Będzie MP Anna Grodzka nominację do Parlamentu zastępca Pass głośnik?

February 5, 2013 ·

Will trans woman Ms. Anna Grodzka Nomination For Deputy Speaker Pass The Conservative dominated Polish Parliament?

It seems is that Ms. Grodzka nomination may receive a up vote in this conservative Catholic country’s Parliament. But how could that be?

Polityka, politics politics!

Recently there was a bill introduced in Parliament for civil unions between same sex couples which was dismissed out of hand. Didn’t even get discussed.

Ms. Grodzka’s nomination by the minority liberal party quickly followed on the heals of that defeat and is seen as a challenge to the dominate conservatives and fence sitting parties to show they are in fact progressive as they say they are.

Listen to the debate on Dateline Warsaw – transsexual MP to become deputy speaker? The debate and back story.

[alert type=”info”]Cross-posted from Planet Transgender[/alert]
In categories:Kelli Busey Politics
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