Posts by TransAdvocate Staff

Posts by TransAdvocate Staff

Goodbye Sarah DePalma

February 9, 2019 ·

In Texas, one of the trans community's most important activists is about to die. By Phyllis Randolph Frye I sadly write that a long-time fighter for trans rights, Sarah DePalma of Houston, is in hospice and may not last but a few more days. I went to see Sarah yesterday at the hospice --she was not cognizant of my holding her hand or talking to her-- and I learned that she will be gone in a few days. Back in the… Read more.

SBF: Dr. Cretella doesn’t like some scholarly, peer-reviewed research on trans suicide

April 8, 2018 ·

The Slowly Boiled Frog is biting commentary from David Cary Hart reflecting upon issues affecting the LGBT community. I should have known that this was inevitable. The headline at Christian Post- reads, "Doctor Slams Trans Study That Claims Using Preferred Names Reduces Depression, Suicide." I wrote about this last Saturday. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin concluded: … In one of the largest and most diverse studies of transgender youths to date, researchers led by a team at The… Read more.

SBF: Children have rights Mr. Perkins

February 20, 2018 ·

The Slowly Boiled Frog is biting commentary from David Cary Hart reflecting upon issues affecting the LGBT community. Tony Perkins will argue vociferously that a fetus has rights. Mr. Perkins doesn't seem to think that a teenager has any rights at all. A child, Mr. Perkins, is entitled to quality medical care provided by competent and qualified practitioners. Perkins has decided to comment on a case in Ohio where a transgender boy has been terribly abused by his parents. His father… Read more.

What the Trans Moment Has to Offer Radical Feminism

January 9, 2018 ·

TransFeminism is an ongoing series of interviews and essays focusing on the intersection of feminist and trans activism. In this installment, John Stoltenberg considers “What the Trans Moment Has to Offer Radical Feminism.” Part One: What the Trans Moment Has to Offer Radical Feminism EPUB Version | PDF Version By John Stoltenberg @JohnStoltenberg I recently read an essay about men and rape, written from a radical feminist point of view, which included a… Read more.

African Voices: Well behaved women rarely make history

August 23, 2017 ·

Well behaved women rarely make history: A Botswana transgender woman made history after filling a monumental constitutional case against the government for refusing to legally change her gender marker. By Miles Tanhira In her High court application against the department of Registrar of National Registration, Tshepo Ricki Kgositau who is the Executive Director of Gender DynamiX, a regional transgender right organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa, argues that the State has a duty to fully realise the constitutional protection of… Read more.

On the Ethics and Utility of Violence

August 22, 2017 ·

After the property damage at the University of Berkeley by protesters opposed to Milo Yiannopolous speaking there, many within the movement have condemned the violence. They argue that the violence plays into a narrative constructed by white-nationalists, and damages the moral legitimacy of the progressive movement that opposes everything he is calling for. Others, such as Katherine Cross, have strongly argued that violence against fascist movements (“punching Nazis”) and leaders is not… Read more.

Why is the self-righteous set so persistently dishonest about trans access?

August 17, 2017 ·

By David Cary Hart It's Claire Cretin, uh, Claire Chretien again (I know, mine is a sophomoric display of opprobrium). At the ultra-orthodox Catholic LifeSiteNews Chretien asks the rhetorical question (and answer): “Should men go in the girls’ restroom? This mom says no way.” That is a compound lie. This is about school access. Chretien's intent is to suggest that adult men will be using girls' facilities. The second part of the lie is that this isn't about men or boys. This is about whether… Read more.

Timeline of Queer & Trans POC-led Resistance to #HB2

July 17, 2017 ·

By Alexx Andersen There has been a lot of misinformation about North Carolina’s House Bill 2 through various media outlets, as well as a general lack of coverage in regards to the many Queer and Trans People of Color-led (QTPOC) efforts since the passing of North Carolina’s House Bill 2, referred in the media as “The Bathroom Bill.” The narrative that has been pushed through various media outlets leads people to believe that it is only about the bathrooms. North… Read more.

The Real Housewives of Gilead

June 15, 2017 ·

The Handmaid’s Tale isn't as Fictional as you Thought For most Americans, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is a novel about a dystopian future where women are chattel whose only purpose is to procreate. For a surprising number of American women in positions of cultural, legal, and legislative power, it is an instruction manual on how to remake America in the image of Gilead. They want a future where not only is abortion illegal under all circumstances, so are… Read more.

Introducing TransAdvocate Brazil

June 1, 2017 ·

My name is Amiel, and as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian edition of the TransAdvocate, I’m happy to announce the official launch of the newest addition to the TransAdvocate family: TransAdvocate Brazil. As a Brazilian intersex trans man, I felt it was time to bring the TransAdvocate model of journalism to a community that has, for far too long, had its story told by cisgender people who are more interested in sensationalism than anything like an honest depiction of… Read more.

The TransAdvocate takes action at the Texas Capitol

March 5, 2017 ·

On March 13, 2017, the TransAdvocate will meet with numerous members of the Texas Legislature --both Democratic and Republican-- concerning anti-LGBTQIA bills recently filed during this legislative session. Particularly of concern for both the trans and intersex community are bills designed to force trans and intersex individuals to use public accommodations based upon the sex designated on one's birth certificate, regardless of transitioned status. Regarding SB6 and other anti-GLBTQIA bills, the TransAdovcate's Editor, Cristan Williams said, "These bills are creating… Read more.