TransAdvocate Brazil: 63 trans people murdered, but change is coming

July 11, 2018 ·

Updates from the Brazilian division of the Trans Advocate:   The Brazilian Supreme Court approved a policy that would give trans people the ability to correct our legal identification, without having to have surgery. While this policy was decided last March, it wasn’t until June 28th that the National Justice Council approved procedures for updating state identification. This development can’t come soon enough as Brazil is routinely documented as being one of the most dangerous places for trans and intersex… Read more.

2017 Trans Day of Remembrance

November 20, 2017 ·

For many years, the trans community's one event was a memorial service and while we now celebrate numerous aspects of trans lives, November 20th remains the trans community's oldest community tradition. What follows is the 2017 Remembrance Booklet produced by the Transgender Foundation of America's TDOR data collection project: [su_document url="http://www.new.transadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/booklet.pdf" width="440" height="640"] Violence against trans people remains a defining aspect of trans lives and the Trans Day of Remembrance is our community's opportunity to bear witness to end-result of the anti-trans hate… Read more.

A Community of the Heart: Intersectional feminist speech from San Antonio TDOR

November 23, 2013 ·

What follows is an amazing speech given by Graciela Sanchez on realizing liberation through building a "community of the heart." Sanchez, a self-identified lesbian Latina queer spoke on the intersections of oppression and of social justice. [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/121478145" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] The last page of the Houston and San Antonio TDOR booklet This speech was taped by the TransAdvocate at the San Antonio, Texas Trans Day of Remembrance on November 21, 2013, held in the Metropolitan Community… Read more.

Media from protesting the Pacific Justice Institute’s hate

November 21, 2013 ·

The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is the ex-gay group who recently bullied a Colorado trans kid to the brink of suicide. At the same time, PJI was working to strip protections for all trans children in California. The PJI-backed coalition worked tirelessly to paint trans children as threats, sexual deviants an unstable. Their campaign of lies, fraud and intimidation produced over 600,000 signatures in support of discrimination against trans children. Unsurprisingly, California's school district has seen a recent uptick of anti-trans crimes targeting… Read more.

Messaging On LGB&T Equality & Citizenship At San Diego TDOR March

November 21, 2013 ·

  This is imagery of the flags we paraded at the San Diego Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) march. Note we flew an American flag -- shown in the center of the photo -- to highlight trans people are Americans. The far right flag is the Transgender Pride flag that Monica Helms designed for the 1998 Phoenix, Arizona pride march. In between the American flag and the trans flag there is a TransAmerican flag -- a pink, white, and blue… Read more.

[TW: Blood, Death] Mexico city Transgender Woman thrown off a bridge dies

October 13, 2013 ·

Hilary Molina Mendiola died September 23rd at 7:30pm after being thrown naked from the Southern Juan Escutia Axis 2 in the Cuauhtemoc borough of Mexico city. Ms. Mendiola had bruises on her face according to Noticias Terra.com. showing signs of a struggle. Hilary appeared feminine however this did not give pause to local media who misgendered her repeatably. Cross-posted from PlaneTransgender Read more.

Trans Radio Theater: Poe Comedy With A Purpose

August 31, 2013 ·

From the Houston trans community comes this comedy gem: [soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/27466208" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] A poe is someone who parodies fundamentalism in such a way that it is ridiculous yet simultaneously difficult to tell if the media is real or a parody. The "radio show" mixes absurd reality with absurd comedy to make a deadly serious point. Enjoy!   Tip this TransAdvocate! Writers for the TransAdvocate work hard to bring you news and… Read more.

Justice For Slain Türkçe Transsexual DORA İÇİN : Protest March July 12th

July 11, 2013 ·

I was contacted via twitter by the first and as of this time the only Turkish transgender TV reporterMichelle Demishevich, who told me of some terrible news. A well known transsexual Dora Özer, has been murdered in Aydin Turkey. Source Travesti Club: July 9, 2013 Time: 23:00 'in the transvestite DORA ÖZER murder was the last straw now. Site Hacifeyzullah district town of Kusadasi AYDIN ​​Altıngüvercin… Read more.

TERF Appropriation of the Trans Day of Remembrance

June 11, 2013 ·

Our friend Lee is back with another awesome critical commentary comic: On May 13, the TransAdvocate wrote about the appropriation of the Trans Day of Remembrance by Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs). Cathy Brennan, contributor to the Radfem2013 conference, has sunk to yet a new low.  She is now trying to exploit the death of our sisters (Transgender Day of Remembrance – TDOR)  to further her justification of transphobia. She wants us all to believe that it isn’t transphobia that kills us, it… Read more.

The TERF Appropriation of the Trans Day of Remembrance

May 13, 2013 ·

A TERF hate-tracking site recently raised a warning that Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) leaders are attempting to appropriate the Trans Day of Remembrance: Cathy Brennan, contributor to the Radfem2013 conference, has sunk to yet a new low.  She is now trying to exploit the death of our sisters (Transgender Day of Remembrance – TDOR)  to further her justification of transphobia. She wants us all to believe that it isn’t transphobia that kills us, it is male violence. While it is true that the majority of… Read more.

Three More April African-American Transwomen Deaths

May 3, 2013 ·

I'm beyond sick and tired of being sick and tired of the near genocidal levels of anti-trans violence that are taking away far too many under 30 transwomen of color before they've had a chance to live their lives.  We are not only losing them, but their potential contributions and talents toward building all the communities we intersect and interact with.   TransGriot  April 5, 2013 29 year old Kelly Young, 30 year old Ashley Sinclair and 20 year old Ce Ce Acoff until this… Read more.

Kansas City Transwoman Killed On Christmas Eve

December 27, 2011 ·

Well, one of the first names we'll read for the 2012 Transgender Day of Remembrance has been determined and her death happened on all nights, Christmas Eve.I'll slam the transphobic reporting of KCTV 5 'reporters' DeAnn Smith and Nima Shaffe later.   First the details rewritten to follow the AP Stylebook rules for reporting on transgender people 31 year old Dee Dee Pearson was allegedly shot and killed by 26 year old Kenyan E. Jones inside an apartment in the 1000 block… Read more.

Kelly Osbourne: I Support the Transgender Community

November 18, 2011 ·

Editor's note: The following guest post is from Kelly Osbourne. Osbourne is a television personality and musician. Osbourne and I discussed on Twitter about her use of the phrase "chick with a dick" and "tranny" in a public interview. With this post Kelly has proven she is a responsible ally to the transgender community. She made a mistake that was borne of ignorance, not malice. This post is will go far in healing that mistake. It will also serve to… Read more.


November 18, 2010 ·

I'm pissed. Every year I write this post. EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN YEAR. You just can't help but feed off the dead. You did it in 2007, in 2008, and 2009, and you're doing it again this year. What am I talking about? Every year I do a post about a group that is either exploiting or misusing the Transgender Day of Remembrance.  Today after reading Gwen Smith's  "Dancing on Graves" on the subject, I get this in my email: Today… Read more.

The Irresistible Temptation:Exploiting Our Dead

October 9, 2008 ·

Last year I wrote Photo Ops, Donations, And The Selling of Our Dead, when the Human Rights Campaign tried to hijack the Washington D.C. Transgender Day of Remembrance. To refresh your memory, the founder of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, Gwen Smith, said of the day:

"The Transgender Day of Remembrance serves several purposes. It raises public awareness of hate crimes against transgendered people, an action that current media doesn’t perform. Day of Remembrance publicly mourns and honors the lives of our brothers and sisters who might otherwise be forgotten. Through the vigil, we express love and respect for our people in the face of national indifference and hatred. Day of Remembrance reminds non-transgender people that we are their sons, daughters, parents, friends and lovers. Day of Remembrance gives our allies a chance to step forward with us and stand in vigil, memorializing those of us who’ve died by anti-transgender violence."
Read more.

Remembering Our Dead, Echos From Our Fallen Sisters

February 17, 2008 ·

I was looking at videos for my YouTube post and found this video titled "Twin Boys Living As Girls". It was taped in the early nineties, and is from the Jenny Jones Show. I sat their thinking this was just another trans segment on talk TV. It is not. When I realized who these two girls were, a sat here trembling, on the verge of tears. If you are not aware after watching the video, of just who these young… Read more.