TransGiving 3: Boston Alliance of GLBT Youth

December 10, 2013 ·

The Boston Alliance of GLBT Youth (BAGLY) is a youth-led organization that’s worked with trans youth since the 1980s. BAGLY has a queer youth speakers bureau and youth led HIV/AIDS education program. Furthermore, BAGLY is where the nation’s first prom for LGBTQ youth happened.

BAGLY teaches intersectional feminist ideals. As part of BAGLY’s Leadership Development programming BAGLY staff, adult volunteers, youth leaders, and youth members work to recognize dominant group identity (white/male/gender normative/adult), make connections between oppressive behaviors and dominant groups. Making these connections helps to develop the skills and caring behaviors needed to uphold BAGLY’s commitment to social justice and to create anti-oppressive environments for LGBTQ youth.

[button link=”” size=”large” target=”_blank”]Donate to BAGLY Today![/button]



Christine nominated BAGLY saying, “This organization has helped over 30,000 youth ages up to 22 since inception in 1980 (one of the oldest) serving gay, lesbian and transgender youth of which more than 25% of members today are transgender.”

The TransAdvocate is beginning a new holiday tradition. We’re calling it the “12 Days of #TransGiving.” This December series will feature awesome trans nonprofits and causes worthy of your support. Most trans causes and/or nonprofits really struggle. We want to highlight worthy causes and foster a culture of investing in our community. We encourage you to spread the word about #TransGiving and support the awesome causes profiled in this series!

Other causes in this series:

  1. The Trans Center and Trans Archives
  2. The Gender Book
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