There’s Something About Transphobia

July 25, 2007 ·

I’m continually amazed at the hatred and bigotry shown by the Fox Broadcasting Network. The fall lineup includes the inherently transphobic series, “There’s Something About Miriam.” The series first aired in the 2004 in the UK and features six men who try to win the affection of 21-year-old Mexican model Miriam. In the final episode it is revealed to the suitors that Miriam is a preoperative transsexual woman.

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The series originally ran in the UK and was widely condemned by the media as “the cruelest reality show idea yet.” The contestants sued claiming that Brighter Pictures had committed conspiracy to commit sexual assault, defamation, breach of contract and personal injury in the form of psychological and emotional damage. The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.

The show portrays transgender people as deceitful sexual perverts who get their jollies by preying on unsuspecting men. It’s the same type of voyeurism and “gotcha” exploitation that killed Scott Amedure. Amedure appeared on a taping of the Jenny Jones Show, revealing his “gay crush” on Jonathan Schmitz. Three days later Scmitz bought a shotgun and went to Amedure’s home and murdered him. In the trial that followed, the defense tried to blame Amedure for his own murder. This type of panic strategy was also used in the murder trial of a transgender teen, Gwen Araujo.

When media giants like Fox use transgender people in such a “Jerry Springer” kind of way, it serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes that will have a negative impact for years after the program airs.

H/T to NG and Roger Catlin

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  1. Miriam is a beautiful person….one could only hope to be able to spend time with her.I send alot od time is SE Asia where people are accepting of people… and I have found Trans Genger’s to be smart funny and wonderful to talk with.I wish her the best of luck finding someone to love her for her.

  2. Miriam is a beautiful person….one could only hope to be able to spend time with her.I send alot od time is SE Asia where people are accepting of people… and I have found Trans Genger’s to be smart funny and wonderful to talk with.I wish her the best of luck finding someone to love her for her.

  3. Miriam is a beautiful person….one could only hope to be able to spend time with her.I send alot od time is SE Asia where people are accepting of people… and I have found Trans Genger’s to be smart funny and wonderful to talk with.I wish her the best of luck finding someone to love her for her.

  4. ugh, way to set the Trans. community back a few years. The world really doesn’t need to see misinforming shit like that. Society in general really don’t know much of anything of truth at all about TG people.

  5. ugh, way to set the Trans. community back a few years. The world really doesn’t need to see misinforming shit like that. Society in general really don’t know much of anything of truth at all about TG people.

  6. ugh, way to set the Trans. community back a few years. The world really doesn’t need to see misinforming shit like that. Society in general really don’t know much of anything of truth at all about TG people.

  7. How coldblooded of her, and them. Thank you so much, Miriam, I hope you are visited by three ghosts tonight.

  8. How coldblooded of her, and them. Thank you so much, Miriam, I hope you are visited by three ghosts tonight.