What’s In A Word? Context, Ya Fag!

I know I have this obsession with words. I’ve never particularly liked Queerty.com because it’s posts on transfolk generally border on bad taste/transphobia. The most recent edition sports this headline: When I think of the…

Confessions of A Ex-Ex-Transgender

You’ve probably heard of the ex-gay movement. You may have even heard of the ex-ex-gay movement. Odds are slim that you know anyone that is ex-transgender. But have you ever known anyone that is ex-ex-transgender?…

Same Ole “Ball and Crain” Dreams

“I know some of my transgender sisters question my commitment to their equality, but let me be the first (I think) to point out where the top-three Democrats on in inclusion of gender identiy in…

Words Mean Things: You’ve Been Transgendered!

When I hear “This is my friend _____ , she’s transgendered”, I cringe. It may seem innocuous, but using the word “transgendered” indicates that being transgender is something you have done to you. Imagine someone…

A Week of Direct Advocacy

If nothing else, last week was historic in that the three major transgender advocacy organizations (National Transgender Advocacy Coalition, National Center for Transgender Equality, and the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition) brought in citizen lobbyists to…

The T Isn’t Silent, But HRC Is

It’s coming up on two years ago that I wrote an “Open Letter to Cheryl Jacques.” A month after I posted my open letter, Jacques greeted transgender protesters outside of Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) offices…

Transgender Lobby Week

Off to lobby Congress! I’m not sure how much I’ll blog, but I plan on having audio and video to put up at some point, depending on where I can connect and upload from 🙂