Yes Pat Robertson, I’m Transgender and Proud

June 17, 2009 ·

Pat Robertson spouting off about Barack Obama’s announcement of a “Presidential Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination” asked “someone’s proud to be transgendered?

His historical record seems a bit off, since the fall of Rome happened when it WAS A CHRISTIAN NATION.
So to answer you Pat, yes we are proud. Many of us are unashamedly transgender. If you would read your Bible, you’d know that:

Isaiah 56:

4 For this is what the LORD says:
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,
who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant-

5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
that will not be cut off.

h/t to Media Matters

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  1. Dang it….Explaining what I meant that I was proud as a transgendered with RESERVATION is that for the sake of my family I do not flaunt my transgenderism where it may have negative repercussions on my family members. I have to stay in my male mode or they get antsie and worrisome when I go out my femme me.

  2. Explaining what I meant that I was proud as a transgendered person is that for the sake of my family I do not flaunt my transgenderism where it may have negative repercussions on my family members. I have to stay in my male mode or they get antsie and worrisome when I go out my femme me.

  3. I am transgendered and I am very proud – with reservation. I am self sufficient and believe in self sufficiency. My family doesn’t approve- wife and kids – but it is my cross to bear. I am happiest when I can be my femme self. I can’t stand those who talk us down. We’re all nice people. Is that so bad that we also are proud to be different? I do not think so.

  4. Ya i am very proud to be trans! I wouldnt have it any other way! But you know what only God Almighty can judge me, and i am not going to let this ruin my day. Your a dick!

  5. Wow. Usually this stuff sort of slides off me and I just think of bigots as stupid. But this one freaking *hurts.* I mean, I don’t expect anything posetive from him, but this one nailed me in the heart more than usual. Actually, yes, Pat, we are proud. You’re a jerk.

  6. Wow. Usually this stuff sort of slides off me and I just think of bigots as stupid. But this one freaking *hurts.* I mean, I don’t expect anything posetive from him, but this one nailed me in the heart more than usual. Actually, yes, Pat, we are proud. You’re a jerk.

  7. Leigh, we already do all of those things and quite well I might add.
    The only reason why someone might think you are transgender
    is because you keep posting to transgender blogs.

    Keep waving right along with us.

    I love a parade!!

  8. Leigh, we already do all of those things and quite well I might add.
    The only reason why someone might think you are transgender
    is because you keep posting to transgender blogs.

    Keep waving right along with us.

    I love a parade!!

  9. Yep .. I think you should all be tg and proud … Hell get yourselves a big ole banner and fy it from your window, put bumper stickers on your car and wear a pink triangle with TG emblazoned on it

    … makes it easier for mainstream to differentiate between us 🙂

  10. Yep .. I think you should all be tg and proud … Hell get yourselves a big ole banner and fy it from your window, put bumper stickers on your car and wear a pink triangle with TG emblazoned on it

    … makes it easier for mainstream to differentiate between us 🙂

  11. Let us not forget the only thing attributed to Jesus in the gospels on this subject. (my personal favorite GOSPEL verse)

    But he said to them, “Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only for those whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”
    -Matthew 19:11-12

    And of course the gays can’t marry crowd continue to use the declaration of love between two women as their vow to one another. Go figure?

  12. Let us not forget the only thing attributed to Jesus in the gospels on this subject. (my personal favorite GOSPEL verse)

    But he said to them, “Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only for those whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”
    -Matthew 19:11-12

    And of course the gays can’t marry crowd continue to use the declaration of love between two women as their vow to one another. Go figure?

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