

APA worried, FBI arrests GCer for terrorism, and JKR goes full Glinner

April 26, 2022 ·

city road man people
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) issues an alert over the rising number of state laws aimed at harming trans youth, the FBI just arrested a "gender critical" guy for threatening to bomb the dictionary over its definition of "female," and all JK Rowling seems to do now is anti-transgender activism. The APA is Worried Echoing our own assessment, the APA said the course that Florida and other states are taking will harm trans youth: Our organizations, representing nearly 600,000 physicians… Read more.

Proof: The Facts of Life vs the Cisgender Debate

November 3, 2021 ·

Dave Chappelle’s cisgender enablers repeatedly assert that anti-trans “jokes” are "just jokes" and not an essential aspect of the dehumanization process. So, let us put cisgender media’s claim to the test. The pushback against supporting the dehumanization of trans people began with a trans employee for Netflix writing, “I work at @Netflix. Yesterday we launched another Chappelle special where he attacks the trans community, and the very validity of transness – all while trying to pit us against other marginalized… Read more.

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, announces that she is a TERF

December 20, 2019 ·

JK Rowling has long hinted that she sympathized with sex essentialist so-called "radical feminist" idea that nobody's phenotype is transitioned when trans people medically transition, and thus, trans women are males and trans men are females. However, Rowling has now openly announced her public support of TERF ideology: The backstory for this seemingly innocuous tweet is that a TERF activist, Maya Forstater sued to be given the special right of consequence-free speech. Such suits are a relatively new frontier of… Read more.

Sorry haters, Americans increasingly support trans people

June 13, 2019 ·

Amid rollbacks of federal protections for transgender individuals, a new survey finds Americans have grown increasingly more supportive of rights for transgender people. Sixty-two percent of Americans say they have become more supportive of rights for transgender people over the last five years, compared to just 25% who say they have grown more opposed. Despite the Trump Administration’s ban on transgender personnel joining or enlisting in the military not in their assigned gender at birth, the survey finds more than… Read more.

Unethical Trans Doc Exposed 

March 5, 2019 ·

It’s hard to say exactly when Dr. Christopher Salgado, board certified and celebrated genital reconstruction surgeon, started to post questionable things on his Instagram account (@sexsurgeon). The account was taken down after the first complaints and deleted shortly thereafter, but he may have started as early as October 2018. During this time Dr. Salgado posted multiple pictures of himself in surgery, including one for Valentine’s Day in which he posed the patient’s dissected penis into the shape of a heart… Read more.

Trans Community Comes to the Aid of Furloughed Federal Workers

January 12, 2019 ·

The Transgender Foundation of America (TFA) announced that the Transgender Disaster Relief Fund ( would accept applications for assistance from LGBTQI and allied federal workers whose lives were thrown into chaos due to the Trump Government Shutdown. Alexis Melvin, President of TFA said, “Many LGBTQI individuals and our allies are affected by the partial government shutdown. The sudden loss of income through no fault of their own can create very difficult situations and will provide whatever support we can… Read more.

Liberty Counsel demands anti-lynching protections be stripped from trans people

January 10, 2019 ·

Speaking to an evangelical news outlet, Mat Staver, president of the multi-million dollar hate group, the Liberty Counsel, said that transgender people shouldn't enjoy the "special right" not to be lynched under a Senate bill that makes lynching people a federal crime. Specifically, Staver is offended that lynching, "involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability" would be criminalized. See page 7 of the document below: [su_document url=""] Staver seemed to claim that… Read more.

Watch: Buck Angel urges our community to support the Trans Disaster Relief Fund

August 30, 2017 ·

Buck Angel: "Not everyone is in a position to be treated respectfully so we must care for our own..."   Many members of the Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer community have lost everything. Trans, intersex, and genderqueer individuals can experience extreme difficulties in natural disaster situations. The TransAdvocate's parent organization, the Transgender Foundation of America has organized a community disaster relief fund. The fund will directly assist Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer survivors recover from this… Read more.

Religious extremist attacks cis woman for using unisex bathroom

March 24, 2017 ·

A cisgender man connected with a Florida Christian convention accosted a cisgender woman with a Bible as she exited an "All Genders" restroom at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando.  The man, shouting about Biblical interpretations of gender while waving his bible around wildly, apparently assumed the cisgender woman was a transgender woman who was participating in a nearby LGBT media convention. The incident came to light when the hotel publicly apologized to the LGBT media convention, on behalf of the… Read more.