Introducing TransAdvocate Brazil

My name is Amiel, and as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian edition of the TransAdvocate, I’m happy to announce the official launch of the newest addition to the TransAdvocate family: TransAdvocate Brazil.

As a Brazilian intersex trans man, I felt it was time to bring the TransAdvocate model of journalism to a community that has, for far too long, had its story told by cisgender people who are more interested in sensationalism than anything like an honest depiction of the Brazilian trans, intersex, and genderqueer experience.

Those who attend Transgender Day of Remembrance may notice that a significant portion of the victims we honor are members of my community. Relying upon a ciscentric media to investigate and interpret both our lives and our deaths is an untenable situation. While it might be difficult to find an authentic Brazilian trans experience in the media, the intersex experience ignored in its entirety.

TransAdvocate Brazil (TAB) began organizing as a collective in March and operates as a 501c3 nonprofit under the TransAdvocate’s parent organization, the Transgender Foundation of America. This step ensures that we can function outside the realm of local political interference as credentialed journalists with the resources we need to do our job.  If you would like to support our important work, please sustain us through the TransAdvocate’s Patreon.


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