If transgendering is a thing, then so is cisgendering

Anti-trans sex essentialist activists love to pretend that “transgender” is a verb for the same reason anti-gay activists like to pretend “gay” is also a verb. If being gay or trans is a mere matter…

Is Briscoe “Gun Nut” Cain a closet queen?

If you know anything about the queer community, you’re familiar with the stereotype of the closeted dude who lives a lie by pretending to be Mr. Manly Man. You know, the guy who can’t shut…

Sorry haters, Americans increasingly support trans people

Amid rollbacks of federal protections for transgender individuals, a new survey finds Americans have grown increasingly more supportive of rights for transgender people. Sixty-two percent of Americans say they have become more supportive of rights…

Transition causes strokes! Or you know, not.

The newest claim making the sex essentialist activist rounds is that transition will probably cause you to have a stroke or heart attack. TERFs and other sex essentialist activists, from the political right to the…

TERF suing Twitter for special right to harass trans women

Meghan Murphy, a Canadian TERF, is suing Twitter for the special right to harass trans women on Twitter. Murphy is represented by Republican operative and past editor of the Heritage Foundation’s Policy Review magazine, Harmeet K Dhillon. Joining Murphy’s…