Soap Transition Support

March 12, 2007 ·

In the past I’ve written posts supporting the “All My Children” transgender character Zoey/Zarf (here and here). Recently, Zoey (the soap character) took part in a support group with real transgender people. Simply amazing. I’m so glad to see this. There’s a good representation of sex and race in the scene. Typically in the media you only hear or see white m2f trangender people.

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  1. This was astonishing for a soap – we don’t get, “All My Children” here but I’d certainly watch it if we did. The “group” scene was moving and what the people said to introduce themselves sounded authentic. Mind you, ours is usually noisier 😉
    I’m sure I’ve met the guy in the blue sweater . . .
    Does anyone know the character “Hayley Trotter” from “Coronation Street”? The first transwoman chracter in a UK soap, played VERY well by a bio-woman who had a lot of creative input from the MTF community.

  2. This was astonishing for a soap – we don’t get, “All My Children” here but I’d certainly watch it if we did. The “group” scene was moving and what the people said to introduce themselves sounded authentic. Mind you, ours is usually noisier 😉
    I’m sure I’ve met the guy in the blue sweater . . .
    Does anyone know the character “Hayley Trotter” from “Coronation Street”? The first transwoman chracter in a UK soap, played VERY well by a bio-woman who had a lot of creative input from the MTF community.