Unity and Hope

March 26, 2007 ·

In my recent post, Rose Colored Glasses, I had quite a few people respond here and on livejournal. Anyone familiar with the history of the trans-community and HRC (Human Rights Campaign) will know how contentious that relationship has been over the years.

In March of 2001 the board of directors changed their mission statement to include transgender people. In the six years since our inclusion it’s been an uphill battle to get HRC to actually include transgender people in their legislative efforts. It took HRC three years to only support a trans-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). That inclusion didn’t come easily. It had become such an issue in the summer of 2004, that number or organizations (NCTE, NTAC, Pride at Work, Transsexual Menace, and many others) planned the “Unity Rally for Transgender Rights.”ethan.jpg (photo by debra kate)

The protest climaxed with Cheryl Jaques announcing the the HRC board of directors had decided to only support inclusive ENDA legislation. She said:

“we are strongest as a community when we are united and that’s why we need the strongest and most unifying protections.”

Many transactivists assumed that this proclamation meant HRC was making a commitment to only support transgender inclusive legislation. This assumption was proven incorrect with the introduction of the hate crimes bill into the US Senate in 2005. HRC stood by this version and actively lobbied for its passage.

In researching my post for “Rose Colored Glasses” I found a post by HRC Donna Rose, entitled “Trans-formed.” She said

“I specifically know of one “trans-activist” who is angry about this news. Like a one-trick pony, this person is angry at everyone and everything supportive of the Human Rights Campaign.” She continued “These people don’t speak for me. Their anger is not my anger. Their outdated style of in-your-face, flame-throwing, loudmouth activism is not my style. In my opinion they do more damage than good and are proof that the notion of any activism is better than NO activism is not true. The fact that much of this positive movement is happening isn’t because of their efforts, it’s despite them.”

The comments to “Rose Colored Glasses” from HRC employees made me very hopeful. I was assured that the “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act” (LLEHCPA – H.R. 1592) would be trans-inclusive. It was also relayed to me that the same language is going to be used in the Senate version of the bill. Since then, I’ve been in contact with David Stacy, HRC’s Senior Public Policy Advocate. He promised to forward me the language of the bill. Friday evening I received the language… of the 2005 bill. I’ve asked him if the language of the bill was exactly the same as the 2005 bill, and he’s said the language is “the same” and “identical.”

I’m curious as to why the language that has already been introduced can’t be shown to the media (mainstream or not). If it’s trans-inclusive and there is interest within the community to see the language, I don’t really understand why releasing the language before it comes out on Thomas is such a big deal.

I’d say to Donna Rose that we don’t hate HRC. We are just very suspicious of a group that’s been very reluctant to carry out its mission statement concerning us. I hope that in the future she’s able to look past her own issues and see that we are not the enemy. I hope that she’ll see that her HRC cheerleading is just as much of a “one trick pony” as” HRC hating.” I hope that she’ll realize that we are all working toward the same thing. I hope she’ll realize it’s ok to use female pronouns when referring to me in the future. I’m cautiously optimistic, about HRC and Donna Rose.
Oh, and I have one last hope; I hope Charlie Brown finally gets to kick that damn ball.

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  1. ah yes… i recall that picture. i was there 🙂

    who the fuck gives a shit about donna rose, anyway?

  2. ah yes… i recall that picture. i was there 🙂

    who the fuck gives a shit about donna rose, anyway?

  3. On Donna Rose, & other Expatriates of Unequivocal Equality….

    Oh, yes, when it comes to Donna Roses commitment, and sworn allegiance to the Human Rights Campaign, I just chalk it up to her poor vision of the past, present, & future prescriptions, of her Rose Colored Glasses.

    I’ve found it exceedingly easy to offend hypocrites, and thus shake them from their stoic perches.
    It just takes a little bit of truth to power, and the courage to be unpopular.

    Donna, apparently likes the “popularity status” over us commoners, as she joins others once oppressed, as now being the oppressors.

    Love, Peace, Equality, & Solidarity ~

    ~Mekah Gordon, Ph.D., L. E.~
    Advocate/Activist – Consummate Optimist & Visionary – Educator/Consultant – Freelance Writer-TG Issues – Regional Editor of Santa Fe/For The Normal Heart Newspaper – Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman

    Founder/Director ~
    S. U. R. E. Foundation®

    22 Juego Rd.
    Santa Fe, NM 87508-4298

    *In order to achieve the same rights, without compromise, there are NO other options, than Unequivocal Equality.
    ~ Mekah Gordon

    *The word, “Tolerance,” no matter how you bend it, twist it, or turn it inside out,”Reeks” of Discrimination.
    “RESPECT,” however, eradicates implicitness for bigotry, hate, prejudice, and judgment.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *No One on this planet, should ever have, or be granted the power, right, nor stand in judgment, of anyone’s Basic Human Civil Rights, by enforcing through Constitutional Decree, or otherwise, whom one should love, and marry, NO ONE!
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *It’s the Tenacity, Persistence, Fortitude, & Faith, that’s perennial, in those of us, who refuse to give up, in our pursuit for Equality, & Basic Human Civil Rights.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *Transitionally Speaking: Quotes, From a Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman
    © 2007 Mekah Gordon, All Rights Reserved

  4. On Donna Rose, & other Expatriates of Unequivocal Equality….

    Oh, yes, when it comes to Donna Roses commitment, and sworn allegiance to the Human Rights Campaign, I just chalk it up to her poor vision of the past, present, & future prescriptions, of her Rose Colored Glasses.

    I’ve found it exceedingly easy to offend hypocrites, and thus shake them from their stoic perches.
    It just takes a little bit of truth to power, and the courage to be unpopular.

    Donna, apparently likes the “popularity status” over us commoners, as she joins others once oppressed, as now being the oppressors.

    Love, Peace, Equality, & Solidarity ~

    ~Mekah Gordon, Ph.D., L. E.~
    Advocate/Activist – Consummate Optimist & Visionary – Educator/Consultant – Freelance Writer-TG Issues – Regional Editor of Santa Fe/For The Normal Heart Newspaper – Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman

    Founder/Director ~
    S. U. R. E. Foundation®

    22 Juego Rd.
    Santa Fe, NM 87508-4298

    *In order to achieve the same rights, without compromise, there are NO other options, than Unequivocal Equality.
    ~ Mekah Gordon

    *The word, “Tolerance,” no matter how you bend it, twist it, or turn it inside out,”Reeks” of Discrimination.
    “RESPECT,” however, eradicates implicitness for bigotry, hate, prejudice, and judgment.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *No One on this planet, should ever have, or be granted the power, right, nor stand in judgment, of anyone’s Basic Human Civil Rights, by enforcing through Constitutional Decree, or otherwise, whom one should love, and marry, NO ONE!
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *It’s the Tenacity, Persistence, Fortitude, & Faith, that’s perennial, in those of us, who refuse to give up, in our pursuit for Equality, & Basic Human Civil Rights.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *Transitionally Speaking: Quotes, From a Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman
    © 2007 Mekah Gordon, All Rights Reserved

  5. The HRC began it’s foundation for “Equality” on the Broken Bones, Scared, Beaten Bodies, of those present, during the Stonewall Riots of 1969, in NYC. Leaders on the front lines, were primarily Drag Queens, & Transfolk, who were constantly being peppered with discrimination, Bigotry, & Hate, from the local PD Precincts in, and around Greenwich Village.

    Ever since I can remember, I have been inquiring to the HRC, concerning what percentage of their “Equality” donations, are allotted to the Transgender Community?I have never received an answer!

    In addition to all of this, the HRC has sent me everything available, including their expenditure, donation figures, in reference to my inquiry. There is nothing listed, under Transgender.

    The Human Rights Campaign, loves to publish books, about everything under the Rainbow Umbrella. Alone, that is commendable, but not enough, to secure their foothold, for genuine Unequivocal Equality, for all our Trans Brothers and Sisters.

    We don’t need Lip Service, & Written Pamphlets to satisfy our demand to be fully, & honestly recognized. The HRC, needs to Walk their Talk, and present hard copy evidence, that they are 110% behind our right to exist.

    Let them stand up in front of a Congressional Hearing, on the Hill, & proclaim their steadfast, & unmovable support, for the Transgender Population, they continuously profess, as being, “Equal.”

    I, along with many other Transgender activists, & advocates, throughout this Country, are consistently striving, for the honest recognition of “Equality,” from the Human Rights Campaign.

    I can only equate their “movement,” to one that has been consistently constipated!

    The HRC, has long been in the forefront of GLB(t) Equality, but anyone who believes that they are “champions” of the Transgender Community, must remove those Rose Colored Glasses, Immediately!

    There are many Transgender Organizations, including my own, the S. U. R. E. Foundation, who have called the HRC’s hand, asking for written confirmation, that they stand 100% for Trans Equality. To this day, I, nor have any other Transgender Organization, have ever received anything in writing, confirming HRC’s concrete commitment to TG Equality!

    Joe Solmonese, is just another “lackey” for the establishment, not willing to “pry loose ” the Gay & Lesbian death grip, that this organization was founded on. Until someone, gets the “Balls” to challenge the hierarchy of the HRC, and make them accountable for their empty stance on “Equality,” in addition to what portion of their “Donations” go towards the Transgender Community, then supporting them for anything, is not in the cards!

    Love, Peace, Equality, & Solidarity ~

    ~Mekah Gordon, Ph.D., L. E.~
    Advocate/Activist – Consummate Optimist & Visionary – Educator/Consultant – Freelance Writer-TG Issues – Regional Editor of Santa Fe/For The Normal Heart Newspaper – Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman

    Founder/Director ~
    S. U. R. E. Foundation®

    22 Juego Rd.
    Santa Fe, NM 87508-4298

    *The word, “Tolerance,” no matter how you bend it, twist it, or turn it inside out,”Reeks” of Discrimination.
    “RESPECT,” however, eradicates implicitness for bigotry, hate, prejudice, and judgment.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *No One on this planet, should ever have, or be granted the power, right, nor stand in judgment, of anyone’s Basic Human Civil Rights, by enforcing through Constitutional Decree, or otherwise, whom one should love, and marry, NO ONE!
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *It’s the Tenacity, Persistence, Fortitude, & Faith, that’s perennial, in those of us, who refuse to give up, in our pursuit for Equality, & Basic Human Civil Rights.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *Transitionally Speaking: Quotes, From a Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman
    © 2007 Mekah Gordon, All Rights Reserved

  6. The HRC began it’s foundation for “Equality” on the Broken Bones, Scared, Beaten Bodies, of those present, during the Stonewall Riots of 1969, in NYC. Leaders on the front lines, were primarily Drag Queens, & Transfolk, who were constantly being peppered with discrimination, Bigotry, & Hate, from the local PD Precincts in, and around Greenwich Village.

    Ever since I can remember, I have been inquiring to the HRC, concerning what percentage of their “Equality” donations, are allotted to the Transgender Community?I have never received an answer!

    In addition to all of this, the HRC has sent me everything available, including their expenditure, donation figures, in reference to my inquiry. There is nothing listed, under Transgender.

    The Human Rights Campaign, loves to publish books, about everything under the Rainbow Umbrella. Alone, that is commendable, but not enough, to secure their foothold, for genuine Unequivocal Equality, for all our Trans Brothers and Sisters.

    We don’t need Lip Service, & Written Pamphlets to satisfy our demand to be fully, & honestly recognized. The HRC, needs to Walk their Talk, and present hard copy evidence, that they are 110% behind our right to exist.

    Let them stand up in front of a Congressional Hearing, on the Hill, & proclaim their steadfast, & unmovable support, for the Transgender Population, they continuously profess, as being, “Equal.”

    I, along with many other Transgender activists, & advocates, throughout this Country, are consistently striving, for the honest recognition of “Equality,” from the Human Rights Campaign.

    I can only equate their “movement,” to one that has been consistently constipated!

    The HRC, has long been in the forefront of GLB(t) Equality, but anyone who believes that they are “champions” of the Transgender Community, must remove those Rose Colored Glasses, Immediately!

    There are many Transgender Organizations, including my own, the S. U. R. E. Foundation, who have called the HRC’s hand, asking for written confirmation, that they stand 100% for Trans Equality. To this day, I, nor have any other Transgender Organization, have ever received anything in writing, confirming HRC’s concrete commitment to TG Equality!

    Joe Solmonese, is just another “lackey” for the establishment, not willing to “pry loose ” the Gay & Lesbian death grip, that this organization was founded on. Until someone, gets the “Balls” to challenge the hierarchy of the HRC, and make them accountable for their empty stance on “Equality,” in addition to what portion of their “Donations” go towards the Transgender Community, then supporting them for anything, is not in the cards!

    Love, Peace, Equality, & Solidarity ~

    ~Mekah Gordon, Ph.D., L. E.~
    Advocate/Activist – Consummate Optimist & Visionary – Educator/Consultant – Freelance Writer-TG Issues – Regional Editor of Santa Fe/For The Normal Heart Newspaper – Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman

    Founder/Director ~
    S. U. R. E. Foundation®

    22 Juego Rd.
    Santa Fe, NM 87508-4298

    *The word, “Tolerance,” no matter how you bend it, twist it, or turn it inside out,”Reeks” of Discrimination.
    “RESPECT,” however, eradicates implicitness for bigotry, hate, prejudice, and judgment.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *No One on this planet, should ever have, or be granted the power, right, nor stand in judgment, of anyone’s Basic Human Civil Rights, by enforcing through Constitutional Decree, or otherwise, whom one should love, and marry, NO ONE!
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *It’s the Tenacity, Persistence, Fortitude, & Faith, that’s perennial, in those of us, who refuse to give up, in our pursuit for Equality, & Basic Human Civil Rights.
    ~Mekah Gordon

    *Transitionally Speaking: Quotes, From a Pioneering, Frontier Renaissance Woman
    © 2007 Mekah Gordon, All Rights Reserved

  7. So it’s not completely clear from your post, but was the actual language trans inclusive afterall?

  8. So it’s not completely clear from your post, but was the actual language trans inclusive afterall?