A reader writes: “I am having issues determining my sexual identity since transition from female to male. Dating and having a relationship are things I consciously took off the table while I was in the early stages of transition. It is now three years into transition and the idea of having someone in my life is sounding pretty good. “Although I am attracted to the male physique and enjoy the visual of a handsome, sexually attractive man, I just don’t… Read more.
Be a Trans Advocate
Tag: identity
Tag: identity
Ask Matt: What Am I? Labels and Identities
July 16, 2013 · mkailey
Today we have two letters about identity that I thought went together quite well. So here goes: A reader writes: “I consider myself transgender – I was born female, but feel very much that the concept of ‘womanhood’ does not apply to me in the slightest. I’ve always pursued more male interests and likings – everything from activities to clothes – even when I was too young to realize what I was doing. ‘Man’ best describes what I am when… Read more.
The Battle For Self Determination Of One’s Own Identity Is A Just One
April 28, 2013 · monica_roberts
I'm blessed to have some pretty smart people around me as you can tell by some of the conversations that get started on my Facebook page. Sometimes those profound conversations get cranked up by some post I've written. There are times it happens because either I or somebody else starts doing some hard solid thinking about whatever subject we were tackling at the moment and a comment jump starts a thoughtful conversation. I wrote a post about a Houston area… Read more.
Ask Matt: Names, Labels, and Identities
February 11, 2013 · mkailey
We have two reader questions in one post today, and in order to catch up with my backlog of Ask Matt questions, I will be posting a Thursday edition this week as well, so be looking for that. Readers, as always, your insights and experiences are much appreciated, so please join the conversation in the Comments section. And here we are with today’s questions: A reader writes: “My transgender daughter is legally changing her name next week and has decided… Read more.
The Normalization of TS/TG Along with the Normalization of Gay and Lesbian
February 5, 2013 · Guest
By Suzan Cooke Transsexual and Transgender people are everywhere, for good or bad, in high positions in life and low. We are not just sex workers and murder victims even though we are often stereotyped as such. Like other minority groups, we are remarkably diverse. So much so that describing ourselves as either transsexual or transgender says virtually nothing about us as an individual. I never saw us as a single community. TS/TG as identity seemed to form very weak… Read more.
August 28, 2011 · Joelle
I have awoken multiple times from a nightmare hearing this phrase screamed at me over and over again. Whether awake or asleep, it echoes over and over and over again through my brain. It is like machine-gun fire, ricocheting through my body with unbelievable velocity. It is a question that will probably follow me throughout my entire life. Yesterday, I was walking out of the mall to go and catch the bus. A group of people apparently had quite a… Read more.