Tag: gay

Tag: gay

Appalling Silence From Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival Performers

May 29, 2013 ·

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. ~Martin Luther King, Jr. During the civil rights struggles of Martin Luther King Junior's day, he was appalled by the silence of those whom he believed were, or should have been, on the side of African-American community civil rights. So with that in mind, The Advocate posted an… Read more.

The Right Way To Be LGB Or T?

April 27, 2013 ·

Back in 2009 I asked the the question if there were a right way to be LGB Or T. As I consider the personal difficulties of my past few years, especially those difficulties relating to community orthodoxies externally imposed on me by others, I find myself revisiting the idea behind my now four-year-old question. And now with Suzan asking a similar themed question in her recent post HBS: Play Ground for Frauds, Bullies and Self-Loathing Transsexual-Transgender People and wannabee Transsexuals,… Read more.

“So, what was Stonewall?”

January 25, 2013 ·

In the wake of the President Obama's historic speech referencing Stonewall, NPR ran a piece asking and purporting to answer the question, "So, what was Stonewall?" The article calls upon Martin Duberman, now 82, to retell the story of Stonewall. Martin Duberman published the first history of Stonewall in 1993. His history significantly featured trans folk. Bizarrely, the NPR author Liz Halloran seems to rewrite Duberman's history, spending many lines minimizing the trans aspect of Stonewall:  "I liked the mix of people," he said. "It was not… Read more.

History Theft: How Gay and Lesbian Historians Appropriate Trans History

October 9, 2010 ·

As far back as we have history of transgender people, we have appropriation (a nice word for theft) of our history by gays and lesbians. I wrote a post about Albert Cashier, who was a veteran of the Civil War and lived as Albert most of his life. His identity stayed intact for most of his life. Only until he was admitted to Watertown State Hospital was it widely known that Cashier was born female. When he was forced to… Read more.

When Ticked Off Gay Men Attack: Misogyny As A Knife

March 29, 2010 ·

Last week when I posted Tribeca Film Festival Promotes Exploitation of Transgender People, I never thought that the call to action would cause controversy within the GLBT community. As gudbuytjane said about the movie on her blog: I felt sick. I have seen the lives and even the deaths of trans people appropriated by cis LGB culture before, but I didn’t think anyone would be so crass as to describe in lurid detail the deaths of two trans people (ironic… Read more.

Update: Facebook Ban and Lost Corporation Status of “Ticked-Off Trannies” Film

March 25, 2010 ·

I recently tried to post an update on Facebook to the story ran on Transadvocate on Monday (March 22, 2010) titled: Tribeca Film Festival Promotes Exploitation of Transgender People and got the following: I then was auto-logged out and when I logged back in it said my login had been disabled. Since when is posting about GLAAD's petition of the movie a violation of Facebook's TOS? What exactly was reported as abusive? I can't figure out if the petition itself… Read more.

Siriusly EmpTy

September 18, 2009 ·

Recently, I saw a tweet by Diana Cage on twitter. I'd heard Cage on her nightly show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio's "Diana Cage Show", and I decided to subscribe and listen in on her show. I came in during Derek and Romaine's "Desperately Fucking Angry" segment where people call in and complain about things that piss them off. "Trans Trucker" called in the following audio: And "Trans Trucker" isn't alone. Last December, Becky Juro referred to Sirius XM's… Read more.

The G & The L Rises, T Sinks And Fails, And All Is AOK? BS!

July 13, 2009 ·

"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." — Martin Luther King Jr. Well it didn't take long for responses to my last blog. One person wrote me privately saying she was disappointed I didn't "understand" how "serious" the Pam's House Blend controversy was and that I should've "come down harder" on her and Autumn Sandeen for these bannings or muzzlings they enacted on their trans "members and bloggers." Then on my posting I had… Read more.

ENDA And Hate Crimes Go To The Back Of The Bus

June 8, 2009 ·

Last Thursday Jason Bellini of the Daily Beast reported that  the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) had made a deal with the Obama Administration to delay repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy in an effort to focus on the federal hate crimes bill and Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). I thought it sounded too good to be true. For a minute I was almost proud of them for doing the right thing! On twitter Jburroway, of Box Turtle Bulletin, asks… Read more.

ENDA and The Gay Media Cabal

March 30, 2009 ·

According the Washington Blade, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) approved a policy statement that"the group will not support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, if it excludes language protecting persons from discrimination." The Advocate followed suit with: "The Human Rights Campaign adopted a policy statement on Wednesday that says the group will not support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act if it excludes protections for transgender individuals. The statement was approved by the HRC board of directors in Washington, D.C. 'It’s the… Read more.

OBAMA GAY, Trangender Wars, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T

February 9, 2009 ·

Today on the show we discussed: Allyson Robinson+IFGE=HRC <3 ??? Here We Go Again: IFGE Elects HRC’s Allyson Robinson To The Board HRC and Their access to power. After expending political capital over Rick Warren, I wondered how much has ole' Joe got. HRC Relishes Sudden Access To White House Obama Fundie Watch Revelations of Truth Why I pray for our new president Dr. Kenneth Zucker's War on Transgenders Non-Discrimination Legislation: Transgender people plead for law change Campaign Puts The… Read more.

You Don’t Know Jack or Barack

December 18, 2008 ·

Last month the Advocate ran an article titled "Gay Is The New Black?: The Last Great Civil Rights Struggle". Today Joe Solmonese and other gay rights advocates have expressed outrage at the choice of Pastor Rick Warren. But not every GLBT person agrees. I count myself as one of those voices. I defended Barack Obama feverishly when the whole Donnie McClurkin thing came down because I understood what he was trying to do. He's never claimed to be a liberal,… Read more.

It’s Not All About The Gay

February 2, 2007 ·

Yesterday both Box Turtle Bulletin and my friend Steph posted this video: [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/NgJyyszPwuM" width="425" height="350"/] They both labeled it as "Gay." But two prominent scenes in the movie are of the Stonewall and Compton Cafeteria riots. To label either as "gay history" misses the bigger picture. The Stonewall Inn was raided because its clientèle was mostly Hispanic and African American, and most were gender variant. After the riots started, police targeted effeminate men. Stonewall was as much about gender… Read more.