If its an Effort to Undermine Trans Progress, You Can Bet There’s a Gay Marylander Behind it

March 25, 2011 ·

And so, apparently HB 235, the Maryland trans bill that no trans people who actually need the practical protections of civil rights law actually want, has been ramrodded through the House Health Government and Operations Committee with amendments.

And yet…

The people in Maryland who will be permanently othered by the bill – not to mention the people in other states who will be othered by the doubtlessly-already-planned carbon copies of this monstrosity – cannot actually access the live language that is being forced down their throats (and every other orifice) against their will.

Would Maryland gays have tolerated this secrecy about the gay-only rights bill in 2001?  The gay marriage bill now?

According to the transphobic pieces of garbage who do business as ‘Equality’ Maryland:

 The deadline to pass bills out of the House is Monday, March 28th. Will you contact your Delegate today?

Indeed – call all Maryland Delegates and Senators today.  Tell them in no uncertain terms to KILL THE BILL!  No one other than the same gay elitists (and their successors-in-interest) who engineered special rights for themselves a decade ago (by lying to the legislature; be sure to emphasize that – and provide the details of exactly how they lied about trans ‘coverage’ then and have been lying about trans homeless shelter coverage now) wants this diseased turd to do anything other than die.

But, when there’s trans-marginalization to be done, rest assured that it isn’t just the usual Maryland suspects who are afoot.  Look who’s pimping ‘Equality’ Maryland’s dirty work now:

A trans-othering orgy wouldn’t be complete without her.

[Cross-posted at ENDABlog]

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