OBAMA GAY, Trangender Wars, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T

February 9, 2009 ·

Today on the show we discussed:

Allyson Robinson+IFGE=HRC <3 ???
Here We Go Again: IFGE Elects HRC’s Allyson Robinson To The Board

HRC and Their access to power. After expending political capital over Rick Warren, I wondered how much has ole’ Joe got.

HRC Relishes Sudden Access To White House

Obama Fundie Watch
Revelations of Truth

Why I pray for our new president

Dr. Kenneth Zucker’s War on Transgenders

Non-Discrimination Legislation:

Transgender people plead for law change

Campaign Puts The “T” Back In “LGBT”

The Word Tranny
Show respect to trans community

This is how to give RESPECT:

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West Side Story Activism, Utah's GLBT Rights, and the Coming Tranny Apocalypse!

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Sexual Amputees, Christian "Love", and Transgender Children

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