The Continuing Saga of Joe Fudgepacker’s Continuing Marriage-Primacy Bullshit

January 25, 2011 ·

Joe Fudgepacker criticized some criticism of his recent more-undeserved-than-words-can-describe gay-marriage-industry-pandering NY Times op-ed by referring to the criticism as “clueless and out of touch.”


Lets see who’s really clueless and/or out of touch and/or a shill for the A-Gay set that Joe Fudgepacker claims to not be part of.

[M]arriage is the most important right we’re currently denied—are we about who we love or where we work?

Are we individuals?  Or are we nothing but halves of potential couples?  (Before you answer that, ask a woman about what it feels like to be treated in law as nothing but a potential baby oven.)

[M]arriage is the most important right we’re currently denied—are we about who we love or where we work?

Actually, maybe you should ask a rhetoric specialist about false dichotomies.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re in a capitalist nation where – yes indeed – we are in fact what we do for our gainful employment, and where we do that work is inseparable from what that work is.

Or does DADT not ring a bell?

Of course, Joe the F lives (as do I, to be fair) somewhere that already provides anti-discrimination protections (at least at the state level), so , naturally, he can afford to not give a shit about people who will never live in Washington state (or even Illinois) but who don’t have partners but do, for some strange reason, need to be able to work.  (Me?  I live where there are trans-inclusive protections but haven’t ingested so much gay marriage mescaline as to believe that I will never have to send out a resume to some place in some state that doesn’t – like, say, Wisconsin*).

I’m sorry, but being to determine who your next of kin is, to be able to sponsor the person you love for citizenship (if you fall in love with a foreign national), to collect your partner’s Social Security benefits if she should die before you (a particularly important and pressing right for stay-at-home parents in gay families), to be able to make medical decisions in emergencies for your partner instead of being shoved out of the emergency room by homophobic and sometimes distant relatives, etc., etc., etc.—basically to have the rights that marriage brings—these are “real needs.”

Not if you’re single.

Sorry Mr. Fudgepacker, but an 18-year-old lesbian in Pearl, Mississippi, a 19-year-old gay male in Jennings, Louisiana, and a 20-year-old trans woman in Thayer, Missouri are, in 2011, as likely to need same-sex marriage rights more than they will need the ability to apply for a menial job at Wal-Mart without fear of being rejected for who they are as you are to ever have any clue about, well…

pretty much anything other than your ego.

Now, to be absolutely fair, Joe Fudgepacker is not Hilary Rosen.  His shillery for Gay Marriage, Inc. is, according to him:

not to say that I don’t think ENDA is hugely important. I do….

He’s just going to wallow in the same truly out-of-touch non-logic that is raking in the bucks for the already-obscenely-rich purveyors of the insanity of all-gay-marriage-all-the-time-so-fuck-you-shlubs-who-ain’t-boffing-millionaires agenda.

That sound you hear is me not applauding.

* See – I can go an entire post without mentioning Maryland’s history of gay political deceit that has left that state with no state-level trans protections but with a nest of marriage-primacy vipers.

[Cross-posted at ENDABlog]

In categories:Katrina Rose Politics
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