The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is the ex-gay organization that stirred up the right-wing word by claiming that a trans kid (who I will refer to as Jane Doe, for reasons of safety) in Colorado was harassing cisgender girls in the restrooms. Right wing media outlets jumped at the story without conducting any fact checking, prompting members of the right wing community to call for the death of the trans kid.
Last week, PJI made the following statement on the notorious right-wing site, World Daily News:
Transgender activists are largely dismissing this story, claiming the girls are likely either trying to get the male student in trouble because they don’t like him or concocting stories of harassment because of opposition to the policy. McReynolds is not buying the argument that this is much ado about nothing.
“If there were nothing to this, I don’t think the school district would be currently conducting a law enforcement investigation, which is what they’re doing,” he said. “Beyond that, you’ve got to ask yourself, when you have somebody who is acting very peculiarly to say the least, sometimes dressing as a girl and sometimes dressing as a boy, why are we indulging that and making everybody else pretend like that is normal, when clearly it’s not?”
The speed with which issues like this have emerged throughout our culture even surprises McReynolds, but he said the warnings against enabling this movement are already coming true.
McReynolds made this statement to support his bogus claim that Jane Doe is a predator.
I contacted the Florence, Colorado police department today:
At the present time there is no investigation in regards to this matter. – Florence Police Department
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[…] idea that allowing Trans* students to use facilities that coincide with their gender identity is dangerous, the PJI has launched a full campaign against the new law and the students it was meant to […]
[…] they asserted that the town police were investigating Jane Doe for criminal behavior. That also turned out to be false.* In fact, I interviewed the anti-queer group and debunked numerous talking points that they […]
[…] claimed that police were conducting a criminal investigation into the trans kid’s behavior, that claim was debunked. Missing from PJI’s video is any mention of the fact the town of Florence, Colorado resents […]
[…] of the board of Jelly Belly. (Alas, my favorite jelly beans are now tainted!) I didn’t point to reports that signature gatherers pushing for repeal have allegedly (well, it is caught on tape) been lying […]
[…] corporations like Jelly Belly (alas, my favorite jelly beans are now tainted!). I didn’t point to reports that signature gatherers pushing for repeal have allegedly (well, it is caught on tape…) been […]
I think these people may be possessed by demons….
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Proverbs 14:5
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies