Update: Facebook Ban and Lost Corporation Status of “Ticked-Off Trannies” Film

March 25, 2010 ·

I recently tried to post an update on Facebook to the story ran on Transadvocate on Monday (March 22, 2010) titled:
Tribeca Film Festival Promotes Exploitation of Transgender People and got the following:

I then was auto-logged out and when I logged back in it said my login had been disabled. Since when is posting about GLAAD’s petition of the movie a violation of Facebook’s TOS? What exactly was reported as abusive? I can’t figure out if the petition itself has been reported as abusive, or the fact that someone *cough* *cough* might have been a tad pissed that my blog post mentioned the producer’s part time escort gig?

A recent search of the Texas Secretary of State website shows that LaLuna Entertainment, the company that produced the film, actually no longer exists as a corporation in the state of Texas. It’s status is listed as “Forfeited Existence” which means that Laluna Entertainment “failed to file its franchise tax return or to pay the tax due thereunder. Status is changed by secretary of state when certification of the delinquency is received from the comptroller of public accounts.”

Another reason Tribeca Film Festival should yank this film. I hope they didn’t sign any binding contracts with the “company”….

In category:Opinion
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  1. sorry the whole get-the-movie-kicked-outta-Tribeca thing didn't work out. TOTWK will be getting released theatrically this fall so plenty of time to pick out some snazzy protest outfits for your local showings.

  2. I disagree. I'm with both Carlin:

    There's a different group to get pissed off at you in this country for everything your not supposed to say. Can't say Nigger, Boogie, Jig, Jigaboo, Skinhead, Moolimoolinyon, Schvatzit, Junglebunny. Greaser, Greaseball, Dago, Guinea, Whop, Ginzo, Kike, Zebe, Heed, Yid, Mocky, Himie, Mick, Donkey, Turkey, Limey, Frog. Zip, Zipperhead, Squarehead, Crout, Hiney, Jerry, Hun, Slope, Slopehead, Chink, Gook. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those words in and of themselves. They're only words. It's the context that counts. It's the user. It's the intention behind the words that makes them good or bad. The words are completely neutral. The words are innocent. I get tired of people talking about bad words and bad language. Bullshit! It's the context that makes them good or bad. The context. That makes them good or bad. For instance, you take the word “Nigger.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with the word “Nigger” in and of itself. It's the racist asshole who's using it that you ought to be concerned about. We don't mind when Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy say it. Why? Because we know they're not racist. They're niggers! Context. Context. We don't mind their context because we know they're black. Hey, I know I'm whitey, the blue-eyed devil, paddy-o, fay gray boy, honkey, mother-fucker myself. Don't bother my ass. They're only words. You can't be afraid of words that speak the truth, even if it's an unpleasant truth, like the fact that there's a bigot and a racist in every living room on every street corner in this country.

    and Tim Wise:

    Because thy're both essentially saying the same thing, that context is key. That the race of the speaker (or in our case the gender class) is what defines what is offensive. “Politically correct is just a buzz word for people who want to be inconsiderate/insensitive/hateful fuckheads. It's an excuse. You have freedom of speech, you don't have the freedom to be not be held socially accountable for your own speech. There's no public sensor, so people are allowed to say “nigger” or “faggot” in the public square without any legal retribution. But…. there's an incredible amount of social retribution in saying (especially the word nigger).

    Tranny is a word, like “nigger” and “faggot” that has no other purpose (in contest of a cis-gender person saying it) other than to dehumanize, assign (generally a lower) class and show disdain and separation from the user. Especially in the context of the greater LGBT community, we have a duty to let others know this word isn't acceptable. To do otherwise is to heap hatred and division on top your own head.

  3. Hi Samantha, I like your post and generally agree on principle. And I will try to be as polite as possible for a 'ticked off tranny. I am compelled to express this every time I find someone, trans or not, who appears to be speaking for me.
    No doubt the use of Tranny in the context of this title of the film is tasteless.
    Good taste notwithstanding, I don't think it serves our already oppressed community for anyone to set themselves up as an arbiter of politically correct speech.
    I am an elder post op transwoman who places a greater premium on my freedom of speech than I do the titles of unpopular movies. And I do object to anyone characterizing my use of language according to their sense of propriety.
    So let me say this again…I'm the Tranny, I'm the sissy…I'm the nigger.
    And anyone who is made uncomfortable by my statements is merely reflecting their own prejudice. Words don't belong to anyone. Let's not try to eradicate bigotry by linguistic fascism. Thanks.

  4. See you're totally missing the point. Kill Bill is about a woman, not some freak show in sterotype war paint, working on finding, and ending someone who violated her, abused her, nearly murdered her because she didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. He took the route of violence, and took her unborn child from her body to raise as his own. He was the personification of a person who thought that no matter what, he was right and she was wrong and that excused anything he did.

    Apparently you and Luna, as utterly clueless gay men who have no use or respect for women at all, think this kind of hate is fine because you're right and we're all, well somehow less than human. No good will come of this movie except for the vultures involved in it picking of the corpses of our dead. Oh wait, that's right, that's how the movie OPENS! Frankly I think you and Luna should be tried as accessories after the fact in Angie's murder. I honestly hope her family does exactly that!

  5. Willam you are still setting a bad precident, and catering to the whackos that would harm or kill us for simply being alive. Now, they'll work harder to make sure we are dead and use the defense:

    “I'm sorry I took a life you Honor, I am remorseful and repentant before my merciful God, but I was in fear for my life. I panicked knowing that if I didn't kill them they would come after me with knives. After all, you know how those people are, [wink, wink} I mean you should see the movie. It was a documentary about how they are…”

    I'm sorry, but old, ignorant, arrogant gay men do NOT have the right to lure people in with the promise of , money, fame and art and instead make hate. This movie suborns hate, and uses pretty much universally agreed upon hate speech in the title. Any self respecting Trans person who thinks they can “take back” that term are delusional or seriously misinformed. This movie never should have been made to start with.

    The fact that it starts with the EXPLOITATION of a young WOMAN who was brutally murdered because of a gendered past alone means that Luna and company should be confined, medicated and held until they are no longer a threat to others. Willam I call bulls*it. I love Kill Bill I and II and this is NOTHING like them. NOTHING!!! Get over it, admit you stepped in it, clean of your shows – actually throw them away and move on with you life.

  6. See you're totally missing the point. Kill Bill is about a woman, not some freak show in sterotype war paint, working on finding, and ending someone who violated her, abused her, nearly murdered her because she didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. He took the route of violence, and took her unborn child from her body to raise as his own. He was the personification of a person who thought that no matter what, he was right and she was wrong and that excused anything he did.

    Apparently you and Luna, as utterly clueless gay men who have no use or respect for women at all, think this kind of hate is fine because you're right and we're all, well somehow less than human. No good will come of this movie except for the vultures involved in it picking of the corpses of our dead. Oh wait, that's right, that's how the movie OPENS! Frankly I think you and Luna should be tried as accessories after the fact in Angie's murder. I honestly hope her family does exactly that!

  7. See you're totally missing the point. Kill Bill is about a woman, not some freak show in sterotype war paint, working on finding, and ending someone who violated her, abused her, nearly murdered her because she didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. He took the route of violence, and took her unborn child from her body to raise as his own. He was the personification of a person who thought that no matter what, he was right and she was wrong and that excused anything he did.

    Apparently you and Luna, as utterly clueless gay men who have no use or respect for women at all, think this kind of hate is fine because you're right and we're all, well somehow less than human. No good will come of this movie except for the vultures involved in it picking of the corpses of our dead. Oh wait, that's right, that's how the movie OPENS! Frankly I think you and Luna should be tried as accessories after the fact in Angie's murder. I honestly hope her family does exactly that!

  8. I notice the logo for the movie on the screenshot, which tells me you’d included a link — it may be the link that’s objected to?

    “Transgender” banned? Or flagged? FB has been facing a lot of heat since they banned Dom for (FTM) chest surgery photos recently, and has been responding *very* slightly on the positive side of the issue (though it has to be dragged out of them). I’d like to know more about this, if poss.

    1. I’m not sure. You can see what I posted underneath the popup. Regardless, I think someone had to report either the post or the petition.

  9. I notice the logo for the movie on the screenshot, which tells me you’d included a link — it may be the link that’s objected to?

    “Transgender” banned? Or flagged? FB has been facing a lot of heat since they banned Dom for (FTM) chest surgery photos recently, and has been responding *very* slightly on the positive side of the issue (though it has to be dragged out of them). I’d like to know more about this, if poss.

    1. I’m not sure. You can see what I posted underneath the popup. Regardless, I think someone had to report either the post or the petition.

  10. FB even bans the term ‘transgender’ now. The ‘transgender lounge’ (an org I am in) had to get a special exemption from them to be listed.

  11. FB even bans the term ‘transgender’ now. The ‘transgender lounge’ (an org I am in) had to get a special exemption from them to be listed.

  12. William, How many transpeople were involved in making this movie? Why was the terminology that even a stogy enterprise as Associated Press doesn’t use in the title? Were there any transpeople that were portrayed that had jobs that didn’t involve selling their bodies? How about any who dressed in cloths that your average soccer mom would wear?
    This movie just feeds the ignorant stereotypes that have been far too long weighing down the acceptance of transpeople.
    Using murder as a plot for comedy is never appropriate. To attempt to ride on the sympathies of our sisters recent murders to promote this blather is reprehensible.

    1. first of all Antoinette, I’m Willam, not William.
      We had drivers, makeup, hair & wardrobe people who were trans. if you need their names, go watch the movie and check the credits. Most days they came to set with loose sundresses on to deal with the heat and ponytails. Regular clothes, no soccer mom jeans.

      Ignorance is defined as the inability to learn after being repeatedly taught. Who taught you to dress boring? I like hot looking women and transsexual who show off good bodies. Just because they do, doesn’t mean they’re selling themselves.

      Otherwise, you’d say Britney Spears is a prosti…oh wait. Nevermind.

      1. Willam, I hate to be so brash, but please STFU. I don’t need a gay man coming on to this blog to lecture me as a transwoman about how I should feel about the film.

  13. William, How many transpeople were involved in making this movie? Why was the terminology that even a stogy enterprise as Associated Press doesn’t use in the title? Were there any transpeople that were portrayed that had jobs that didn’t involve selling their bodies? How about any who dressed in cloths that your average soccer mom would wear?
    This movie just feeds the ignorant stereotypes that have been far too long weighing down the acceptance of transpeople.
    Using murder as a plot for comedy is never appropriate. To attempt to ride on the sympathies of our sisters recent murders to promote this blather is reprehensible.

    1. first of all Antoinette, I’m Willam, not William.
      We had drivers, makeup, hair & wardrobe people who were trans. if you need their names, go watch the movie and check the credits. Most days they came to set with loose sundresses on to deal with the heat and ponytails. Regular clothes, no soccer mom jeans.

      Ignorance is defined as the inability to learn after being repeatedly taught. Who taught you to dress boring? I like hot looking women and transsexual who show off good bodies. Just because they do, doesn’t mean they’re selling themselves.

      Otherwise, you’d say Britney Spears is a prosti…oh wait. Nevermind.

      1. Willam, I hate to be so brash, but please STFU. I don’t need a gay man coming on to this blog to lecture me as a transwoman about how I should feel about the film.

  14. They kicked me off the site too.
    oh well
    I’m in this movie and it’s awesome.
    GLAAD has flat out lies on their website. they knew about this movie a while ago. they weren’t “just alerted.” Out of the five leads, 3 are transsexual- and they were cool with everything in this movie other than filming in 110 degree heat in the texas summer. Wigs & Weave get hot.
    Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives is Kill Bill for the GLBT set and is scary where it should terrify, funny when there’s jokes (about appropriate material) and wham-bam-glam in the action sequences.

    1. Because three transsexuals said it was ok, doesn’t make it so. If an African American worked on Birth of a Nation and said it was ok to do so, would that make it ok? No. The points GLAAD make on their petition are spot on. You’ve not refuted ANYTHING that they said.

    2. There is actually a person in this movie who surprises me. But I strongly doubt that the 3 positives (which is hardly a community consensus) knew at the time the way Angie Zapata and others were going to be exploited. The one person I’d been momentarily acquainted with a lifetime ago was not very community-aware or involved, so may still not be up on the issues, either.

      1. As I said in other places, if Birth of a Nation included African American Actors who said it was ok to be in the movie, would that make it ok? No.

  15. They kicked me off the site too.
    oh well
    I’m in this movie and it’s awesome.
    GLAAD has flat out lies on their website. they knew about this movie a while ago. they weren’t “just alerted.” Out of the five leads, 3 are transsexual- and they were cool with everything in this movie other than filming in 110 degree heat in the texas summer. Wigs & Weave get hot.
    Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives is Kill Bill for the GLBT set and is scary where it should terrify, funny when there’s jokes (about appropriate material) and wham-bam-glam in the action sequences.

    1. Because three transsexuals said it was ok, doesn’t make it so. If an African American worked on Birth of a Nation and said it was ok to do so, would that make it ok? No. The points GLAAD make on their petition are spot on. You’ve not refuted ANYTHING that they said.

    2. There is actually a person in this movie who surprises me. But I strongly doubt that the 3 positives (which is hardly a community consensus) knew at the time the way Angie Zapata and others were going to be exploited. The one person I’d been momentarily acquainted with a lifetime ago was not very community-aware or involved, so may still not be up on the issues, either.

      1. As I said in other places, if Birth of a Nation included African American Actors who said it was ok to be in the movie, would that make it ok? No.

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