
April 3, 2007 ·

I found this picture on TransgenderAsia:


It’s of Tonette Lopez, a Filipino/Asian transactivist. It’s is full of so much strength and resolve it makes me want to stand up and scream HELL YES. Read more about her here.

Rest in peace Tonette. Even a year after your death you still inspire people.

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  1. [quote comment=””]Leo, you knew her? Please contact me[/quote]

    yes, i met tonette for the first time in 2002 in a seminar in Cebu city. and then i met her in 2005 when my two female friends were married in panglao, bohol. i invited her to perform the wedding ceremony… we spent the night talking all sundry…. 🙂

  2. [quote comment=””]Leo, you knew her? Please contact me[/quote]

    yes, i met tonette for the first time in 2002 in a seminar in Cebu city. and then i met her in 2005 when my two female friends were married in panglao, bohol. i invited her to perform the wedding ceremony… we spent the night talking all sundry…. 🙂

  3. There’s a new transgendered detective in a book called Scott Free by Vin Packer, published by Carroll/Graff. The main character is an MTF. I hope you like it. Vin Packer

  4. There’s a new transgendered detective in a book called Scott Free by Vin Packer, published by Carroll/Graff. The main character is an MTF. I hope you like it. Vin Packer