Transgender Lobby Week May 14, 2007 · Marti Abernathey Off to lobby Congress! I’m not sure how much I’ll blog, but I plan on having audio and video to put up at some point, depending on where I can connect and upload from 🙂 In category:Opinion Tags:activism Congress lobbying transgender Next Post Words Mean Things: You’ve Been Transgendered! When I hear "This is my friend _____ , she's transgendered", I cringe. It may seem innocuous, but using the word "transgendered" indicates that being transgender is something you have done to you. Imagine someone saying "this is my friend… Read Previous Post The Ghost of Chris Crain: Gayjacking the Hate Crimes Bill When Chris Crain left his position at Window Media, I thought the voice of "transjack" was dead. I couldn't have been more wrong. Today the Washington Blade published an op-ed by a long time Democratic gay activist and Washington D.C.… Read Random Post Pride 2009: We Yelled, They Screamed. But Did Anyone 'Hear' Us? "When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream.” — John Lennon It was one for the ages. Forty years… Read Random Post As #LeelahAlcorn's mom talks to CNN, Leelah's Reddit posts come back to haunt her While her mom talks to CNN to profess her love and support, Leelah's Reddit posts paint a homelife defined by bullying and fear. Much has been written about Leelah Alcorn's suicide note* which identifies conversion therapy and unsupportive parents as… Read Random Post I Ain’t Got No-Body (I wrote this post a while ago, but forgot to put it up.) Call it synchronicity or blind luck, but at times multiple posts converge into one line of thinking for me. The Kim Nixon case is one such intersection.… Read Random Post Fear And Loathing Between My Legs: Navigating Medicaid Coverage of SRS Obamacare Vagina: Navigating Medicaid Coverage of SRS, Part One By Rani Baker @destroyed4com4t I sat there, gently squooshing around silicone breast implant like a stress ball. Sqoosh, squoosh, feeling the weight of the rubbery tomato-shape in my hand. My surgeon… Read It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature). It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature). Marti, Glad I finally got to meet you. Was a pleasure lobbying with you in Julia Carson’s office. Marti, Glad I finally got to meet you. Was a pleasure lobbying with you in Julia Carson’s office. Hey Marti- I *finally* did not do the ‘get 5 hours sleep before running up to the Hill’ routine! Hey Marti- I *finally* did not do the ‘get 5 hours sleep before running up to the Hill’ routine!
It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature).
It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature).
It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature).
It was great to meet you too. I hope that I didn’t seem too anti-social…I just had lots of visits I needed to make (of a personal nature).
Glad I finally got to meet you. Was a pleasure lobbying with you in Julia Carson’s office.
Glad I finally got to meet you. Was a pleasure lobbying with you in Julia Carson’s office.
Hey Marti- I *finally* did not do the ‘get 5 hours sleep before running up to the Hill’ routine!
Hey Marti- I *finally* did not do the ‘get 5 hours sleep before running up to the Hill’ routine!