Podcast: Resist & Rebuild – Getting it Done!

We’re always hearing how we’re supposed to “RESIST.” What can that look like when you live in the Deep South in Trump’s America or when your community just faced a historic natural disaster? Find out…

African Voices: Well behaved women rarely make history

Well behaved women rarely make history: A Botswana transgender woman made history after filling a monumental constitutional case against the government for refusing to legally change her gender marker. By Miles Tanhira In her High court…

On the Ethics and Utility of Violence

After the property damage at the University of Berkeley by protesters opposed to Milo Yiannopolous speaking there, many within the movement have condemned the violence. They argue that the violence plays into a narrative constructed…

Women’s privacy is under attack

You may have heard that a clothing-optional spa in Toronto turned away a trans woman and that has caused a stir. What you may not understand is why she was turned away. Articles explaining the…

The Real Housewives of Gilead

The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t as Fictional as you Thought For most Americans, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is a novel about a dystopian future where women are chattel whose only purpose is to procreate….

The TransAdvocate takes action at the Texas Capitol

On March 13, 2017, the TransAdvocate will meet with numerous members of the Texas Legislature –both Democratic and Republican– concerning anti-LGBTQIA bills recently filed during this legislative session. Particularly of concern for both the trans…