Thanks Again To All My Sistah Girls

When I first began my transition back in 1994 I was concerned whether I’d be able to be the type of girlfriend I wanted to be and needed to be to the women cis and…

Queerty Racism And Transphobia On Display Again

There’s no love lost between me and Queertyas many of you longtime readers are aware of.  I’ve written more than a few times about the failures Queerty regularly gets into when it comes to race…

Justice For CeCe McDonald

There has been a story developing in Minneapolis concerning a young African-American transwoman who is being held in jail and facing second degree murder charges for defending herself against a hate attack. 23 year old…

Blake Lively, Stop Using The T-Slur

Blake Lively back in 2009 used the problematic T-word in a 2009 Allure magazine interview in which I wrote a post taking her to task for it at the time. It’s three years later, and…

Kansas City Transwoman Killed On Christmas Eve

Well, one of the first names we’ll read for the 2012 Transgender Day of Remembrance has been determined and her death happened on all nights, Christmas Eve.I’ll slam the transphobic reporting of KCTV 5 ‘reporters’ DeAnn Smith…

WWBT Haterade Spoiling The Holidays

For some reason the holiday season has brought another infestation of WWBTism into trans community comment threads from the usual white sheet wearing suspects. Hmm, maybe they’re upset because people have been ignoring them and…

Olympic Gender Drama -The Press Sisters

Since we are a few months from the start of the 2012 London Olympic Games, thought I do a few posts about the gender controversies that have cropped up in past ones. I talked about…