The Houston Area Pastors Council (HPAC), an organization led by men who sexually harassed women (and who tried to misrepresent the sexual abuse to the public), has been working to overturn broad equality in Houston, Texas. The Harris County DA is investigating a HPAC representative for engaging in voter fraud while working to overturn the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). The investigation comes after the TransAdvocate caught the representative on tape attempting to violate Texas Election laws.
The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance protects 15 separate classes. They are:
- Sex
- Race
- Color
- Ethnicity
- National Origin
- Age
- Familial Status
- Marital Status
- Military Status
- Religion
- Disability
- Sexual Orientation
- Genetic Information
- Gender Identity
- Pregnancy
Many people in Houston supported the effort to strip equal rights protections from the above classes. Here are several Houstonians who do not want these groups to have equal rights:
If you’d like to search through these public records, click here.
Houston equality ordinance passed City Council, 11 to 6 on May 28, 2014. Those voting against equality were:
Sorry…spoke…wrote too soon…ya they were de-certified for not being registered voters…EXCELLENT JOB Cristan!!!! Hope to hear back on how the DA case filing is doing as it snakes its way through. Wow….fraud…perjury…conspiracy to commit perjury…..aiding and abetting (accomplice) perjury….perhaps even representing self as a county employee to give undue credence so as to elicit more signatures….ay chihuaha.
What do all of the strike-through entries mean? Signers that changed their mind or signers that were found not to be qualified to sign? Yes, these are all public records…..for just as public purview.