A Year in the Life of the Human Right Scampaign

January 28, 2013 ·

Then-HRC head Elizabeth Birch, August 1998 (in an interview with OutSmart magazine (Houston)):


Then-HRC head Elizabeth Birch, September 1, 1999 (in Outlines(Chicago)):

Outlines: The concept of trans issues … are they in partnership just like with Black issues might be, or are they integral to the agency? ENDA is just one example of how that manifests itself.

Birch: I think that the Human Rights Campaign has done as much if not more on transgender issues than most other national [ gay and lesbian ] organizations.If you really look at the actual work. I hope we can get beyond lip service … which is what I think some of the other organizations tend to broker in. We have put a lot of muscle and time and effort to both educate on Capitol Hill, as well formulate realistic, tangible courses of action that might deliver some results down the road.


If the second one is as “honestly” “honest” as the first one purports HRC to be, then what does that say about the entirety of Gay, Inc. – including HRC – circa 1998?

If the second one is not honest, then, well….

[alert type=”info”]Cross-posted from ENDA Blog 2.0[/alert]



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