July 28, 2007 ·

The following video is from ” Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour”

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

At the end of the video, I caught a glimpse of this:


This kind of display dispels the notion by some in the civil rights community that GLBT people aren’t being dehumanized.

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  1. Actually after viewing the website, I’m surprised that the t-shirt is as coherent as it is. Even though that National Zoo comment seems like a non sequitur, the leaps of logic on the site are staggering, even from the perspective of a theistic trans person like myself. I’m always baffled at how such hate can sound like love to them. I know the argument, they think its like being rude and loud in your efforts to warn people to get out of a burning house. Its the right thing to do in their mind. But if the house is NOT on fire, then you are just a nuisance and an idiot. There can be no debate, as Marti has pointed out elsewhere, when their words contain nothing but dogma and opinion. Its like the noise of a braying animal. Hmmm kind of like the ones in the National Zoo.

  2. Actually after viewing the website, I’m surprised that the t-shirt is as coherent as it is. Even though that National Zoo comment seems like a non sequitur, the leaps of logic on the site are staggering, even from the perspective of a theistic trans person like myself. I’m always baffled at how such hate can sound like love to them. I know the argument, they think its like being rude and loud in your efforts to warn people to get out of a burning house. Its the right thing to do in their mind. But if the house is NOT on fire, then you are just a nuisance and an idiot. There can be no debate, as Marti has pointed out elsewhere, when their words contain nothing but dogma and opinion. Its like the noise of a braying animal. Hmmm kind of like the ones in the National Zoo.

  3. I’ve long said that the reason they like to say, “What’s next after gay marriage, people marrying dogs?” is because the comparison of homosexuality (and other transgressive sexuality) to bestiality is a logical and natural one; i.e. to them, we are not human.

    We have to treat this as a war, because that is how they are treating it, and that is how they are treating us.

  4. I’ve long said that the reason they like to say, “What’s next after gay marriage, people marrying dogs?” is because the comparison of homosexuality (and other transgressive sexuality) to bestiality is a logical and natural one; i.e. to them, we are not human.

    We have to treat this as a war, because that is how they are treating it, and that is how they are treating us.

  5. It is an attempt at dehumanization, of course, but I’m actually analyzing the statement – yes, I know, applying logic, etc., to what they say and do is like abusing a helpless, diseased weasel – and I’d like them to explain exactly what they mean.

    Are they saying that same-sex sexual activity between two humans will yield non-human offspring – and these are what are on display at the zoo? Or vice versa? Are they acknowledging that same-sex sexual activity does exist in all species and is simply on display for all to see at the zoo?

    Honestly, based solely on the words on that t-shirt, I would have no idea what they were actually trying to say.

  6. It is an attempt at dehumanization, of course, but I’m actually analyzing the statement – yes, I know, applying logic, etc., to what they say and do is like abusing a helpless, diseased weasel – and I’d like them to explain exactly what they mean.

    Are they saying that same-sex sexual activity between two humans will yield non-human offspring – and these are what are on display at the zoo? Or vice versa? Are they acknowledging that same-sex sexual activity does exist in all species and is simply on display for all to see at the zoo?

    Honestly, based solely on the words on that t-shirt, I would have no idea what they were actually trying to say.