Transadvocate Reports: In development

August 24, 2007 ·

I’m working on bringing the podcast you hear at times, Transadvocate Reports, into a live show. I NEED YOUR HELP! I’m trying to decide which intro and outro music is the best. Please listen to this audio and put in the comments your 3 favorite tracks, and why.

Remember that this isn’t going to be a comedy, but a show that centers on transadvocacy. The target audience is YOU!!!

Thanks for your help.

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  1. I’ll go for number 6, too!
    I don’t feel there’s much to choose between the others – 1 is too “rock and roll”, I find the “voices” on 7 distracting and the others just didn’t made an impact, really.

  2. I’ll go for number 6, too!
    I don’t feel there’s much to choose between the others – 1 is too “rock and roll”, I find the “voices” on 7 distracting and the others just didn’t made an impact, really.

  3. I like number 3 the best too, melodic and uplifting without being cheesy. Followed by number 6 actually, which has a lot of energy. The rest didn’t really do it for me.

  4. I like number 3 the best too, melodic and uplifting without being cheesy. Followed by number 6 actually, which has a lot of energy. The rest didn’t really do it for me.

  5. like veronica, i’m not especially fond of any of them, but if i had to choose:
    1 and 2 are way too dissonant for my taste.
    3 is the best. it features a nice contrast between the intro synth bell-like sound and the bass line.
    4 is just ok.
    5 is ok as well.
    6 is way too shrill. it gave me a headache.
    7 has a nice intro, and i like the pink-floyd type voices just under the music. but then it gets too loud and noisy.

    if i have to pick three of them, i’ll go with 3, 5, and 4, in that order.

  6. like veronica, i’m not especially fond of any of them, but if i had to choose:
    1 and 2 are way too dissonant for my taste.
    3 is the best. it features a nice contrast between the intro synth bell-like sound and the bass line.
    4 is just ok.
    5 is ok as well.
    6 is way too shrill. it gave me a headache.
    7 has a nice intro, and i like the pink-floyd type voices just under the music. but then it gets too loud and noisy.

    if i have to pick three of them, i’ll go with 3, 5, and 4, in that order.

  7. Marti, I’m not especially fond of any of them… because none of them seem to have a memorable melodic element. Example: Daily Show & Colbert both have themes that I can take away from the experience and hum later.

    #7: Interesting, but needs to get where it’s going faster. Guitar’s too heavy in the mix…

    #6: This is my favorite of the bunch. I like the openness of the intro, and think it would make for a good voice-over show intro.

    #5: The 4 vs. 5 change in meter is ignored by the drum track, which only makes it more obvious that the drums aren’t played by humans.

    #4: Is this the karaoke track for The Fixx’ “Stand or Fall?”

    #3: Sounds like a great intro for a public-access TV show.

    #2: Not melodic enough. Best to have something that leaves an ear-bug.

    #1: Surf guitar… uh… no.

  8. Marti, I’m not especially fond of any of them… because none of them seem to have a memorable melodic element. Example: Daily Show & Colbert both have themes that I can take away from the experience and hum later.

    #7: Interesting, but needs to get where it’s going faster. Guitar’s too heavy in the mix…

    #6: This is my favorite of the bunch. I like the openness of the intro, and think it would make for a good voice-over show intro.

    #5: The 4 vs. 5 change in meter is ignored by the drum track, which only makes it more obvious that the drums aren’t played by humans.

    #4: Is this the karaoke track for The Fixx’ “Stand or Fall?”

    #3: Sounds like a great intro for a public-access TV show.

    #2: Not melodic enough. Best to have something that leaves an ear-bug.

    #1: Surf guitar… uh… no.

  9. #7 sounds good, and I like the voices the ending is a little abrasive with the guitar distortion.

    #6 … hmmm not liking it too much.

    I like #5 as an intro, ending is a little strange again.

    #4 sounds good, – but gets a little strange at the end. sounds very anime.

    #3 is way too video game / 80’s

    #2 is a little better – I think I like this one best for an intro.

    #1 I’m not really into this one.

  10. #7 sounds good, and I like the voices the ending is a little abrasive with the guitar distortion.

    #6 … hmmm not liking it too much.

    I like #5 as an intro, ending is a little strange again.

    #4 sounds good, – but gets a little strange at the end. sounds very anime.

    #3 is way too video game / 80’s

    #2 is a little better – I think I like this one best for an intro.

    #1 I’m not really into this one.