There’s Something About Transphobia

I’m continually amazed at the hatred and bigotry shown by the Fox Broadcasting Network. The fall lineup includes the inherently transphobic series, “There’s Something About Miriam.” The series first aired in the 2004 in the…

Randi Rhodes Redux

I guess Randi’s transphobia isn’t something new. I edited the clips down (I edited them for time, I did not rearrange or manipulate the content). If you want to hear the segments unedited, watch the…

Randi Rhodes’ Transphobic Moment

Listening to “progressive radio,” you don’t really hear to many examples of out and out transphobia. Listening to Randi Rhodes on Air America Radio I heard her mock Ann Coulter, insinuating she was a transsexual….

What’s In A Word? Context, Ya Fag!

I know I have this obsession with words. I’ve never particularly liked because it’s posts on transfolk generally border on bad taste/transphobia. The most recent edition sports this headline: When I think of the…

Confessions of A Ex-Ex-Transgender

You’ve probably heard of the ex-gay movement. You may have even heard of the ex-ex-gay movement. Odds are slim that you know anyone that is ex-transgender. But have you ever known anyone that is ex-ex-transgender?…

Radical Feminist Christ

Until someone puts actual empirical data along side radical feminist doctrine, I refuse to call it a theory. It  isn’t a theory, it’s a religion. And it’s about as believable as there being a man…

City of Brotherly Love, Sisterly Hate?

What the hell is the problem with the Philadelphia Police Department? The police covered up the events that led to the murder of Nizah Morris in December of 2002. The city settled in a federal…