What happens when PJI is confronted by parents?

The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is the ex-gay organization that stirred up the right-wing word by claiming that a trans kid (who I will refer to as Jane Doe, for reasons of safety) in Colorado was harassing cisgender girls in…

Creating a world without fear

TW: transphobic violence Like a lot of people, I was transphobic when I was younger. Society had conditioned me to be. There were men and there were women, and anyone who didn’t fit into the…

Open Letter To My Black Transbrothers

  Dear Transbrothers, Ever since I met Alexander John Goodrum at the 1999 Creating Change in Oakland I have been in love with y’all and was moved today to declare it publicly. I have had…

Sometimes it doesn’t get better

Sometimes it doesn’t get better, sometimes life shit on you until you break and there’s nothing you can do. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it gets better because it might…

Trans Radio Theater: Poe Comedy With A Purpose

From the Houston trans community comes this comedy gem: A poe is someone who parodies fundamentalism in such a way that it is ridiculous yet simultaneously difficult to tell if the media is real or…

Jenifer Announces Her Run For Houston City Council

She’s been hard at work at it for several months, but yesterday Jenifer Rene Pool made it official and announced her candidacy for the Houston City Council At Large Position 3 seat on the steps…