Trading Away Public Accommodations in Maryland

There’s bickering over at Pam’s House Blend about a statement made by Jenna Fischetti in her public testimony to the Senate in Maryland. She said “Never in the history of transgender-specific legislation has any state gone back…


It would seem so.  Though they’ve been silent publicly, one only need look as far as NCTE Executive Director’s Facebook wall: Now if the Executive Director of Maryland Equality (Morgan Meneses-Sheets) is thanking Keisling, I’d…

If You Dig Michfest, You’re NOT a Trans Ally

I recently had a discussion with a person with cisgender privledge about Michfest. I thought feminist/POC theory taught rather early on that a person who isn’t in the oppressed category doesn’t get to define if…

Be Good or You WILL BE Degraded, TRANNY!

Sometimes the intersection of two seemingly unconnected stories come together to show how little respect for trans people there is and how transition/surgery are treated as luxuries, not medically necessary. Many people will argue that transgender prisoners do not…