If “Resistance” means anything, it means removing those from power who act to oppress us. This means that YOU –yes you– are needed in the fight to ensure that those who are running for political office will fight for justice and equality. Below are the registration dates for the US political registration dates, primaries, and runoffs. Under these dates is a form that will allow you to register.
Upcoming Registration, Primary, & Runoff Dates
P – state does not have online voter registration, the link is to a paper registration form. PC – last day to change party affiliation in advance of a primary, if already registered. SD – same day registration available.
*Louisiana has no primaries – the general election is the “primary” and a runoff is held if no candidate receives 50% of the vote. **Massachusetts is considering rescheduling its primary to an earlier date, therefore it is still undetermined. ***Individual Virginia districts decide whether to accept the results of a primary or to hold a convention to determine the nominee of the party. ****If there is a runoff, the second date corresponds to the registration deadline for the runoff. Otherwise, the date marked PC is the deadline for changing party affiliation in advance of a primary. *****New York’s party change deadline has expired. If you were already registered and wanted to vote in a different primary, you were required to change your party registration by 10/13/17 in order to cast a ballot in the 2018 primaries. H/T: r/politics