HRC North North

February 23, 2011 ·

Gay, Inc.-Delaware needs some trans Egyptians:

Equality Delaware

by Chris Beagle in

Letters from CAMP Rehoboth

(2/4/2011)The Next Critical StepJuly 2, 2009 was a historic day for LGBT Delawareans. After 11 challenging and hard-fought years, Governor Jack Markell signed SB 121 into law, adding “sexual orientation” to the state’s list of prohibited acts of discrimination.

Well, technically this isn’t a lie.  That day was simply historic for trans people for a different reason than it was for LGBs.  If you’re reading ENDABlog, you know why.  The question, of course, is does the Beagle bark without knowledge that the law signed on July 2, 2009 was anti-trans?  Or does he simply not give a shit?

As a testament to the impact made by CAMP Rehoboth towards passage of this legislation, Governor Markell chose to sign the bill into law in our Community Center. Cheers and tears filled the room on that joyful day. My partner of 20 years, Eric, and I couldn’t have been more proud to have been present, not only as residents of Delaware and Rehoboth, but as members of CAMP Rehoboth.

Now, less than two years later, a core group of individuals who were instrumental in SB 121 becoming law, have recently formed a new statewide, citizen-supported organization known as Equality Delaware (EQDE). The non-profit organization will focus on education, advocacy, and outreach by bringing together the energy, drive and determination of all Delaware citizens, as well as groups who believe in the concept and application of fairness and equality for all people.

Specifically, the organization’s mission is dedicated to working to ensure and promote dignity, safety, and equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Delawareans.

Uh huh…

Here’s the Beagle’s organization’s logo:

Does the portion of it representing the ‘E’ – allegedly for equality – remind you of anything?

Yes, Enron had the red, blue and green.  Where’s George Takei to point out that Gay, Inc.-Delaware added yellow to the fraud spectrum?  (If you don’t live in an area that gets a certain brand of HDTV’s commercials, you won’t get that – and I apologize.)

“Thousands of committed and responsible same-sex families in Delaware are denied protections that are afforded to thousands of other Delaware families every day,” said Lisa Goodman, Board President of Equality Delaware in a phone interview last week. “We believe 2011 is the year Delaware should embrace a basic standard of fairness and equal rights for every Delawarean, so we can all live freely regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.”

Equality Delaware’s first initiative is to advocate for the passage of a civil union bill in Delaware. Towards that end, the organization has drafted a bill, and has obtained sponsors for the bill in both houses of the Delaware General Assembly.

All gay marriage, all the time.  The fact that they’re appearing to ‘compromise’ to get civil unions instead only makes the entire scam more rancid.  As I asked yesterday:

Did it occur to anyone to at least initially propose full marriage and then compromise by ‘settling’ for civil unions in return for some votes for trans rights?

Nope. You saw it in the very words of this worthless organization of gay elitist greedmeisters: “Equality Delaware’s first initiative is to advocate for the passage of a civil union bill in Delaware.”

Trans people?

What are those? Well, Lisa Goodman wants you to think she might be cognizant of them to some small, tiny, possibly even imaginary degree:

Over the past two decades, a coalition of individuals and organizations has advocated for equal rights in Delaware for members of the LGBT community. The coalition’s efforts have resulted in legislation in the areas of  hate crimes, hospital visitation and anti-discrimination. We have also raised awareness of other issues facing our community. These issues include discrimination based on gender identity, the absence of domestic partner benefits for state employees, and the myriad ways in which same-sex couples are denied equal rights when their relationships are denied legal recognition in Delaware.As we all know, there is still much work to be done.

Yeh…But much more for some than for others.

Oh wait…

We’re among the “other issues.”

Well, just reverse the polarity of my phraseology.  Her nonsense is just as filthy and gay-greed-laden.

The Badman’s and the Beagle’s organization has the T-word in its logo, though…right?

Not anymore.  I hereby deem this to be that organization’s new logo:

That’s so honest that they might want to find a non-Enron-ish ‘E’.

But, I doubt that they’ll be able to do so with the money that they’re getting – given its sources:


Equality Delaware Receives Grant from Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, and Equality Delaware are pleased to announce a strengthened partnership to conduct community outreach regarding civil unions and matters of importance to the LGBT community in Delaware.  HRC has provided a grant of $10,000 to Equality Delaware, and the two organizations will work closely together over the coming months as civil unions legislation is introduced and considered in the Delaware General Assembly.

“We are pleased to have supported the formation and growth of Equality Delaware and look forward to our work together on civil unions this year,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese.  “Every family in Delaware should have the rights, responsibilities and protections that will come with civil unions.”

“Our campaign to protect all Delaware families will be strengthened by this significant grant from the Human Rights Campaign,” said Equality Delaware Board President Lisa Goodman. “We value our partnership and know that working together we can educate Delawareans about the need for civil unions to protect LGBT families and make the First State a more fair and welcoming place to live, work and raise families.”

Announcement of the grant comes as Equality Delaware hosts town hall meetings about civil unions in Wilmington today and in Rehoboth on Saturday.  The Wilmington town hall meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 on Thursday, February 17th, at the First & Central Presbyterian Church at 11th and Market Streets.  The Rehoboth town hall meeting will begin at 3 PM on Saturday, February 19th, at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center located at 37 Baltimore Avenue.

Turds of a feather clump together.

[Cross-posted at ENDABlog]

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