Take the Trans “Sense of Community” Survey!

February 14, 2013 ·

Take the survey here



For some time, I’ve seen and heard subjective assertions like:

  • I love the trans community!
  • I hate the trans community!
  • There is no such thing as a trans community!
  • I wish the trans community was stronger where I live!

So… Is there a trans community?

Strangely, quantitative research complementing existing ethnographic research concerning this question is hard to come by.

The results of this research will map where (and possibly why) the trans population detects and therefore perceives a community of trans folk and where  (and possibly why) it does not. A lot of interesting correlations can be drawn once the data collection is complete: Do the respondents detect and therefore perceive there to be community among the overall trans population and if so, to what degree does this exist – and, perhaps most interestingly -where does this sense of community thrive? Is a sense of community correlated with areas that are politically engaged and/or have access to resources? What sort of identities are most prevalent in groups with a high sense of community and which identities are most associated with having a low sense of community? These questions and more will be addressed in this research.

Isn’t it about time that these questions get attention?

If you think so, please spread the word about this survey!

To my knowledge, no quantitative research has been done answering these and other important questions. A sense of community may be tied to everything from one’s overall well-being to the efficacy of public health interventions within trans population centers. In fact, “community” is so important, the APA has a specific division focusing exclusively on community psychology.

Please take the survey and spread the word!


Quick FAQ

NAMES: You can use your name or make up a name. I ask for a name of some sort because I’m using the same research methodologies other researches used with this survey tool.

EMAILS: Validating emails help to ensure that folks aren’t trolling the survey in an attempt to skew the results favoring their narrative. It’s a sad fact that there are some trolls who have entire sites dedicated to certain ideas about the trans population (eg, how it doesn’t exist, how it’s evil, etc) and would be happy to spend a few days resubmitting their views over and over and over again. Email validation makes that sort of trolling (hopefully) too annoying to attempt.

ZIP: If someone enters 00000 (or something like that) for a zip code, their answers will not be included in the findings. Without zip codes, I won’t be able to assign geographic metrics. Additionally, zips help to ensure that A.) the response is real and B.) the response comes from America. Once the research is done, the survey will map the “sense of community” within geographic areas of America.

JUST AMERICA? WHAT ABOUT OTHERS COUNTRIES? WTF?!? My research is primarily focused on the American trans population. HOWEVER, international responses will not be thrown away. I will present the findings of international responses separately.

SAMPLE SIZE: I’d like to have 2,500 geographically diverse American responses. I have no predetermined sample size metrics for international survey responses.

CONSPIRACY: Some have actually asserted that all of this is part of particularly crafty national transgender conspiracy to data-mine all the sweet, sweet privacy juices from certain groups. If you are one of those who believe in this conspiracy, please… do not take this survey. I’ve no wish to inflame that level of paranoia in people.

I’M CONCERNED ABOUT MY PRIVACY, WHY DIDN’T YOU USE SURVEY MONKEY OR ZOOMERANG? I didn’t use a 3rd-party survey provider specifically because I am concerned about your privacy.

[alert type=”info”]

A NOTE TO INTERNATIONAL USERS: This survey primarily focuses on the American trans population. The reason I say primarily is that while this survey began as an American-only survey, international trans folk began making submissions early on. Instead of throwing those responses away, I’ve decided to present those findings separately. Since this survey primarily focuses on the American trans population, the survey’s geocoding metrics are formatted for that population. Some international users have entered whatever code their country uses as a postal code and others have been more creative. As long as I can figure out what country your entry is coming from, your submission will be used to represent your population’s sense of community.




Some reflections on community

The Australian government (AG) identified two major types of communities:

  1. Communities of Location; and,
  2. Communities of Interest

The AG has the following to say about a Community of Interest:

In considering communities of interest, one can come close to defining community subjectively: one’s community is the group with which one identifies and which provides one with a particular sense of identity. There are some attractions in defining community in this way. Primarily, it resonates with the lived experience of people. It tends to reflect the forms of relationship and the patterns of communication that are important to them. It recognises that much communication and the sense of belonging are often not related to specific localities, but transcend physical barriers. Today, with the ease of electronic forms of communication, frequent communication can occur at an international level. Many academics, for example, identify with an international body sharing a similar field of expertise or interest. This body may have far more importance for them in terms of communication than do people who live locally. In fact, the Australian Community Survey conducted by the Edith Cowan University Centre for Social Research and NCLS Research in 1998 found that, in the cities, over 30 per cent of Australian adults communicated with no one in their residential locality about work interests, and over 25 per cent communicated with no one in the residential locality about their personal interests.

IMHO, the trans population is, at it’s most rudimentary elements, a Community of Interest. I tend to think that as a Community of Interest becomes more empowered, Communities of Location may begin to emerge. I’ve therefore decided to put these notions to the test. I chose to use the SCI-2 tool for this survey because it is considered to the most reliable tool available to the researchers.

If you have questions or concerns, please post a reply and I’ll do my best to address your comment!


The citation for this survey tool is as follows:

Chavis, D.M., Lee, K.S., & Acosta J.D. (2008). The Sense of Community (SCI) Revised: The Reliability and Validity of the SCI-2. Paper presented at the 2nd International Community Psychology Conference, Lisboa, Portugal.

Take the survey here.


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Please Give Me Feedback

Those of you that have commented on this site before... do the threaded comments drive you crazy? I'm thinking about unthreading Transadvocate comments. Your thoughts? Please vote in the poll in the left sidebar.
  1. This survey will be biased just as most Transgender research has been biased through group think and only targetting Transgender friendly spaces. As for people like myself we won’t even take it or any LGBT related survey. I also refuse to take part in any non LGBT survey that has the word Transgender in it and I actively encourage others to do the same.

    1. The problem with folks like you is that you pose your opinion as if it were fact. You seem to feel no obligation to support your assertions with objective evidence.

      Use the peer reviewed gold standard for measuring a sense of community? Eh, doesn’t matter. Fairly enormous sample size? Eh, doesn’t matter. Why doesn’t it matter? Cuz you don’t wanna take it because you don’t like the English language. Why don’t you like “transgender”? Cuz teh commies, right? Am I right? You think “transgender” is actually a communist plot to take over transsexuals, don’t cha? Go on, tell us all about how the word “transgender” is part of a communist conspiracy, Lisa.

      How’s your survey coming along? You know, the one that asks all the leading questions? Did you at least use an IRB? If so, what social scientists are on it?

      You ready to actually step up to the plate and debate me yet?

      1. Here is a survey from the Palm Center and Tava that states there was no gender movement until the 1990’s. http://www.tavausa.org/Transgender%20People%20in%20the%20U.S.%20Military.pdf Here is a link again to the pictures of the letter I received from the New York City LGBT Center’s Barbara Warren in 1993 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.386772874719035.88669.100001589787115&type=3 I received the information to contact her from watching a Phil Donahue show about Transsexuals in that same year. I’ll have to search around and find it they didn’t talk about Transgender at all because it was barely an infant in America at that time. The former Harry Benjamin Society didn’t change its name until 2007 that is common knowledge. Renee Richards while endorsing the use of Transgender on a recent Katie Couric show stated that Transgender did not exist when she transitioned in 1975. The journal of transgenderism began being published in 1998. The first times I ever heard the word Transgender was about the time club kids began making the rounds on talk shows. Your history doesn’t hold water Cristan. From encyclopedia GLBT http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/transgender,2.html Quoted from page two lower part of the page “Transgender” has become an umbrella term representing a political alliance between all gender variant people who do not conform to social norms for typical men and women and who suffer political oppression as a result.” Political movements that drag people from across multiple cultures and races into their movement and that do not offer anyone a chance to opt out and that are supported by the government are communist. As for your debate there is no need I just debunked your history and to be honest I’d rather waste as little of my remaining breaths upon you.

        1. What are the metrics social scientists use to define what a community is? Do you even know without having to google it?

          What’s the earliest use of transgender and what did it mean? During that same year, when Harry Benjamin used “transsexual,” what did he mean?

          What year was it that transgender began being used as an umbrella term? For a bonus, during that same year, what 2 continents were using the term in its modern sense? I’ll give you a clue: It was before Richards transitioned in 1975.

          What year did HBIGDA organizers begin supporting the transgender archive?

          What year did Christine Jorgensen state that she was a transgender person?

          Do you believe that “transgender” is a communist conspiracy against transsexuals?

          What’s the definition of confirmation bias? Do you even know without having to look it up?

      2. Cristan I am publically out as a non LGBT aligned non Transgender identifying woman of transistional history. That genie isn’t going back in the bottle. I openly reject any supposedly proffessional organization that believes it is within their power to force me to accept their label du jour when that label is politically created. Good luck to you, LGBT groups and supporters in trying to justify including me without my consent. I encourage as many people as have the strength to come out not only as themselves wether that be same sex attracted or sex and gender diverse but also to come out as non LGBT aligned or identified. I hope you and Monica Roberts enjoy many hours of writing articles cursing me and falsely accusing me of what ever you can think of. Maybe you two can even debate yourself on who is better at it. Truth be told it will probably be Janet Mock. I may or may not stop in once in a while for the laughs but I’d rather spend my time winning over non LGBT folks.

        1. You’ve made some fact assertions which are testable. I’ve asked you questions which test your assertions of fact and your response is that you’re a victim of “hours of writing articles cursing me and falsely accusing me of what ever you can think of.”

          BTW – how’s that “academic-style” thesis coming along? You know, the one that was going to debunk all my research? You made such a big deal about it and I’ve been waiting for about a year now. Um, wait… this is like that time you said that you were going to debate me and then backed out of it, amirite? Either you lied about the paper you claimed would be forthcoming months ago or maybe something happened to it? Which is it? And why won’t you answer these simple questions?

          – What are the metrics social scientists use to define what a community is?
          – What’s the earliest use of transgender and what did it mean? During that same year, when Harry Benjamin used “transsexual,” what did he mean?
          – What year was it that transgender began being used as an umbrella term? For a bonus, during that same year, what 2 continents were using the term in its modern sense? I’ll give you a clue: It was before Richards transitioned in 1975.
          – What year did HBIGDA organizers begin supporting the transgender archive?
          – What year did Christine Jorgensen state that she was a transgender person?
          – Do you believe that “transgender” is a communist conspiracy against transsexuals?
          – What’s the definition of confirmation bias?

          Why won’t you answer these simple questions?

      3. Cristan you are not in control of me you can ask all the questions you want to divert from the fact you can’t dispute my history of Transgender in America. You also cannot win a debate against my identity and my legal right to publically declare it. I am a non LGBT non transgender aligned woman of Transistional history. Please explain to the public how you have a right to stop me from not participating in the LGBT or supporting the LGBT. They are going to become who you and your academic friends are going to have to debate. Good luck trying to incorporate me into LGBT writing and instruction. Just so you know I publically annouced in an LGBT media site over three years ago that I am not LGBT aligned. I also declared the same thing in 2005 within an internet Group specifically for Transsexuals. Like I said I am out publically try and deny my existance or my right to it.

        1. [Cristan you are not in control of me you can ask all the questions you want to divert from the fact you can’t dispute my history of Transgender in America.]

          This statement is amazing. I’m sure you think you’ve really got me there. I’m sure you would scratch your head in both offence and wonderment that you are all but alone in your belief.

          I suppose you can’t understand why my research is being requested for peer reviewed publication. I suppose you can’t understand why I’ve been sought out to edit trans history books. I suppose you can’t understand why folks would seek me out to write trans history books. Well, I take that back. Here’s the story you’ll tell yourself: It’s a trans conspiracy against you. You alone hold the one true truth. You alone can see how communists enslaved transsexuals and you alone can see that my research gaining in popularity is just one more small move in a chess game you’re playing against the communists. The fact that you’ve been relegated to trolling the comment sections of blogs is, in itself, evidence of the communist conspiracy against you.

          In short, the communists trans plot has has victimized you because your opinion doesn’t get to count. Right?

          [Please explain to the public how you have a right to stop me from not participating in the LGBT or supporting the LGBT.]

          You’re either employing a really lame strawman or you’ve revealed yourself to be both delusional and narcissistic. You NEVER cross my mind until you seek me out to troll my posts. My research isn’t about you; it’s not conducted with you in mind. Neither you nor the communist delusions you assert are important to me. (Or are they? Maybe I’m just saying that because that’s exactly what a member of the international trans communist plot against you would say. Amirite?)

          There is no international trans communist plot against you. (Or is there? Mwahahahaha!)

          In fact, I don’t care what you call yourself. I don’t care what community you choose to be a part of. I don’t care what your opinion is. I care about what the historical record has to say. You won’t answer my questions because you already know that the answers don’t support your delusion of being singled out a prosecuted by an international trans communist plot.

          For the record, here are the answers to my questions:

          – What are the metrics social scientists use to define what a community is?
          Sense of belonging, influence, fulfills needs and provides sense of connection. Communities SHARE holidays, literature, art, symbols, jargon, norms and more. Simply being able to identify a group to assert “I’m not one of you!” to them belies your claim that there is no community of trans folk.

          – What’s the earliest use of transgender and what did it mean? During that same year, when Harry Benjamin used “transsexual,” what did he mean?
          1965 and it meant a transsexual who seeks out genital reconstruction surgery. At that time, when Benjamin said “transsexual” it was an umbrella term inclusive of crossdressers.

          – What year was it that transgender began being used as an umbrella term? For a bonus, during that same year, what 2 continents were using the term in its modern sense? I’ll give you a clue: It was before Richards transitioned in 1975.
          1974 and it was in use in the UK and US.

          – What year did HBIGDA organizers begin supporting the transgender archive?
          That would be 1985.

          – What year did Christine Jorgensen state that she was a transgender person?

          – Do you believe that “transgender” is a communist conspiracy against transsexuals?
          Yes, you’ve been very clear on this point. You believe that the word “transgender” is part of an international communist conspiracy against transsexual people like yourself.

          – What’s the definition of confirmation bias?
          You begin with a conclusion and then look for evidence to support that one conclusion, disregarding ALL other evidence which doesn’t support your a priori belief. None of the above matters to you. You got a letter from NY in 1993 that didn’t say transgender which means transgender wasn’t in use. All other pre-1990s uses were irrelevant, fabricated, out of context, misunderstood, faked and most certainly part of an international communist plot against you.

          Go on, explain to everyone how the above doesn’t represent the very special reality you live in. You’ve been trolling me for a year now. Do you not have a life? Is you trolling me part of the way you pretend to fight the evil communist plot against you?

      4. Cristan I am debating you right now. As of yet you have not provided a provable dispute against my history of Transgender History in America. Transgender was not being widely used before 1998 in America and even at that point it was not widely accepted. As of yet there has been no academic level survey to show it is widely accepted by whom that label is being placed on and that it is not or hasn’t caused them harm, or to see if they wish to be associated with LGBT.. If such a survey has been conducted provide a link to it. Are you opposed to such a survey? Also I have a very legitimate reason for why I haven’t paid to conduct the surveymyself at this point in time for legal reasons I cannot state that reason. But I also feel to some degree it should not be my responsibility to do so and question why the APA has never conducted such a survey.You have also not shown how it is illegal for me to publically out myself as a non LGBT aligned non Transgender identified woman of Transistioned history. I have always viewed the Transgender movement and the larger LGBT as a political movement I am not alone in that belief.

        1. [As of yet you have not provided a provable dispute against my history of Transgender History in America.]

          I’m not interested in disputing your cherry picked history, everyone else will do that for me. This is why I my opinion gets to count and yours doesn’t.

          You have passion and its unfortunate that it’s wasted on communist conspiracy theories.

      5. Cristan Williams
        Nope. Just because you didn’t hear the term, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t used quite often. It showed up in most of the Tapestries I have from the 80s. The Transgender Archive was established in 85. Practically every transsexual author of… significance used the term in the 80s. Certainly I would venture a guess that a linguistic tipping point happened in the 80s and had become a predominant identity meme by 91.
        I provided a copy of a tapestry order form from 1993 in only one ad used a transgender heading the vast majority did not. That indicates that in 1993 there was not a vibrant “Transgender Community.” Thus showing your claims of an earlier largely popular Transgender community is fictious historical revisionism.

        1. [I provided a copy of a tapestry order form from 1993 in only one ad used a transgender heading the vast majority did not. ]

          Reread the definition of confirmation bias.

      6. Cristan Williams
        ‎[Again I was very active in the community at that time and never heard the word Transgender.]

        In YOUR community. Just because YOUR community wasn’t using the term, it didn’t mean that others throughout the world weren’t. You can’t base y…our linguistic anthropology world views upon your personal experience, Lisa.
        You stated you didn’t care if there were other communities in your posting in this current debate and also acknowledge that there are more than just transgender identified communities in your comment to me there. If there are more communities of gender variant people than just those who identify as Transgender that makes Transgender academic writing that places them under Transgender inaccurate. Transgender writing belongs not under a Transgender Umbrella but instead a wider more inclusive umbrella that includes al identities respectfully and that does not force them into other communities.

        1. Tell me, Lisa, what debate do you think we’re having? Can you even state the historical point we’re debating?

          [If there are more communities of gender variant people than just those who identify as Transgender that makes Transgender academic writing that places them under Transgender inaccurate.]

          It’s sad to me that you apparently don’t understand why this is one of the most inane things you’ve ever said.

      7. From a post you made earlier accusing me of lying and of Stolen Valor a charge legitimate Veterans take very seriously:
        BTW – I want to point out that you lied about your involvement in this thread. You won’t be able to list the groups you were part of in ” thirty four States, Canada and spent three years in Berlin” back in the 80s and 90s because you just made that up. You’ll try to back peddle by pretending that you meant you merely drove through these places and didn’t happen to hear the term used at the gas station. Again, LAME!!!See More

        1. Are you still upset because I demonstrated that you misrepresented the truth and called that a lie? I mean, I know you threatened to call the internet police on me (and the Mayor of Houston and the agency that investigated housing discrimination), but damn… nobody cares.

          1.) Your privacy settings won’t let people who aren’t your friend view your photo.

          2.) Please change your privacy settings on that photo or host it elsewhere so that everyone can look at it and laugh at your further misrepresentation of fact.

      8. There is another point to be made about other communities existing. If academics are showing a preference towards the LGBT specifically Transgender history they are showing an academic bias and violating professional ethical conduct.

      9. Going further with the Universities, bias and communist plots. Every school of higher education I’ve attended that is publically funded has proudly stated they are a socialist institution. I voluntarily chose to attend them. The instructors and management chose to go to work for them. Transgender in the history you are writing and abdicating for is involuntary. inclusive as you would call it. But what is inclusive witout choice? What is a political movement without choice? What is a political movement that is sponsored and funded through grants by a government that is inclusve without choice?

      10. Cristan your comment from below: Go on, explain to everyone how the above doesn’t represent the very special reality you live in. You’ve been trolling me for a year now. Do you not have a life? Is you trolling me part of the way you pretend to fight the evil communist plot against you?
        Cristan your comment from above it : You ready to actually step up to the plate and debate me yet?
        Conflicted much?
        How am i trolling you if you are asking to debate me?
        This thread is a great example of who attacks who personally first. Everyone can look at the top and determine for themselves if my first comment is a trolling one or points out a legitimate concern that could bias research. They can also see by reading the comments in order first who started the personal attacks first.
        This is why people get angry at the “community” you represent because you all choose to invalidate everyone elses with the we’re just trying to be inclusive load of bull. When people get angry they tend to make the best speeches they’ll ever regret. I know I’ve made few I’ll own them. Transgender history should have never been allowed in academia the way it is now or the way you are writing it. It is exclusive, abusive and anything but truly inclusive. It provides in unsafe and unwelcoming academic environment for those who are not LGBT aligned or Transgender self identified.

        1. This is not a debate. You backed out of the debate we had scheduled. You’re trolling the comment section of a blog post. If you’d like to actually debate me, I’ll be happy to set up another live debate.

          I’ll debate you on blog TV or on YouTube in March. The topic will be the history of the term, “transgender.” You can make your case that transgender is a big communist plot against you and I can pick it apart and everyone can laugh at your delusional antics.

          What day shall I schedule the debate? If you refuse, this will be TWO debates you’ve squirmed out of. Remember, you sought me out, not the other way around. Will you back out twice in a row? Of course you will.

      11. That was your debate and you know it. I’ll let my comments speak for themselves and like I said in the beginning I’d rather spend time lobbying for support outside the LGBT. As for the communist thing I’ll own it just like Monica Owns her Vanilla Cootche and Nazi comments and other thderogatory comments you’ve made. I ask politely years ago to have my wishes respected after years of being bullied I learned to fight back.

        1. [That was your debate and you know it.]
          Really? I think most who read the pre-debate emails where you set the date, time, topic would disagree with your characterization. Some might even call that characterization a disingenuous representation of the facts. I won’t say “lie,” because I don’t want you to again threaten to report me to the housing discrimination agency.

          [I ask politely years ago to have my wishes respected after years of being bullied I learned to fight back.]
          Is that what you tell yourself? You look me up every so often, troll my posts, you get more and more strange, I mock your behavior and assertions, you claim to be a victim and then go away for a few months. Since nobody cares what you have to say, you have to look me up for some negative attention? Is that it?

          You’re not a victim and there’s no communist conspiracy out to get you. If you want to be taken seriously, check your confirmation bias at the door and do some real research. Otherwise, you’ll only ever be thought of as a sad little confused troll whose opinion doesn’t count because she could never cobble together a cogent falsifiable evidence-based assertion.

          What journal is considering your research right now? Answer: none. What history books have you edited recently? Answer: none. What historical books have you been invited to write? Answer: none. Care to guess what my answers would be? Here’s a hint: my answer wouldn’t be “none.”

          You have passion and drive. You could have been a researcher. Instead, you’ve wasted your time and attention in a pathetic attempt to shore up an untenable position. When I think of you I feel sad and angry. You could be taken seriously, but you choose to waste whatever talent you have on a fantasy world in which you’re the target of an international trans conspiracy and this makes me sad. I feel angry that the world has lost out on whatever actual knowledge you could have discovered about trans history because you seem to be delusional. Instead of real work, you mope about pretending to be a victim and then seek me out every few months for a good dose of negative attention. You’re like a pain junkie. If you insist upon wasting whatever interest you have in history, at least stop seeking people out to mock your lame assertions. You’re not fighting anything because a troll’s opinion doesn’t count. What you’re doing is just sad and pathetic. You came here to get another pain fix. You’ve made numerous stupid remarks, I’ve properly mocked them (as you knew I would) and now you’re claiming to be a victim. Did you get your fix? Are you set to go for a few more months?

          How much time have you wasted doing what you’ve done in this comment section over the years? What do you have to show for it? Who of any significance takes you seriously? Are you really content to just be an internet troll? If so, that’s damn pathetic and it pisses me off that you’ve chosen to be that unremarkable.

      12. Cristan I provided the documentation from the center in New York because it is a verifable source. Which means it meets academic standards. Dr. Warren was working in the New York Community and did Donahue. Through that show I contacted her and she sent me that material. I’m not sure if she is still alive or not but if she is she could verify that it is legitimate if not the center if it still exists could also. It shows several things first that I was in contact with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and at that time Transsexual Community of New York. It shows I was living in Daytona Beach Florida when I contacted her. Somewheres I also have a prescription for hormones (1997) from the only Doctor around Daytona who was prescribing hormones at the time and his office was in Holly Hill Florida. I don’t know if he is sill around but I had a working drag queen roomate who’s show name was Big Maple and was well known in the area. One of my better friends from that period of my life family used to own the show bar called the yum yum tree.One of his best performers was named Brandy McDaniels and sadly she died of aids around 1997. A true history of Transgender won’t go back in time and call Lili Elbe a Transgender. What it will show is the first time someone chose to label themselves that. Then how they got other people to label themselves that and where and how it spread. That history may start earlier than 1993 but I can assure you I was connected to both the LGBT community and the outside of it Stealth Community (transsexuals pushed outside the LGBT) and no one was using the word Transgender in Daytona Florida that I ever knew of and aleast from 1993- 1998. In New York Transgender was not being used by professionals or the LGBT in 1993. Academically verifiable sources rock! The community I ran in did not identify as Transgender and in my case still doesn’t and I am not homophobic or Transphobic nor do I have an internalized sense of either I just moved on from the LGBT and know from a lot of prior experience it doesn’t best represent who and what I am.

      13. Cristan I provided the documentation from the center in New York because it is a verifable source. Which means it meets academic standards. Dr. Warren was working in the New York Community and did Donahue. Through that show I contacted her and she sent me that material. I’m not sure if she is still alive or not but if she is she could verify that it is legitimate if not the center if it still exists could also. It shows several things first that I was in contact with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and at that time Transsexual Community of New York. It shows I was living in Daytona Beach Florida when I contacted her. Somewheres I also have a prescription for hormones (1997) from the only Doctor around Daytona who was prescribing hormones at the time and his office was in Holly Hill Florida. I don’t know if he is sill around but I had a working drag queen roomate who’s show name was Big Maple and was well known in the area. One of my better friends from that period of my life family used to own the show bar called the yum yum tree.One of his best performers was named Brandy McDaniels and sadly she died of aids around 1997. A true history of Transgender won’t go back in time and call Lili Elbe a Transgender. What it will show is the first time someone chose to label themselves that. Then how they got other people to label themselves that and where and how it spread. That history may start earlier than 1993 but I can assure you I was connected to both the LGBT community and the outside of it Stealth Community (transsexuals pushed outside the LGBT) and no one was using the word Transgender in Daytona Florida that I ever knew of and aleast from 1993- 1998. In New York Transgender was not being used by professionals or the LGBT in 1993. Academically verifiable sources rock! The community I ran in did not identify as Transgender and in my case still doesn’t and I am not homophobic or Transphobic nor do I have an internalized sense of either I just moved on from the LGBT and know from a lot of prior experience it doesn’t best represent who and what I am and still doesn’t.

        1. Yeah, please re-read my previous post. You’ve made yourself so irrelevant that the only folks who care to comment on your work are the folks you troll. It’s really, really sad and such a waste.

      14. In the ninth comment down I stated: “Cristan I am debating you right now”
        Five posts down from that you state: Tell me, Lisa, what debate do you think we’re having? Can you even state the historical point we’re debating?
        If arguing points and different opinions isn’t debating what is?
        Funny you don’t say anything about wanting to take the debate elsewhere at this point.
        Nine comments down from that you state this is not a debate.
        You also point to what broke down the last supposed debate that you insist that I backed out of. You want to control everything it must be on your terms, terms that I have never fully agreed with or to. Then you turn around and falsely accuse me of backing out of the first debate.
        You accuse me of trolling you, yet don’t you have the ability to ban me from commenting on the Trans Advocate? Why wouldn’t you have banned me if I’m a troll and causing you so much trauma?
        You say we’re not debating yet you continue to make comments and according to you I’m trolling you.
        Since I’m trolling you snicker, and not debating you snicker, and you haven’t banned me yet snicker, I’ll leave now thanks again for the not debate/debate. The thread speaks for itself I debated you on The Trans advocate a blog that you are now in control of on your terms since you control it.
        I’d like to thank you Cristan you have supported multiple points of a theory I have been working on for over Twelve years. I will open up my photo’s so the link will work and prove that you are the one that has been trolling me and as this thread shows making plenty of false accusations against me. I never attacked you personally on this thread only the differing points of perspective and your history of Transgender that you posted in the Transadvocate. http://www.transadvocate.com/tracking-transgender.htm
        Have a great life I am done communicating/debating with you, I am tired of your false accusations that I am a troll. Like I stated near the beginning I would much rather spend my time gaining support outside the LGBT. I have saved a screenshot of our thread where I have left it in case you decide to add more comments, delete some comments, or delete the entire thread from where I left.

        1. [If arguing points and different opinions isn’t debating what is?]

          A debate is when an explicit assertion of fact (in a debate, known as a motion) is reviewed. One party argues in favor of the motion and the other argues against the motion. You claim to be engaged in a debate, but you’ve failed to be able to articulate a motion. If you can’t do that, you’re trolling, not debating.

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