Watch: Buck Angel urges our community to support the Trans Disaster Relief Fund

August 30, 2017 ·

Buck Angel: “Not everyone is in a position to be treated respectfully so we must care for our own…”


  • Many members of the Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer community have lost everything.
  • Trans, intersex, and genderqueer individuals can experience extreme difficulties in natural disaster situations.
  • The TransAdvocate’s parent organization, the Transgender Foundation of America has organized a community disaster relief fund.
  • The fund will directly assist Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer survivors recover from this disaster.

Speaking about the Trans Disaster Relief Fund, Buck Angel urged the trans and supportive communities to support trans, intersex, and genderqueer community members survive Hurrican Harvey, “We must care for our own right now.”

Recent attacks by lawmakers have resulted in heightened hostility against local trans people. The Trans Disaster Relief Fund, will be used to help our historically underserved community recover from this catastrophic event. If needed, the fund will also assist with burial costs for community members who’ve lost their lives in this historic disaster.

The Texas Gulf Coast trans community is facing a catastrophic and ongoing natural disaster resulting from Hurricane Harvey which made landfall as a category 4 hurricane, becoming a massive and slow-moving tropical storm resulting in historic-levels of flooding. Numerous members of the trans community are displaced and have lost everything.



About the Transgender Foundation of America

Organized in 1998, the Transgender Foundation of America (TFA) is a Houston-based grassroots nonprofit organization that obtained its 501c3 nonprofit status (EIN: 76-0670632) in 2001. TFA was brought into existence through the hard work and support of its parent organization, the Gulf Coast Transgender Community (GCTC), which traces its roots back to 1965. In addition to TFA, GCTC was instrumental in organizing pioneering organizations like the Texas Association for Transsexual Support and historic events such as the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy. GCTC’s spirit lives on in the TFA mission of improving the quality of life for transgender people.

TFA facilitates numerous trans support groups and community events such as the Unity Banquet, now in its 25th year. Additionally, it maintains the Transgender Archive and provides annual scholarships to trans-supportive academics, represents trans health concerns with health departments across the nation, trains organizations, companies, and schools throughout the nation and pioneered trans homeless, social, and medical services.

About the TransAdvocate

Founded in 2002 the TransAdvocate is the leading source of original investigative news and nuanced commentary from a boots-on-the-ground trans advocate perspective. The TransAdvocate exists to give a voice to trans advocates in a new media environment. What sets the TransAdvocate apart is its commitment to publishing contextual pieces based upon original investigative effort. Specifically, the TransAdvocate focuses on watchdogging media tropes and misinformation that gains social currency. We’re willing to do what it takes to expose hate, especially when hate is being peddled as reason, faith, or journalism.

TransAdvocate is a member of the Houston Transgender Unity Committee (HTUC) and its archival materials are maintained by the Houston Transgender Archive. The TransAdvocate facilitates:

  • The Conversations Project (TCP), a historical project that seeks to bring attention to a decades-old intersectional trans, intersex, and genderqueer inclusive radical feminist tradition. TCP publishes an journal and is serialized at the Feminist Times.
  • TransAdvocate Brazil (TAB), a Brazil-focused Portuguese-languaged collective of trans and intersex activists reporting on issues affecting Brazilian trans and intersex people.


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