzullah district town of Kusadasi AYDIN ​​Altıngüvercin… Read more.

PGN! TERF Victoria Brownworth Teaches Us About Transphobia?! What, Julie Bindel wasn’t Available?

June 25, 2013 ·

Having read The Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) article by Victoria A. Brownworth titled "Victims of the night: Stories of trans sex workers"  I was very impressed by the authors personal investment in her neighbors well being. Her writing indicates a deep compassion for the most marginalized of our community, Tiffani, a black transgender working woman and offered many teaching moments. I was totally cool with her piece until I read the comments and began wondering why trans people were so upset with… Read more.

Transgender Woman Gang Raped In Moving Van In Mumbi

March 15, 2013 ·

Thursday morning three men kidnapped a transgender woman and raped her repeatedly between Kurla and Ghatkopar Mumbai India. They forced her into the van by threatening to kill her friends then began torturing and raping her over a three hour period before throwing her onto the street. Source The Indian Express: The victim said she knew one of the three men, and identified him as Mubarak. We registered a complaint of kidnapping, criminal intimidation and unnatural sex against the three… Read more.

California Trans Student Domaine Javier Expelled By a Baptist University For “Fraud” Is Suing

March 1, 2013 ·

The producers of "True Life" began this episode in Jerry Springer fashion featuring trans woman Domain Javier saying the show would introduce you to people who lived... "Every minute of every day lying about who they are...trapped in a web of deceit as they try to hide there true identities..." essentially amplifying and validating every misconception and lie we as a community fight against every day. My first impulse watching the video below was to go against the tide and say, OK… Read more.

Fox News and Massachusetts Family Institute Slam New Student Transgender Policy

February 21, 2013 ·

The Fox News headline "Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment" sets the stage for this "Cultural War" against trans people written by Todd Starnes. Deconstructing Fox lies. The headline of Starnes article is a lie. There is no wording in the new policy mentioning disciplinary actions of any kind. Todd Starnes writes "The new rules would also prevent teachers and administrators from telling parents with which gender their child identifies." That's a lie. According to the Massachusetts Nondiscrimination… Read more.

Texas State Rep. Lon Burnam announces HB 1300 Freedom To Marry For ALL

February 15, 2013 ·

Transgender Texans are 'allowed' to marry the opposite sex but sadly we know all too well that these marriages do not stand legal challenges. And what is we want to marry a person who is of the same sex? Marriage equality is for everyone transgender, gay, cisgender or straight. Rep. Lon Burnam announced HB 1300 (text) (current status) as his Valentine present to us. His legislation to extend the freedom to marry to all Texans, gay and straight or transgender.   Published… Read more.

Będzie MP Anna Grodzka nominację do Parlamentu zastępca Pass głośnik?

February 5, 2013 ·

Will trans woman Ms. Anna Grodzka Nomination For Deputy Speaker Pass The Conservative dominated Polish Parliament? It seems is that Ms. Grodzka nomination may receive a up vote in this conservative Catholic country's Parliament. But how could that be? Polityka, politics politics! Recently there was a bill introduced in Parliament for civil unions between same sex couples which was dismissed out of hand. Didn't even get discussed. Ms. Grodzka's nomination by the minority liberal party quickly followed on the heals… Read more.