Randi Rhodes’ Transphobic Moment

July 3, 2007 ·


Listening to “progressive radio,” you don’t really hear to many examples of out and out transphobia. Listening to Randi Rhodes on Air America Radio I heard her mock Ann Coulter, insinuating she was a transsexual. This is insulting to Ann Coulter on a purely personal level, and it’s demeaning of anyone trans because of the stereotypes.
Just goes to show you that ignorance, bigotry, and transphobia isn’t exclusive to right wing Republicans.


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  1. I can’t stand either of them. One of them tells kill-Clinton jokes, and the other tells kill-Bush jokes. I bet they were separated at birth.

  2. I can’t stand either of them. One of them tells kill-Clinton jokes, and the other tells kill-Bush jokes. I bet they were separated at birth.

  3. Stephanie Miller does this as well on a regular basis. The hypocrisy of the left on this issue really hit me after Coulter made her infamous “faggot” comment in regards to Senator Edwards. It was really disheartening and maddeningly ironic to listen to Stephanie Miller, Alan Colmes and others make transphobic jokes about Coulter in response to her homophobic remarks.

  4. Stephanie Miller does this as well on a regular basis. The hypocrisy of the left on this issue really hit me after Coulter made her infamous “faggot” comment in regards to Senator Edwards. It was really disheartening and maddeningly ironic to listen to Stephanie Miller, Alan Colmes and others make transphobic jokes about Coulter in response to her homophobic remarks.

  5. Randi Rhodes: transphobe! (Ann Coulter)…

    One of the core tenets of “liberalism”, aka Gramscism, is that “liberals” can’t be racist, homophobic, or all the……

  6. whether or not randi is an active transphobe, the “ann coulter is a tranny” trope is tiresome and repellant. it goes like this:

    ann behaves in an aggressive manner which might be stereotypically assigned to a man. she also has rather severe features, and the merest hint of an adam’s apple. these factors mark her as “not really a woman”, hence, trans. which is, of course, exactly the perspective of transwomen that we often argue strongly *against*.

    gender-policing, *particularly by queers*, is bullshit.

  7. whether or not randi is an active transphobe, the “ann coulter is a tranny” trope is tiresome and repellant. it goes like this:

    ann behaves in an aggressive manner which might be stereotypically assigned to a man. she also has rather severe features, and the merest hint of an adam’s apple. these factors mark her as “not really a woman”, hence, trans. which is, of course, exactly the perspective of transwomen that we often argue strongly *against*.

    gender-policing, *particularly by queers*, is bullshit.

  8. I’m certainly not a fan of Ann’s either. Regardless of what you call it, what Randi said was dehumanizing, and should have no place in a civil society.

  9. I’ve never been a fan of Ann Coulter’s and have advocated for years she needs to get a taste of what she dishes out.

    But calling Randi Rhodes a transphobe when the facts don’t support it smacks of the old transgender community ‘conclusion jump’ to me.

  10. I’ve never been a fan of Ann Coulter’s and have advocated for years she needs to get a taste of what she dishes out.

    But calling Randi Rhodes a transphobe when the facts don’t support it smacks of the old transgender community ‘conclusion jump’ to me.

  11. I already posted at Pam’s, but did anyone else notice the “very, very gay” bit?
    Not only do female ‘mones= crazy, but “very, very gay”= expert on transsexuality. WTF?

    BTW, what exactly constitutes “very, very”? Lots of homosexual sex? Sex with people who are really, totally of the same sex and gender as you? Seriously, Randi– cram it.

  12. I already posted at Pam’s, but did anyone else notice the “very, very gay” bit?
    Not only do female ‘mones= crazy, but “very, very gay”= expert on transsexuality. WTF?

    BTW, what exactly constitutes “very, very”? Lots of homosexual sex? Sex with people who are really, totally of the same sex and gender as you? Seriously, Randi– cram it.

  13. I’m not defending Ann Coulter’s ideas or actions, but her personhood. It’s dehumanizing to an Coulter, to transgender people, and to women.

    I wouldn’t say I’m attacking her, but she does need to understand how hurtful and demeaning her words are to a community that already gets mocked and demeaned by most of the right wing.

  14. So if you weren’t defending Ann Coulter, and you’re not necessarily attacking Randi Rhodes for her Ann bashing, what are you doing then?

  15. So if you weren’t defending Ann Coulter, and you’re not necessarily attacking Randi Rhodes for her Ann bashing, what are you doing then?