Taking The Tyranny Out Of The Y

With the ongoing battles between radical feminists and transgender bloggers, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what it means to be transgender. Radical feminists, in the vein of Andrea Dworkin‘s dream of an…

Same Ole “Ball and Crain” Dreams

“I know some of my transgender sisters question my commitment to their equality, but let me be the first (I think) to point out where the top-three Democrats on in inclusion of gender identiy in…

Radical Feminist Christ

Until someone puts actual empirical data along side radical feminist doctrine, I refuse to call it a theory. It  isn’t a theory, it’s a religion. And it’s about as believable as there being a man…

Words Mean Things: You’ve Been Transgendered!

When I hear “This is my friend _____ , she’s transgendered”, I cringe. It may seem innocuous, but using the word “transgendered” indicates that being transgender is something you have done to you. Imagine someone…

The T Isn’t Silent, But HRC Is

It’s coming up on two years ago that I wrote an “Open Letter to Cheryl Jacques.” A month after I posted my open letter, Jacques greeted transgender protesters outside of Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) offices…

Don’t Let The Door Hit Ya In The @!#*!!

Like a herpes sore, certain arguments pop up continually in the transcommunity and never seem to go away. Recently Gwen Smith wrote the editorial “What’s In a Name?” that discussed the term “women born transsexual…

You’re Just A Tranny… And You Always Will Be

So we’ve got a trans-inclusive ENDA, time to celebrate! Or so I thought, till I actually looked at the language. Section 8(a)(3) CERTAIN SHARED FACILITIES- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to establish an…

Unity and Hope

In my recent post, Rose Colored Glasses, I had quite a few people respond here and on livejournal. Anyone familiar with the history of the trans-community and HRC (Human Rights Campaign) will know how contentious…

Soap Transition Support

In the past I’ve written posts supporting the “All My Children” transgender character Zoey/Zarf (here and here). Recently, Zoey (the soap character) took part in a support group with real transgender people. Simply amazing. I’m…