From the Evangelical Bible:
I Fundamentalists: 1 And Christ said “if you’re a transsexual, you’re doomed. 2You deserve to be raped or sexually assaulted.”
Or so it would seem from the Jesus blogosphere :
“If I may put this delicately, will these bathrooms make any concessions to that biological reality formerly known as “sexuality?” You know, body parts; will men be able to use the facilities in a manly way, or must we sit?
One of the more painful memories of my life was visiting my brothers, David and Nathan, at Macalester College and having to use their coed dorm bathroom. Icky yuck-yuck. Gross. Cooties were caught.” – Bayly Blog
Apparently these “men of God” have an issue with gender neutral bathrooms that are safe places for transgender people.
“If you are a man, you use the men’s room. If you are a woman, you use the woman’s room. Simple, isn’t it? It doesn’t seem that complicated to me either. But some people don’t know what they are, or at least that is what I am told. It doesn’t seem that hard to figure out what equipment you have to me, but what do I know?” – Wake Up America
To the simple mind, everything is simple. But as someone that’s been attacked in a mens restroom, there’s nothing simple about it.
“The point isn’t just to flush $10,000 down the toilet. It’s to put the official stamp of society’s approval on the practice of men walking around in women’s clothes, sometimes even having themselves surgically mutilated to enhance their morbidly narcissistic fantasies.
At least this might keep these freakazoids from barging into the ladies’ room.” – Moonbattery
What strikes me more than anything with this point of view is this underlying tone that if we’re attacked in restrooms we somehow deserve it, simply by our own existence.
“Who has said a transexual woman is not allowed to use a woman’s room?”
Depends on where you’re at. There are places you can be arrested. Hell, even places that have laws that support transwomen using gender appropriate restrooms get arrested and harrassed. This is a good example….
You don’t even have to be trans, just gender variant and you’ll get kicked of places
or assaulted when going in the appropriate bathroom for your gender…
Actually that’s not what I said. I said, “To the simple mind, everything is simple.”
“I do find it hard to believe that no matter what men’s bathroom you chose to go into that there is a high likelyhood you will be attacked.”
Go over to Willie Houston is a good example. He wasn’t even trans, but was holding his wife’s purse (she was in the bathroom) and assisting a blind man into the restroom. He was murdered because someone thought he was gay/trans.
“You say that blacks were considered inferior and that was why they had segregated bathrooms, and you are correct, however you then say you need segregated bathrooms to prove you are not inferior. How does this logic make sense? Either you are equal and can use the same bathrooms or you WANT to be segregated to be different from others.”
You want logic, Steve? You just argued for unisex bathrooms.If you’re equal, and you can use a unisex bathroom. Why do you want to be segregated from women?
“I Fundamentalists: 1 And Christ said “if you’re a transsexual, you’re doomed. 2You deserve to be raped or sexually assaulted.'”
Which book of the collection of christian mythology commonly referred to as the Bible would that be in?
The Book of Lotter?
The Psalm of Nissen?
The Song of Magidson?
Please – Inquiring minds want to know.
“I Fundamentalists: 1 And Christ said “if you’re a transsexual, you’re doomed. 2You deserve to be raped or sexually assaulted.'”
Which book of the collection of christian mythology commonly referred to as the Bible would that be in?
The Book of Lotter?
The Psalm of Nissen?
The Song of Magidson?
Please – Inquiring minds want to know.
Who has said a transexual woman is not allowed to use a woman’s room? You say that blacks were considered inferior and that was why they had segregated bathrooms, and you are correct, however you then say you need segregated bathrooms to prove you are not inferior. How does this logic make sense? Either you are equal and can use the same bathrooms or you WANT to be segregated to be different from others.
Who has said a transexual woman is not allowed to use a woman’s room? You say that blacks were considered inferior and that was why they had segregated bathrooms, and you are correct, however you then say you need segregated bathrooms to prove you are not inferior. How does this logic make sense? Either you are equal and can use the same bathrooms or you WANT to be segregated to be different from others.
Well, you don’t have to assume that everyone who walks the streets after dark is out to get you to keep you from wanting to enter darkened alleyways, do you? The fact is that it only takes a few people who might want to do you harm to make you want to regard everyone in a dangerous place as a danger to yourself.
To put it bluntly, this world is filled with people who actually hunt transsexual people.
For me, though, it’s about much more than personal safety. After all, it wasn’t actually because the black facilities were inferior that caused the civil rights movement to demand an end to segregation. The real reason was that by telling black people that they are not allowed to use the same facilities as white people the white majority was deliberately sending the message that black people were defective and unworthy to whites thus supporting the class superiority system of the time. Much in the same way, by telling a transsexual woman, for example, that she is not allowed to use the women’s restroom the authority is deliberately sending the message that transsexual women are defective and unworthy as women. Therefore, when I go out I will never degrade myself by allowing someone to force me to use the men’s room.
I realized after I posted that you weren’t referring to me as a man of God and for the mistake I apologize. You were actually referring to me as being simple minded. That’s okay with me, I know I can’t possible relate to what you have gone through. I do find it hard to believe that no matter what men’s bathroom you chose to go into that there is a high likelyhood you will be attacked. In order for this to be the case you would have to assume that all of us conservatives would attack you and that a majority of the open-minded, all embracing liberals would also attack you. I for one, would not attack you. As a teenager in high school, when I graduated I weighed about 114 pounds and had no friends in school. I was picked on every day and I didn’t care. I fought my way through it without help from anyone else, and I didn’t want help from anyone else. I didn’t ask for or want any special treatment. I don’t think anyone should get special treatment, and that was my point. How can we become all inclusive of everyone if we are constantly splitting everyone into groups?
I realized after I posted that you weren’t referring to me as a man of God and for the mistake I apologize. You were actually referring to me as being simple minded. That’s okay with me, I know I can’t possible relate to what you have gone through. I do find it hard to believe that no matter what men’s bathroom you chose to go into that there is a high likelyhood you will be attacked. In order for this to be the case you would have to assume that all of us conservatives would attack you and that a majority of the open-minded, all embracing liberals would also attack you. I for one, would not attack you. As a teenager in high school, when I graduated I weighed about 114 pounds and had no friends in school. I was picked on every day and I didn’t care. I fought my way through it without help from anyone else, and I didn’t want help from anyone else. I didn’t ask for or want any special treatment. I don’t think anyone should get special treatment, and that was my point. How can we become all inclusive of everyone if we are constantly splitting everyone into groups?
Well said, Marti. And what about people with intersex conditions that may make them look like feminine men or masculine women or of indeterminate gender? Where can they use a toilet in peace and safety? Or should they simply try harder to conform to make other people feel less hostile??
Actually, the first blog I quoted is from two Presb. ministers, I was mainly addressing them in the first paragraph.
I am attacked. That is the reality. If I “look” like a woman and go into a men’s bathroom, there’s a high probability that I’ll be attacked. For me, it isn’t just a hypothetical.
On the opposite side, I have to make a choice every time I enter a women’s restroom. I risk being thrown in jail. In the end, I just want a place to urinate and defecate in peace (the very few times I’m out long enough and don’t plan my bathroom breaks).
Your side has spent BILLIONS on a war that had nothing to do with terrorism and 9/11, yet you bitch about 10 thousand dollars? Give me a break that helps young people in college going through gender change a place to safely go to the bathroom? So much for compassionate conservatism, eh?
Why do you assume I am a “man of God”? Nowhere in my blog to I represent myself that way. Just because I am conservative does not mean I follow a religeon. And I never said you deserved to be attacked, you are mis-representing me and my post.
You are either a man or a woman, that was my only point.
Why do you assume I am a “man of God”? Nowhere in my blog to I represent myself that way. Just because I am conservative does not mean I follow a religeon. And I never said you deserved to be attacked, you are mis-representing me and my post.
You are either a man or a woman, that was my only point.
More of the same, innit? But I LOVE the jesus picture and will be stealing it for my own private use. 😀 xx
More of the same, innit? But I LOVE the jesus picture and will be stealing it for my own private use. 😀 xx