Breaking News: First Ever Transgender Appointment To The DNC

September 4, 2009 ·

On Friday DNC Chair Tim Kaine appointed Barbra Casbar-Siperstein ( the first transgender person appointed) to the Democratic National Committee.

Casbar-Siperstein is currently the President of the New Jersey Stonewall Democrats, Vice Chair of Garden State Equality, and  Political Director of the Gender Rights Advocacy Association of NJ.  She  was a voting delegate to the 2004 Democratic National Convention. In 2005-2006, she served on Governor – elect Corzine’s Labor and Workforce Development Transition Advisory Board.

More details to follow.

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  1. Congratulations to Ms Casbar-Siperstein! Now to the Republicans. (I am neither though.)

    Considering Marissa Richmond passed around press releases via TTPC in 2008 claiming she was the first Trans on the DNC, I had to laugh. As Marti knows, Marissa was 1 of 6? Trans delegates from various states for 2008 Presidential elections but (as stated above) Diego, as an FTM, was the first Trans on a Convention Committee and is now working for Barney Frank. Each step up is a huge step forward, its just great to have REAL steps up instead of just trumped up press releases.

  2. Congratulations to Ms Casbar-Siperstein! Now to the Republicans. (I am neither though.)

    Considering Marissa Richmond passed around press releases via TTPC in 2008 claiming she was the first Trans on the DNC, I had to laugh. As Marti knows, Marissa was 1 of 6? Trans delegates from various states for 2008 Presidential elections but (as stated above) Diego, as an FTM, was the first Trans on a Convention Committee and is now working for Barney Frank. Each step up is a huge step forward, its just great to have REAL steps up instead of just trumped up press releases.

  3. Congratulations to Ms Casbar-Siperstein! Now to the Republicans. (I am neither though.)

    Considering Marissa Richmond passed around press releases via TTPC in 2008 claiming she was the first Trans on the DNC, I had to laugh. As Marti knows, Marissa was 1 of 6? Trans delegates from various states for 2008 Presidential elections but (as stated above) Diego, as an FTM, was the first Trans on a Convention Committee and is now working for Barney Frank. Each step up is a huge step forward, its just great to have REAL steps up instead of just trumped up press releases.

  4. Great News. I am so glad to see Barbra is on the DNC. I am currently on the Democratic Party of Brown County, Wisconsin’s . Administrative Counsel. This news makes me very happy.

  5. Great News. I am so glad to see Barbra is on the DNC. I am currently on the Democratic Party of Brown County, Wisconsin’s . Administrative Counsel. This news makes me very happy.

  6. Congratulations to Babs !!

    Lets not forget that Deigo was elected to the 2008 DNC Platform Committee and At-large Delegate and thus the first transgender community member appointed to Convention Committee by DNC Chairman Howard Dean.

  7. Congratulations to Babs !!

    Lets not forget that Deigo was elected to the 2008 DNC Platform Committee and At-large Delegate and thus the first transgender community member appointed to Convention Committee by DNC Chairman Howard Dean.

  8. This is excellent news. Babs will be great representation for our community. She certainly knows how to work the system and her endgame is never in doubt.

  9. This is excellent news. Babs will be great representation for our community. She certainly knows how to work the system and her endgame is never in doubt.

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