Q&A: Dealing with Gender Dysphoria

The TransAdvocate Q & A is where we answer your questions. If you’d like to submit a question, go to our contact page and send it in. Today’s question is: I’m pre-transition and my gender…

Dylan Forbis: Out Trans Man Running for Texas House!

We’ve seen out trans people running and winning elections throughout the nation recently and today the TransAdvocate welcomes our guest host Dylan Forbis, an out trans man running for a seat in the Texas House!…

Why they ALWAYS talk bathrooms

The TransAdvocate produced a short documentary to examine the political right’s propensity to focus on bathrooms when it comes to trans equality. The reality is, the political right always focuses on bathrooms, privacy, and sexual…

TransAdvocate 101

Having observed numerous conversations predicated on fundamental misunderstandings concerning trans advocacy, I put together this TransAdvocate 101 to compliment our Trans 101. If cis and trans advocate communities wish to better communicate, we need a foundation…

Remembering who we are

You can hear anti-queer people bloviating nonstop about who they think we are and after a while, this psychological erasure is can take its toll. Today we remember who we are with: A new segment…

Recognizing the Right Wing Playbook

While we’ve seen it before, we sometimes don’t see the political forest for the trees. The TransAdvocate crew reviews both local and national news and Dr. Gillian Frank helps us recognize the political tactics that…

We answer your questions

It turns out that basically everyone running the anti-trans campaign against Houston’s equal right’s ordinance is a sexual harasser, pedophile, or sex abuse apologist. Also, we answer your questions in our 2017 year-end special! On…