Recently Rebecca Juro wrote a post at the Advocate called "No, Obama's Executive Order Is Not a (Total) Win" that I find extremely short-sighted and politically naive. Soon after the election in 2008 of President Barack Obama, many started to question President Obama's claim as a "fierce advocate" for the LGBT community. I have my issues with the President (mainly on issues of privacy and his use presidential power). But in realm of LGBT advocacy, he has lived up to… Read more.
Be a Trans Advocate
Tag: Obama
Tag: Obama
“So, what was Stonewall?”
January 25, 2013 · Cristan Williams

In the wake of the President Obama's historic speech referencing Stonewall, NPR ran a piece asking and purporting to answer the question, "So, what was Stonewall?" The article calls upon Martin Duberman, now 82, to retell the story of Stonewall. Martin Duberman published the first history of Stonewall in 1993. His history significantly featured trans folk. Bizarrely, the NPR author Liz Halloran seems to rewrite Duberman's history, spending many lines minimizing the trans aspect of Stonewall: "I liked the mix of people," he said. "It was not… Read more.
NBJC Presidential Midterm Report Card
September 8, 2011 · monica_roberts
If you're wondering what the African-American TBLG/SGL community perspective is concerning President Obama, I can say with certainly it's vastly different from the one expressed by elements of the white GLBT one. To point that out, thought you needed to peruse the Presidential Midterm Report Card that was issued by the National Black Justice Coalition, the organization that advocates for the African descended TBLG community on issues of concern to our community. As NBJC Executive Director Sharon Lettman-Hicks pointed out… Read more.
Yes Pat Robertson, I’m Transgender and Proud
June 17, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Pat Robertson spouting off about Barack Obama's announcement of a "Presidential Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination" asked "someone's proud to be transgendered? His historical record seems a bit off, since the fall of Rome happened when it WAS A CHRISTIAN NATION. So to answer you Pat, yes we are proud. Many of us are unashamedly transgender. If you would read your Bible, you'd know that: Isaiah 56: 4 For this is what the LORD says: "To the eunuchs who… Read more.
ENDA And Hate Crimes Go To The Back Of The Bus
June 8, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Last Thursday Jason Bellini of the Daily Beast reported that the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) had made a deal with the Obama Administration to delay repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy in an effort to focus on the federal hate crimes bill and Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). I thought it sounded too good to be true. For a minute I was almost proud of them for doing the right thing! On twitter Jburroway, of Box Turtle Bulletin, asks… Read more.
OBAMA GAY, Trangender Wars, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T
February 9, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Today on the show we discussed: Allyson Robinson+IFGE=HRC <3 ??? Here We Go Again: IFGE Elects HRC’s Allyson Robinson To The Board HRC and Their access to power. After expending political capital over Rick Warren, I wondered how much has ole' Joe got. HRC Relishes Sudden Access To White House Obama Fundie Watch Revelations of Truth Why I pray for our new president Dr. Kenneth Zucker's War on Transgenders Non-Discrimination Legislation: Transgender people plead for law change Campaign Puts The… Read more.
The Transadvocate Video Podcast – GLAAD’s Big Mistake
January 28, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Today we discussed the lies forwarded by Christian Conservatives, gender marker changes in Massachusetts, the ALCU suing Illinois for not changing documentation of people who had SRS outside of the United States, and GLAAD's misstep of nominating the show "The New Adventures of the Old Christine." Read more.
Follow The Money
September 2, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
In my last blog post, Where Your HRC Donations Are Going, I reported that HRC had donated money to sponsor the Log Cabin Republicans but that they had donated zero dollars to sponsor the Stonewall Democrats. Let's take a closer look at who HRC is NOT supporting and what that effect has and will be. Read more.
HRC3 ≠ Bright Future For Transgenders
February 11, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
“This is a story of the lives and loves, and hopes and dreams, of young Batswana in the context of the changing cultural norms and values of modern times. Each of the dancers are shaped and challenged by the forces upon them: love, power, money, lust, and authority. They must choose their destiny by making difficult choices and search for what they truly believe in.” — plot summary for the documentary, Re Bina Mmogo (2004) It’s been a really blue funky week and a half for me. Seeing John Edwards drop out of the race just over a week ago, I’m left with nothing but second choices for the upcoming presidential election. I feel as if I’m wakening from a really bad hangover. My personal preference was for a presidential candidate who would address the rampant inequities, to eliminate poverty and end the disenfranchisement and disparity in this entitlement-oriented society. The last thing I wanted was a choice of gatekeepers for the corporate power stranglehold status quo. With my last best hope for that out of the campaign at virtually the same time my job ended, it’s been consideration time over the two primary candidates who are left. Read more.