Just wondering…

March 26, 2007 ·

Why has GLAAD make such a big deal about Ann Coulter’s slur of John Edwards and the Superbowl candy bar commercial, but has been silent on Michael Savage’s rampage against transgender men and women.

Their front page features this:


But where is the same call to action against those stations that carry Savage? His comments are MUCH WORSE than anything that has come out of the mouth of Coulter.


SAVAGE: The wages of sin are death. You’re gonna cut off your willy, you’re gonna walk around in women’s clothes, you’re gonna hook — you’re gonna wind up dead under a freeway, Johnson. It’s not gonna be an HBO special about your travails, and how surgery made you a happy woman.

I never understand these people. Guy is 55 years old, he had three children, he discovers there was a woman within, and he goes — shots and hormones, three years of hormones, and live like a woman. And then you gotta dress like a woman for two years. And then they go to a psychopathic, sadistic doctor who does the thing for them. No more in Denmark — I mean, the capital of it is somewhere in Colorado, of course, near Columbine. You wonder why the kids shoot each other there with black raincoats. But that’s the sex change capital of the world — in America, rather — is somewhere in Colorado; they cut off the willies and they put on the willies, depending on whether you’re a Johnny or a Jane.

And apparently it costs more to put a willy on than it does to take a willy off. I’ve always said if a city’s gonna pay for this kind of insane self-mutilation, the least they could do is put a willy on ice. I mean, if they’re taking a perfectly good willy off a guy, why throw it in the garbage? Put it on ice, save it for the next time one of these psycho women in the city wants to be willied, I mean wants to be a John when she’s a Jane. Because it costs like 40 grand to put one on and 20 grand to take one off. I would say you can do a mean price of 30 grand if they could start saving the willies from these psychos. But that’s a separate story. I’m into cost saving at all costs. – transcript and audio via Media Matters here.”

or this: https://www.transadvocate.com/files/2007/03/savage-20070321.mp3

SAVAGE: And then they go into “she said transgender victims” going on and on “extremely violent” going on and on “are frequently left partially clothed or completely nude, it’s making a statement and humiliating the victim,” blah-blah-blah. I am so beyond fed up with freaks. I live in freak city. You know, I don’t mind freaks. I used to go to Ringling Brothers when I was a little kid, and the freak show was my favorite part of the circus. I didn’t go there to mock them. I liked to see the one-breasted man. I liked to see the mustached woman. But when I wake up as an adult and I find out that they’re actually all Democrats today, passing themselves off as normal, I’m sorry, someone’s gotta say this is a freak show, time out. And what’s this sympathy, constant sympathy for sexually confused people? Why should we have constant sympathy for people who are freaks in every society? I didn’t say hurt the freaks. I didn’t say do anything to the freaks.

But you know what? You’re never gonna make me respect the freak. I don’t want to respect the freak. The freak ought to be glad that they’re allowed to walk around without begging for something. You know, I’m sick and tired of the whole country begging, bending over backwards for the junkie, the freak, the pervert, the illegal immigrant. All of them are better than everybody else. Sick. Everything is upside down. – transcript and audio via Media Matters here.”

Where is the outrage?

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  1. Dunno, Samie, there’s a couple of awfully big billboards for Savage even in Portland, OR–and ads on the buses. That’s widespread ClearChannel promotion.

    Everyone keeps saying, “Well, what do you expect?” I expect my supposed allies to be concerned that Michael Savage’s 8 million listeners are nodding along with this, is what I expect–but as other commenters have noted, I’ve never expected the mainstream gay advocacy groups to do nything for us. We look too much like the next yard down on the slippery slope.

  2. Maybe it’s because Savage isn’t being supported by other major news organizations like Coulter is. Other than that, yes, GLAAD and HRC don’t do much for the trans community.

    I just want to know: where can a transman get bottom surgery for 30 grand?

  3. Maybe it’s because Savage isn’t being supported by other major news organizations like Coulter is. Other than that, yes, GLAAD and HRC don’t do much for the trans community.

    I just want to know: where can a transman get bottom surgery for 30 grand?

  4. And this is why I do not contribute a penny to mainstream GL organizations (nor will I call them GLBT, until I see them taking the concerns of bisexual and trans people seriously).

    Just like the Democratic party uses GL folk as an ATM and then throws them under the bus, so do GLAAD, HRC, and their ilk use trans and bisexual people as their ATM, and then throw us under the bus.

  5. And this is why I do not contribute a penny to mainstream GL organizations (nor will I call them GLBT, until I see them taking the concerns of bisexual and trans people seriously).

    Just like the Democratic party uses GL folk as an ATM and then throws them under the bus, so do GLAAD, HRC, and their ilk use trans and bisexual people as their ATM, and then throw us under the bus.

  6. I was outraged when I heard of this, but in all honesty I didn’t even know who Savage was before this. I also have no idea how to do anything about it. If you know of a way to help, please, post it.

  7. I was outraged when I heard of this, but in all honesty I didn’t even know who Savage was before this. I also have no idea how to do anything about it. If you know of a way to help, please, post it.