GLAAD About Hate Speech

April 2, 2007 ·

In my March 26th post “Just Wondering…“, I asked where the outrage was concerning Michael Savage’s recent tirade against transgender people. I checked the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) website to see if they’d issued any kind of statement concerning Savage’s assault on the transgender community. Finding none, I contacted the only transgender contact at GLAAD that I knew of, Andy Marra (She’s also on the board of NCTE, GLSEN (NYC), and NYAGRA, but you might recognize her from her recent appearance on the ABC soap, All My Children). I explained my concern and asked if GLAAD had a response to this verbal tirade. She said that she would look into it and get back to me. Late Friday afternoon I received the following statement from GLAAD’s national news director, Cindi Creager:

“This is the kind of grotesque vulgarity that got Savage fired from MSNBC and why you never see him on any credible news outlet. Savage is a fringe extremist whose behavior continues to validate the mainstream news media’s wisdom in shunning him.”


Is that all?! No press release, protest, call to action, or any other kind of campaign? Again, let’s recap:

COULTER: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I’m – so, kind of at an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards, so I think I’ll just conclude here and take your questions”


SAVAGE: “The wages of sin are death. You’re gonna cut off your willy, you’re gonna walk around in women’s clothes, you’re gonna hook — you’re gonna wind up dead under a freeway, Johnson. It’s not gonna be an HBO special about your travails, and how surgery made you a happy woman.

I never understand these people. Guy is 55 years old, he had three children, he discovers there was a woman within, and he goes — shots and hormones, three years of hormones, and live like a woman. And then you gotta dress like a woman for two years. And then they go to a psychopathic, sadistic doctor who does the thing for them. No more in Denmark — I mean, the capital of it is somewhere in Colorado, of course, near Columbine. You wonder why the kids shoot each other there with black raincoats. But that’s the sex change capital of the world — in America, rather — is somewhere in Colorado; they cut off the willies and they put on the willies, depending on whether you’re a Johnny or a Jane.”

And apparently it costs more to put a willy on than it does to take a willy off. I’ve always said if a city’s gonna pay for this kind of insane self-mutilation, the least they could do is put a willy on ice. I mean, if they’re taking a perfectly good willy off a guy, why throw it in the garbage? Put it on ice, save it for the next time one of these psycho women in the city wants to be willied, I mean wants to be a John when she’s a Jane. Because it costs like 40 grand to put one on and 20 grand to take one off. I would say you can do a mean price of 30 grand if they could start saving the willies from these psychos. But that’s a separate story. I’m into cost saving at all costs.”

SAVAGE: “And then they go into “she said transgender victims” going on and on “extremely violent” going on and on “are frequently left partially clothed or completely nude, it’s making a statement and humiliating the victim,” blah-blah-blah. I am so beyond fed up with freaks. I live in freak city. You know, I don’t mind freaks. I used to go to Ringling Brothers when I was a little kid, and the freak show was my favorite part of the circus. I didn’t go there to mock them. I liked to see the one-breasted man. I liked to see the mustached woman. But when I wake up as an adult and I find out that they’re actually all Democrats today, passing themselves off as normal, I’m sorry, someone’s gotta say this is a freak show, time out. And what’s this sympathy, constant sympathy for sexually confused people? Why should we have constant sympathy for people who are freaks in every society? I didn’t say hurt the freaks. I didn’t say do anything to the freaks.

But you know what? You’re never gonna make me respect the freak. I don’t want to respect the freak. The freak ought to be glad that they’re allowed to walk around without begging for something. You know, I’m sick and tired of the whole country begging, bending over backwards for the junkie, the freak, the pervert, the illegal immigrant. All of them are better than everybody else. Sick. Everything is upside down.”

SAVAGE: “So the country is founded on the principles of Christianity. A couple of hundred years later, where are we living? So-called post-Christian times. The churches are emptying out, the bathhouses are filling up, the sex-change operations are speeding up, the lesbian fertility clinics are increasing around the country. And the country is on the verge of an insane breakdown.

And enter this picture, entering this picture are devout Muslims, not only in America but around the world, many of whom, most of whom today are not fanatic, by the way. I have no doubt they would become fanatic if they smelled a chance to get away with it. I’ll put that in context another time. If they could, they would impose their religion on everybody else, because that’s a tenet of their religion. It is a fundamental tenet of Islam to convert everybody around them whether they want it or not. OK? But right now everyone is acting, you know, like good Americans. They’re just minding their own business, the majority of them. And the others are watching over their shoulder for the FBI and the other intelligence agencies, as they should, because the FBI is doing a darn good job of keeping them in line, to be very frank. You know, just lay it on the line. They’re keeping the would-be bombers on their toes, let’s put it to you that way. All right? And that’s good.

Now, you come to a point where the spiritual vacuum has emerged in the United States of America. Enter the vacuum are very religious Muslims. They don’t like the stuff that I don’t like, frankly. The very same things that offend me, offend them. That’s the strangest part of it. As they do offend — for example, the city manager cutting his schmekel off to become a woman. To me it’s disgusting; the doctor should be arrested, their licenses taken away, they should be given 10 years in prison for what they’re doing to these poor mental cases. I mean these head cases who suddenly say, “Oh, I want to be a woman, all my life, there was a woman within –” this is a mass psychosis that’s going on now in America: “Oh, God, you’re so wonderful, Steve, for becoming Clara. Oh, you’re such an advanced, progressive human being. Isn’t that wonderful.”

“It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that God wants radical Islam on this planet at this time — that it’s not actually the scourge you think it is. What it is — it’s a counterpoint to the Romanization of the United States of America and the West. The collapse — the spiritual collapse of the West, the death of the West in that regard, is being countered by the birth of fanatic religion, which is fundamentally a fanatic love of God, when you think about it.”

“And God, who is the center of this monotheistic religion, has said, “Oh, you don’t worship me anymore? Oh, you don’t like me anymore? Oh, I don’t exist anymore? Really? All right, I’m going to show you boys in Hollywood and you girls in New York City that I do exist. But since you’re very hard-headed, stiff-necked people, and you don’t really believe that I exist because you’ve gotten away with everything you’ve done all your life without any repercussions, I’m going to show you I exist in a way that you can’t believe. “Down came the World Trade Center towers. That was God speaking.”

GLAAD’s response to Coulter? For her slur she recieved a  press release and media campaign scream across their front page. Their comment to this blog hasn’t even found it’s way to their website, much less an all out media campaign or even a press release.

To say I’m frustrated at their response is an understatement. But rather than just complain, I’ve purchased Stop and Boycott and plan on developing them into an information clearinghouse on the sponsors of the Michael Savage show. But I can’t do this alone. I need a lot of help on this project. I’m asking anyone who’s reading this feels angry and frustrated at his hateful tirades to donate your time and talents in helping to develop the website/campaign. Time, talent, or donations are all welcomed and encouraged. No action is too small, even if it’s just listening to his show to report who’s advertising on his show.

To help develop the sites, email me.

To contact GLAAD:
Andy Marra
Cheryl Creager

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  1. Well that is I thought, You don’t wish to come out from the shadows do you ??

    For Belledame222 aka as beautiful-woman apparently your definition of
    socialism is different from mine, aka communism if wish for the government to run every aspect of your life then so be it. You chose not to try and understand in the context of my explanations as to what I was trying to explain, I never once called you two names or expressed any kind of hatred for your situation or position in life, I know I have
    not walked in your shoes but I do have an understanding and the
    compassion as one human being to another and if there is difference
    of opinion that comes from what life in it’s self has done to give us
    these individual points of understanding as we in fact have learned and experienced life in then that is just the way the cards have fallen.

    1. Any use of a nuclear weapon is an affront to the human race.
    2. Iran get the bomb they will use it against jews and then we will be
    in it.
    3. Did you know or are you aware that 41 states have hamas and the
    group hezsballa muslins living here that support Iran??

    4. If things don’t change and this scenario takes place your idea of
    life in america should be will greatly be altered. Then you will have
    the answer as to what I was trying to explain as to the point of
    the use and term of surviving.

    5. No there is nothing trivial as to what you as an individual have been
    subjected to or what you may have gone through, life in this human
    existence is sometimes all most to much for us to bare at times,
    but if you have the love of your family and friends. The struggles
    are much more easier to bear, so if my responses have caused you
    two any pain that was not my intentions and I do apologize. The
    war is over.

  2. Well that is I thought, You don’t wish to come out from the shadows do you ??

    For Belledame222 aka as beautiful-woman apparently your definition of
    socialism is different from mine, aka communism if wish for the government to run every aspect of your life then so be it. You chose not to try and understand in the context of my explanations as to what I was trying to explain, I never once called you two names or expressed any kind of hatred for your situation or position in life, I know I have
    not walked in your shoes but I do have an understanding and the
    compassion as one human being to another and if there is difference
    of opinion that comes from what life in it’s self has done to give us
    these individual points of understanding as we in fact have learned and experienced life in then that is just the way the cards have fallen.

    1. Any use of a nuclear weapon is an affront to the human race.
    2. Iran get the bomb they will use it against jews and then we will be
    in it.
    3. Did you know or are you aware that 41 states have hamas and the
    group hezsballa muslins living here that support Iran??

    4. If things don’t change and this scenario takes place your idea of
    life in america should be will greatly be altered. Then you will have
    the answer as to what I was trying to explain as to the point of
    the use and term of surviving.

    5. No there is nothing trivial as to what you as an individual have been
    subjected to or what you may have gone through, life in this human
    existence is sometimes all most to much for us to bare at times,
    but if you have the love of your family and friends. The struggles
    are much more easier to bear, so if my responses have caused you
    two any pain that was not my intentions and I do apologize. The
    war is over.

  3. my, my you really are in a bad way. Yes Hiroshima was a terrible thing to happen, there are shadows of people burnt into the walls of the buildings over there, but so was pearl harbor. So we can agree at least on one thing that there is evil in the world. Not bad for being such silly sod.

    I am sorry that life has caused you so much pain and suffering that you have to continue to bastardize my existence with your condescending comments. Perhaps some day I will be able to attain the enlightenment that you both appear to have achieved.

    You see self hatred such as you have displayed only works against your psychic, you apparently cannot bridge the gap of the points of order and there appears a serious misunderstanding. Let me just say I do have gay friends, one was a lesbian dispatcher who worked for the same p.d. that I did. she was a good kid.

    For the part of everything about me being fake, I must protest. This
    is quite an announcement. I could swear I am using my correct name and I could also swear I was trying to have an understanding dialogue but maybe this is what micheal savage is trying to say about the two warring belief systems that have been sparring against each other. My sister connie who is a down syndrome child
    thinks her big brother is just swell and just loves to give me a hug and a big kiss every time I see her.

    My e-mail is and my cell phone # is
    209-988-8732 so lets see who is the real deal here. michael

  4. my, my you really are in a bad way. Yes Hiroshima was a terrible thing to happen, there are shadows of people burnt into the walls of the buildings over there, but so was pearl harbor. So we can agree at least on one thing that there is evil in the world. Not bad for being such silly sod.

    I am sorry that life has caused you so much pain and suffering that you have to continue to bastardize my existence with your condescending comments. Perhaps some day I will be able to attain the enlightenment that you both appear to have achieved.

    You see self hatred such as you have displayed only works against your psychic, you apparently cannot bridge the gap of the points of order and there appears a serious misunderstanding. Let me just say I do have gay friends, one was a lesbian dispatcher who worked for the same p.d. that I did. she was a good kid.

    For the part of everything about me being fake, I must protest. This
    is quite an announcement. I could swear I am using my correct name and I could also swear I was trying to have an understanding dialogue but maybe this is what micheal savage is trying to say about the two warring belief systems that have been sparring against each other. My sister connie who is a down syndrome child
    thinks her big brother is just swell and just loves to give me a hug and a big kiss every time I see her.

    My e-mail is and my cell phone # is
    209-988-8732 so lets see who is the real deal here. michael

  5. It is unfortunate that your survival instinct has been impacted greatly because of what you saw on 9-11-01.

    Oh, cram the armchair psych, you silly sod. You really have no clue about my survival instinct or what might or might not have impacted it, and frankly you’re well out of order.

    and yeah. My grandfather. Fought at Normandy. Socialist till the day he died. Next?

  6. It is unfortunate that your survival instinct has been impacted greatly because of what you saw on 9-11-01.

    Oh, cram the armchair psych, you silly sod. You really have no clue about my survival instinct or what might or might not have impacted it, and frankly you’re well out of order.

    and yeah. My grandfather. Fought at Normandy. Socialist till the day he died. Next?

  7. I see your trying to be a moralist here, do you know anyone in the service, you know, people from the world war two era?? such as anyone that was there on dec 07 1941 at 7:00 am, well I do and this party still hates japan for what they did over sixty years ago, Yes man all through history has struggled with the points of the necessary response to evil. It is unfortunate that your survival instinct has been impacted greatly because of what you saw on 9-11-01. But your still alive, you can be victum if you wish or you can look at life as no matter how bad you may be struggling with things there is someone else just down the road who has it a whole
    lot worse you are respected I have distain for you in any manner or form I just find it hard to believe how mind set works and yes the bomb was judged as a necessary evil, just like having to carry a firearm it is a necessary tool that can take a life should it become
    necessary to protect the innocent. You will see in the next few months what is coming and I hope you will take the steps to insure you and your loved ones will get through these trying times.

    Perhaps your right, these fools on both sides who try and run this country are screwed up. Life would be much better without goverment intervention, but what more can I say G.W. is the real fake here, one who pretends to be something he is not, one world order is coming fast, so you better get your gun anne.

    Yes, matthew sheppard did not deserve to die as he did. But that that was at hands of a few stupid vile human beings.

    And of course you know who helped pass the civil righte act of 1964 it sure was not Al Gore’s father was it.

    you have realize that just because someone differs from your point of view does not mean they are against your existance. that point
    of view is carried to the extream by our islamic jihadist in the middle east who treat woman as they are dogs.

  8. I see your trying to be a moralist here, do you know anyone in the service, you know, people from the world war two era?? such as anyone that was there on dec 07 1941 at 7:00 am, well I do and this party still hates japan for what they did over sixty years ago, Yes man all through history has struggled with the points of the necessary response to evil. It is unfortunate that your survival instinct has been impacted greatly because of what you saw on 9-11-01. But your still alive, you can be victum if you wish or you can look at life as no matter how bad you may be struggling with things there is someone else just down the road who has it a whole
    lot worse you are respected I have distain for you in any manner or form I just find it hard to believe how mind set works and yes the bomb was judged as a necessary evil, just like having to carry a firearm it is a necessary tool that can take a life should it become
    necessary to protect the innocent. You will see in the next few months what is coming and I hope you will take the steps to insure you and your loved ones will get through these trying times.

    Perhaps your right, these fools on both sides who try and run this country are screwed up. Life would be much better without goverment intervention, but what more can I say G.W. is the real fake here, one who pretends to be something he is not, one world order is coming fast, so you better get your gun anne.

    Yes, matthew sheppard did not deserve to die as he did. But that that was at hands of a few stupid vile human beings.

    And of course you know who helped pass the civil righte act of 1964 it sure was not Al Gore’s father was it.

    you have realize that just because someone differs from your point of view does not mean they are against your existance. that point
    of view is carried to the extream by our islamic jihadist in the middle east who treat woman as they are dogs.

  9. You know what Hiroshima was? It was about 1,000 9/11’s all in one horrible blow. And that was AFTER a horrible, soul-killing global war in which some people were “worse” than others but pretty much no one had clean hands. And you know what, I LIVE in frigging New York City, I was there when 9/11. Don’t talk to me about 9/11. It was bad. Really bad. It doesn’t justify turning around and doing -worse- shit to everyone the hell else on the damn planet. It just makes it more likely that it’s gonna keep on happening and happening.

    There are people who live with that kind of terror every single goddam day, ever since we launched an unprovoked attack (yes that’s right, -Iraq didn’t do 9/11,- most of the damn planet knew it then and it takes active work to not understand that now) on their country, and for what? For oil? For revenge? Because WE’RE NUMBER ONE!! Because, we WERE the good guys who won WWII, and by god we want that feeling back again?

    It’s pathetic.

    And I’m really sorry that LGBT peoples’ lives and civil rights are that trivial to you, but I got news for you: we deal with that shit ON TOP OF all the other shit. Go to war, lose jobs, get killed. And some other shit that, lucky you, you -don’t- have to deal with. Shit that, by the way? is -completely unnecessary- for the maintenance of a decent society. Or did you think nailing Matthew Shepard to the wall -helps- God and Country somehow? Whatever, I know, it’s like arguing with the pigeon outside my window, but sometimes I like to hear myself speak, too.

  10. You know what Hiroshima was? It was about 1,000 9/11’s all in one horrible blow. And that was AFTER a horrible, soul-killing global war in which some people were “worse” than others but pretty much no one had clean hands. And you know what, I LIVE in frigging New York City, I was there when 9/11. Don’t talk to me about 9/11. It was bad. Really bad. It doesn’t justify turning around and doing -worse- shit to everyone the hell else on the damn planet. It just makes it more likely that it’s gonna keep on happening and happening.

    There are people who live with that kind of terror every single goddam day, ever since we launched an unprovoked attack (yes that’s right, -Iraq didn’t do 9/11,- most of the damn planet knew it then and it takes active work to not understand that now) on their country, and for what? For oil? For revenge? Because WE’RE NUMBER ONE!! Because, we WERE the good guys who won WWII, and by god we want that feeling back again?

    It’s pathetic.

    And I’m really sorry that LGBT peoples’ lives and civil rights are that trivial to you, but I got news for you: we deal with that shit ON TOP OF all the other shit. Go to war, lose jobs, get killed. And some other shit that, lucky you, you -don’t- have to deal with. Shit that, by the way? is -completely unnecessary- for the maintenance of a decent society. Or did you think nailing Matthew Shepard to the wall -helps- God and Country somehow? Whatever, I know, it’s like arguing with the pigeon outside my window, but sometimes I like to hear myself speak, too.

  11. and uh yeah, FDR and Truman were far FAR more “utopian socialist” than -anyone- in either major party today. Hell, for that matter, so was Ike Eisenhower. Know what the tax rate on the top bracket was during the 50’s? Something like 80%.

    But then again, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is pretty damn idealistic too.

    and yeah, BOOM is really a -cute- way of describing a frigging atomic holocaust. Ever been in the aftermath of one? Those people loved their children, too.

  12. and uh yeah, FDR and Truman were far FAR more “utopian socialist” than -anyone- in either major party today. Hell, for that matter, so was Ike Eisenhower. Know what the tax rate on the top bracket was during the 50’s? Something like 80%.

    But then again, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is pretty damn idealistic too.

    and yeah, BOOM is really a -cute- way of describing a frigging atomic holocaust. Ever been in the aftermath of one? Those people loved their children, too.

  13. well of course what we REALLY want to go back to is/are the good ol’ days when the Democratic Party was the party that stood for the maintenance of the Peculiar Institution and the War of Northern Aggression. Good thing nothing ever changes, eh?

    eh, screw it, I’d rather be a Whig. Why can’t we go back to the -real- issues, like throwing tea in the harbor and getting the damn Brits off our backs? Hey, if it was the pressing order of the day then, it is today, too!…

  14. well of course what we REALLY want to go back to is/are the good ol’ days when the Democratic Party was the party that stood for the maintenance of the Peculiar Institution and the War of Northern Aggression. Good thing nothing ever changes, eh?

    eh, screw it, I’d rather be a Whig. Why can’t we go back to the -real- issues, like throwing tea in the harbor and getting the damn Brits off our backs? Hey, if it was the pressing order of the day then, it is today, too!…

  15. “You know marti you really know how to provoke don’t you, you come across with this pompas attitude and yes I do know about you ??? ever here of remote viewing???”

    LOL. Oh yes, I’ve heard about it on art bell’s show. It’s the kookie version of TM.

    You might call it pompous, but it’s not. It’s simply confident intelligence.

    “he democrat party has been hijacked by these utopian socialist”

    LOL. If you could remote view, you’d respect me a hell of a lot more than you do. Your logic doesn’t fit history. FDR defeated the Germans. He died a month before the Germans surrendered. Truman defeated the Japanese with what you so callously refer to as the BOOM. If you remote viewed that, and aren’t a pathetically sick and twisted human being, you’d know the hell that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, and you wouldn’t mock such a large loss of life. But every thing about you is fake.

    Ever hear of the New Deal? It was socialism at its finest. It brought us out of the Great Depression. By the way, there’s no such thing as the Democrat Party, it’s the Democratic Party.

  16. “You know marti you really know how to provoke don’t you, you come across with this pompas attitude and yes I do know about you ??? ever here of remote viewing???”

    LOL. Oh yes, I’ve heard about it on art bell’s show. It’s the kookie version of TM.

    You might call it pompous, but it’s not. It’s simply confident intelligence.

    “he democrat party has been hijacked by these utopian socialist”

    LOL. If you could remote view, you’d respect me a hell of a lot more than you do. Your logic doesn’t fit history. FDR defeated the Germans. He died a month before the Germans surrendered. Truman defeated the Japanese with what you so callously refer to as the BOOM. If you remote viewed that, and aren’t a pathetically sick and twisted human being, you’d know the hell that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, and you wouldn’t mock such a large loss of life. But every thing about you is fake.

    Ever hear of the New Deal? It was socialism at its finest. It brought us out of the Great Depression. By the way, there’s no such thing as the Democrat Party, it’s the Democratic Party.

  17. You know marti you really know how to provoke don’t you, you come across with this pompas attitude and yes I do know about you ??? ever here of remote viewing???. Yes my dear, ever hear of Harry S Truman???. A democrat back then is not the same as a democrat now and you know it. The democrat party has been hijacked by these utopian socialist that have no belief system, they have no moral compas, no concrete idea’s to even try solve the basic’s of any given problem, just listen to ad on the radio given by the lady who is the president of the california teachers association, she says just give us 40% more money so we can give our children what they deserve. That is how people without vision act gives us more money they say.

    I guess my straight A’s in history was just a fluke.

    Mart’i the majority of folks out here in the real world really don’t care about transponder people or the ideology. Just like the gay pride parade they had in san fran this past weekend, goof-balls that were naked riding unicycles. That’s real down home entertainment, you folks wish for understanding but won’t do what is required for the rest of us out here to see what are the real issues. No just throw it in our faces and expect us to like it. I do not think so. and that is what Eric and Megan’s message was really all about, but no, your disingenuous and belligerent attitude is so prevalent, I am sure your doctor has told you of the side effects of the medication you had to take before and during your journey, are you on a m.o.a. now ??, because you seem to float in and out reality, I do know what you went through, and it has not been easy, { you would be suprised what a little remote viewing can reveal } You do know F.D.R. died before the end of WWII and Truman had to finish the job by dropping the what???? BOOOOOOOOM. Yes Marti it was the grunts on the beaches of Normandy and in the pacific that won world war two. So please, let’s talk about annauke, you do know who these folks were don’t you??. You do know about Baron Von Rotheschild don’t you??, and do forgive me if I have left out letter or two in my above dissertation. Anyway someday you wil lget the peace of mind you seek and the pain in your heart shall flee from you.

  18. You know marti you really know how to provoke don’t you, you come across with this pompas attitude and yes I do know about you ??? ever here of remote viewing???. Yes my dear, ever hear of Harry S Truman???. A democrat back then is not the same as a democrat now and you know it. The democrat party has been hijacked by these utopian socialist that have no belief system, they have no moral compas, no concrete idea’s to even try solve the basic’s of any given problem, just listen to ad on the radio given by the lady who is the president of the california teachers association, she says just give us 40% more money so we can give our children what they deserve. That is how people without vision act gives us more money they say.

    I guess my straight A’s in history was just a fluke.

    Mart’i the majority of folks out here in the real world really don’t care about transponder people or the ideology. Just like the gay pride parade they had in san fran this past weekend, goof-balls that were naked riding unicycles. That’s real down home entertainment, you folks wish for understanding but won’t do what is required for the rest of us out here to see what are the real issues. No just throw it in our faces and expect us to like it. I do not think so. and that is what Eric and Megan’s message was really all about, but no, your disingenuous and belligerent attitude is so prevalent, I am sure your doctor has told you of the side effects of the medication you had to take before and during your journey, are you on a m.o.a. now ??, because you seem to float in and out reality, I do know what you went through, and it has not been easy, { you would be suprised what a little remote viewing can reveal } You do know F.D.R. died before the end of WWII and Truman had to finish the job by dropping the what???? BOOOOOOOOM. Yes Marti it was the grunts on the beaches of Normandy and in the pacific that won world war two. So please, let’s talk about annauke, you do know who these folks were don’t you??. You do know about Baron Von Rotheschild don’t you??, and do forgive me if I have left out letter or two in my above dissertation. Anyway someday you wil lget the peace of mind you seek and the pain in your heart shall flee from you.

  19. “you make one spell check error and they want to hang you on a cross they have no real grounded spiritual basis and it is hard for them bridge any gap that other people may differ thier opinion from thier’s and god help them if they do .”

    It’s not one spell check error, it’s a consistent misuse of the English language. How am I supposed to take your opinions seriously when you can’t even spell “their.”

    Ever hear of TAVA? They’re an organization of veterans that are transgender, so you really don’t know what your talking about. You have NO clue about me or my life and what I have or have not sacrificed.

    “Eric, it is not been the libreral that has kept this country safe”

    Learn your history, before you come up here and pretend to know what you’re talking about.

    Ever hear of WWII? FDR was the President, and we won that war and he was a Democrat. The towers fell on 9/11 with a Republican President, but stood when attacked by a Democrat.

    You prove your ignorance, once more.

  20. “you make one spell check error and they want to hang you on a cross they have no real grounded spiritual basis and it is hard for them bridge any gap that other people may differ thier opinion from thier’s and god help them if they do .”

    It’s not one spell check error, it’s a consistent misuse of the English language. How am I supposed to take your opinions seriously when you can’t even spell “their.”

    Ever hear of TAVA? They’re an organization of veterans that are transgender, so you really don’t know what your talking about. You have NO clue about me or my life and what I have or have not sacrificed.

    “Eric, it is not been the libreral that has kept this country safe”

    Learn your history, before you come up here and pretend to know what you’re talking about.

    Ever hear of WWII? FDR was the President, and we won that war and he was a Democrat. The towers fell on 9/11 with a Republican President, but stood when attacked by a Democrat.

    You prove your ignorance, once more.

  21. To Eric and Megan you both have very valid points but the problems is these two people have a very elitist attitudes, you make one spell check error and they want to hang you on a cross they have no real grounded spiritual basis and it is hard for them bridge any gap that other people may differ thier opinion from thier’s and god help them if they do .

    Eric, it is not been the libreral that has kept this country safe and somewhat secure minus the invasion from the southern border. but the right wing love america white, black, and brown american man that has prevailed to do so. So that these individuals can have the freedom to run thier mouths in any form or fashion. It is really funny how people who have made no real sacrifice act they are the only one’s out here who have a right bitch. Oh well one day they shall see. I am sorry marti you don’t believe in god, I forgot.

  22. To Eric and Megan you both have very valid points but the problems is these two people have a very elitist attitudes, you make one spell check error and they want to hang you on a cross they have no real grounded spiritual basis and it is hard for them bridge any gap that other people may differ thier opinion from thier’s and god help them if they do .

    Eric, it is not been the libreral that has kept this country safe and somewhat secure minus the invasion from the southern border. but the right wing love america white, black, and brown american man that has prevailed to do so. So that these individuals can have the freedom to run thier mouths in any form or fashion. It is really funny how people who have made no real sacrifice act they are the only one’s out here who have a right bitch. Oh well one day they shall see. I am sorry marti you don’t believe in god, I forgot.

  23. “I totally agree with Michael Savage! I think you all are wrong, discussting & repulsive!”

    You are an example of:

    1. Someone that isn’t smart enough to use a spell check.

    2. Someone that makes no logical sense.

    3. Someone that obviously doesn’t have control over the English language.

    “This country is upside down & thanks to all of you “freaks”, my kids have to grow up with all of your discusting life styles.”

    LOL. Discuting? That’s not even a word… and it’s LIFESTYLES, not life styles. I think your children’s bigger problem isn’t me, but their mother’s lack of education.

    You’re living proof that ignorance is at the heart of intolerance and bigotry. I feel pity in my heart for your children.

  24. “I totally agree with Michael Savage! I think you all are wrong, discussting & repulsive!”

    You are an example of:

    1. Someone that isn’t smart enough to use a spell check.

    2. Someone that makes no logical sense.

    3. Someone that obviously doesn’t have control over the English language.

    “This country is upside down & thanks to all of you “freaks”, my kids have to grow up with all of your discusting life styles.”

    LOL. Discuting? That’s not even a word… and it’s LIFESTYLES, not life styles. I think your children’s bigger problem isn’t me, but their mother’s lack of education.

    You’re living proof that ignorance is at the heart of intolerance and bigotry. I feel pity in my heart for your children.

  25. I totally agree with Michael Savage! I think you all are wrong, discussting & repulsive! This country is upside down & thanks to all of you “freaks”, my kids have to grow up with all of your discusting life styles. Aren’t there any Christian gays & lesbians out there that have some sort of shame of these people they live & share life styles with? I guess even if there were they wouldn’t be given the time of day as do us conservatives!

  26. I totally agree with Michael Savage! I think you all are wrong, discussting & repulsive! This country is upside down & thanks to all of you “freaks”, my kids have to grow up with all of your discusting life styles. Aren’t there any Christian gays & lesbians out there that have some sort of shame of these people they live & share life styles with? I guess even if there were they wouldn’t be given the time of day as do us conservatives!

  27. you know your right ugh !!! I kinda thought they were funny looking cats, shame on me. you make me laugh belledame222.

    you know of remote viewing don’t you?

  28. you know your right ugh !!! I kinda thought they were funny looking cats, shame on me. you make me laugh belledame222.

    you know of remote viewing don’t you?

  29. um…what?

    in response to the only part of that that made any sense at all:

    i hate to break it to you, but actually they’re otters.

    back atcha, Marti.

  30. um…what?

    in response to the only part of that that made any sense at all:

    i hate to break it to you, but actually they’re otters.

    back atcha, Marti.

  31. Thats cool, I did not know cats could sing, I know that cats are telepathic and will try and talk to you in their special way. I bet your kitty talks to you.

    Oh, I almost forgot what does pathetic really mean in your contextual format here ?

  32. Thats cool, I did not know cats could sing, I know that cats are telepathic and will try and talk to you in their special way. I bet your kitty talks to you.

    Oh, I almost forgot what does pathetic really mean in your contextual format here ?

  33. my, my, why would anyone want to watch you in bed that should be the one place no one watches anyone. Tell me what is with the french itailan identnity 222 ? are you a secret agent or something, just asking, don’t go postal on me. Your wrong, I do know more about both you then you could ever believe. The point is we all have to deal with our abilities and inabilities on a daily basis if we don’t we will not survive what is being put before us, please look at the bigger picture
    of life here. One last question, could you pull the trigger if needed ?

  34. my, my, why would anyone want to watch you in bed that should be the one place no one watches anyone. Tell me what is with the french itailan identnity 222 ? are you a secret agent or something, just asking, don’t go postal on me. Your wrong, I do know more about both you then you could ever believe. The point is we all have to deal with our abilities and inabilities on a daily basis if we don’t we will not survive what is being put before us, please look at the bigger picture
    of life here. One last question, could you pull the trigger if needed ?

  35. and, goddamit, i can’t let this go any longer:

    “the liberal blahblah that AFFECTS these individuals.”


    If you were to say,

    “the ____ of this liberal agenda include aliens and goblins watching me in bed,”

    THEN the word is “effects.”


    See the difference, Roy? Eric? Bueller?


    Janet? Brad! Dr. Scott!…

  36. and, goddamit, i can’t let this go any longer:

    “the liberal blahblah that AFFECTS these individuals.”


    If you were to say,

    “the ____ of this liberal agenda include aliens and goblins watching me in bed,”

    THEN the word is “effects.”


    See the difference, Roy? Eric? Bueller?


    Janet? Brad! Dr. Scott!…

  37. “Boy!!!! Eric you have watch for for marti she is a defender of of the ????? I tried to get her to admit a few things, and she did, she is angry at god for giving her a male body with a female inside of it.”

    Damn it Ron, there you go being nice. Don’t you know you’re supposed to use the incorrect pronouns for maximum disdain? I’m not angry at god, any more than I’m angry at Zeus. And I know this is hard to understand, but I don’t think I was born in the wrong body. My gender identity is opposite of my birth sex.

    “Then she felt she had to surgically change that. I am sure she has suffered a lot of trauma because of these changes. But you see eric the liberal mindset that effects these individuals including belledame222.”

    What the hell is it with you right wingers and grammar? You know nothing of my life and nothing of me. Trauma is having to respond to your pathetic comments that are riddled with circular logic, and bigoted thinking.

  38. “Boy!!!! Eric you have watch for for marti she is a defender of of the ????? I tried to get her to admit a few things, and she did, she is angry at god for giving her a male body with a female inside of it.”

    Damn it Ron, there you go being nice. Don’t you know you’re supposed to use the incorrect pronouns for maximum disdain? I’m not angry at god, any more than I’m angry at Zeus. And I know this is hard to understand, but I don’t think I was born in the wrong body. My gender identity is opposite of my birth sex.

    “Then she felt she had to surgically change that. I am sure she has suffered a lot of trauma because of these changes. But you see eric the liberal mindset that effects these individuals including belledame222.”

    What the hell is it with you right wingers and grammar? You know nothing of my life and nothing of me. Trauma is having to respond to your pathetic comments that are riddled with circular logic, and bigoted thinking.

  39. Boy!!!! Eric you have watch for for marti she is a defender of of the ????? I tried to get her to admit a few things, and she did, she is angry at god for giving her a male body with a female inside of it.
    Then she felt she had to surgically change that. I am sure she has suffered a lot of trauma because of these changes. But you see eric the liberal mindset that effects these individuals including belledame222.
    It gives them tunnel vision to the point that only their agenda matters,
    it is like the individuals who believe you can sit down with islamic fascist terrorist and have a calm discussion as to why they are all upset
    with america. The fact is you can’t and the same goes with individuals
    who have an ideology and belief system that is different from the main stream of our american society, but please eric we need to really focus on more important issues that beset, us like g.w. and his executive order issued on may 9th ordering the construction of
    detention/concentration camps and his one world order bull shit he is trying shove down our throats with his amnesty bill plus his nafta highway bill. Should these two things pass it will set a course for the destruction of america and any thing that resembles what we may wish for lives in the future. And above involved parties can kiss their ass good by to, because there really wont be any civil rights left for them or anyone else.

  40. Boy!!!! Eric you have watch for for marti she is a defender of of the ????? I tried to get her to admit a few things, and she did, she is angry at god for giving her a male body with a female inside of it.
    Then she felt she had to surgically change that. I am sure she has suffered a lot of trauma because of these changes. But you see eric the liberal mindset that effects these individuals including belledame222.
    It gives them tunnel vision to the point that only their agenda matters,
    it is like the individuals who believe you can sit down with islamic fascist terrorist and have a calm discussion as to why they are all upset
    with america. The fact is you can’t and the same goes with individuals
    who have an ideology and belief system that is different from the main stream of our american society, but please eric we need to really focus on more important issues that beset, us like g.w. and his executive order issued on may 9th ordering the construction of
    detention/concentration camps and his one world order bull shit he is trying shove down our throats with his amnesty bill plus his nafta highway bill. Should these two things pass it will set a course for the destruction of america and any thing that resembles what we may wish for lives in the future. And above involved parties can kiss their ass good by to, because there really wont be any civil rights left for them or anyone else.

  41. My goodness. Should we start a drinking game? How many cliches -was- that?

    And Eric-the-fruitbat, o’butty, psychotherapy is a good thing, I highly recommend it. you know, deal with those rage issues, and the whole, your being a total loser and blaming it on everyone and everything but your own sweet self.

    yeah, Eric, you’re “allowed” to be hateful. Thanks for asking for permission, you sad bastard. Now, are you capable of being or doing anything -else?-

  42. My goodness. Should we start a drinking game? How many cliches -was- that?

    And Eric-the-fruitbat, o’butty, psychotherapy is a good thing, I highly recommend it. you know, deal with those rage issues, and the whole, your being a total loser and blaming it on everyone and everything but your own sweet self.

    yeah, Eric, you’re “allowed” to be hateful. Thanks for asking for permission, you sad bastard. Now, are you capable of being or doing anything -else?-

  43. “I am so tired of the phrase “hate speech,” get over it and grow up!! This country has been so feminized and pacified that everyone has to step on eggshells now.”

    I’m so tired of right wing rhetoric. If this country was “feminized” you wouldn’t have god worship of Paris Hilton or misogynistic hip hop artists making millions. It makes for good rhetoric for you to hate folks, but there’s absolutely no proof in the culture.

    “I am allowed to offend you just as you are allowed to offend me. This country used to be a country based on a robust individualism now we are a country based on perpetuating victimhood with your victim groups such as transgendered people.”

    I’ve never said that Michael Savage shouldn’t have his first amendment rights. Those rights don’t include the public airways. He doesn’t have a right to a talk show. I’m calling for people to do the exact same thing they did to Imus.

    “Transgendered people belong in psychotherapy.”

    Many are. Do me a favor, use logic. The folks that are leaders in the psychotherapy field suggest that transgender people learn how to transition to a place that helps them become content, productive citizens. So your rant about us being crazy and freakish is cruel, moronic, and most of all devoid of any logic.

  44. “I am so tired of the phrase “hate speech,” get over it and grow up!! This country has been so feminized and pacified that everyone has to step on eggshells now.”

    I’m so tired of right wing rhetoric. If this country was “feminized” you wouldn’t have god worship of Paris Hilton or misogynistic hip hop artists making millions. It makes for good rhetoric for you to hate folks, but there’s absolutely no proof in the culture.

    “I am allowed to offend you just as you are allowed to offend me. This country used to be a country based on a robust individualism now we are a country based on perpetuating victimhood with your victim groups such as transgendered people.”

    I’ve never said that Michael Savage shouldn’t have his first amendment rights. Those rights don’t include the public airways. He doesn’t have a right to a talk show. I’m calling for people to do the exact same thing they did to Imus.

    “Transgendered people belong in psychotherapy.”

    Many are. Do me a favor, use logic. The folks that are leaders in the psychotherapy field suggest that transgender people learn how to transition to a place that helps them become content, productive citizens. So your rant about us being crazy and freakish is cruel, moronic, and most of all devoid of any logic.

  45. I am so tired of the phrase “hate speech,” get over it and grow up!! This country has been so feminized and pacified that everyone has to step on eggshells now. You are allowed to use “hate speech” as people would call it. I am allowed to offend you just as you are allowed to offend me. This country used to be a country based on a robust individualism now we are a country based on perpetuating victimhood with your victim groups such as transgendered people. Transgendered people belong in psychotherapy. Is there any right and wrong anymore?? Stop worrying about policing peoples’ minds and mouths and live your own damn lives!! As far as gay pride goes, its pretty ridiculous that you take pride in your sexuality!! If the straight people like myself held a straight pride parade we’d be called “homophobic.” You and your victimhood. “When victimhood is your empowerment you can’t ever find a solution.”
    But we aren’t supposed to be “judgemental” because it is “hateful.” This country has become like the Roman Empire, a country with no standards and no moral foundation. What are you going to do now try to send me to some pinko commie “sensitivity training” crap. Nothing like bullying someone into changing their thoughts. Get a life and grow up. You are a bunch of saps that blames the world for not accepting your freakshow!!
    There is male and there is female and nothing else. Transgender goes against NATURE!! When something goes against nature it is freakish. These people deserve to be institutionalized they don’t deserve to get sympathy!! If I ever see any of your literature anywhere I will wipe my ass with it after I eat a huge bowl of chili. This is coming from a “man” in Wyoming. Your organization is a fraud just like NOW, the anti defamation league, the aclu, CAIR, International Answer, Amnesty Internatial,
    La Raza, Feminists for the Life of America. Most of you are socialists who practice groupthink, collectivism, victimhood and you disguise it as looking out for someone.
    I HATE ALL OF YOU WITH A PASSION!! Am I allowed to do that?? Don’t sue me for sissy ass “Hate Speech.” BOOHOO!! How about the millions of straight white males who have been victims of affirmative action? I forgot though we aren’t one of your victim groups.
    You should rename your sorry ass group, “SAAD”
    Hats off to Savage and Coulter I hope that they both continue their speech against weirdos like you. Goodbye ladies and gentleman!! I refuse to be “inclusive” by saying goodbye to the weirdos that belong in a padded room and aren’t either sex.
    You guys suck!!(probabaly literally)

  46. I am so tired of the phrase “hate speech,” get over it and grow up!! This country has been so feminized and pacified that everyone has to step on eggshells now. You are allowed to use “hate speech” as people would call it. I am allowed to offend you just as you are allowed to offend me. This country used to be a country based on a robust individualism now we are a country based on perpetuating victimhood with your victim groups such as transgendered people. Transgendered people belong in psychotherapy. Is there any right and wrong anymore?? Stop worrying about policing peoples’ minds and mouths and live your own damn lives!! As far as gay pride goes, its pretty ridiculous that you take pride in your sexuality!! If the straight people like myself held a straight pride parade we’d be called “homophobic.” You and your victimhood. “When victimhood is your empowerment you can’t ever find a solution.”
    But we aren’t supposed to be “judgemental” because it is “hateful.” This country has become like the Roman Empire, a country with no standards and no moral foundation. What are you going to do now try to send me to some pinko commie “sensitivity training” crap. Nothing like bullying someone into changing their thoughts. Get a life and grow up. You are a bunch of saps that blames the world for not accepting your freakshow!!
    There is male and there is female and nothing else. Transgender goes against NATURE!! When something goes against nature it is freakish. These people deserve to be institutionalized they don’t deserve to get sympathy!! If I ever see any of your literature anywhere I will wipe my ass with it after I eat a huge bowl of chili. This is coming from a “man” in Wyoming. Your organization is a fraud just like NOW, the anti defamation league, the aclu, CAIR, International Answer, Amnesty Internatial,
    La Raza, Feminists for the Life of America. Most of you are socialists who practice groupthink, collectivism, victimhood and you disguise it as looking out for someone.
    I HATE ALL OF YOU WITH A PASSION!! Am I allowed to do that?? Don’t sue me for sissy ass “Hate Speech.” BOOHOO!! How about the millions of straight white males who have been victims of affirmative action? I forgot though we aren’t one of your victim groups.
    You should rename your sorry ass group, “SAAD”
    Hats off to Savage and Coulter I hope that they both continue their speech against weirdos like you. Goodbye ladies and gentleman!! I refuse to be “inclusive” by saying goodbye to the weirdos that belong in a padded room and aren’t either sex.
    You guys suck!!(probabaly literally)

  47. Yes indeed. Thanks for stopping by and visiting! Awfully magnanimous of you. Mazel tov, tell yer ma thank you for the chicken soup.

  48. well, marti I guess, you have nothing further say, we appear to have covered all the bases, but just one question remains, with so much going on in this world why are you folks so focused on one narrow issue of life when life itself is so much encompassing.

    I suppose that this thing is your whole world

  49. well, marti I guess, you have nothing further say, we appear to have covered all the bases, but just one question remains, with so much going on in this world why are you folks so focused on one narrow issue of life when life itself is so much encompassing.

    I suppose that this thing is your whole world

  50. The truth has finally come out and it pains me that you consider “god” just a fictional being . I am sorry you have no faith or had any experience in life to prove in your mind otherwise.

    I ask a question, yet I get only a question instead of an answer, tell me Marti where and when in any of my responses have I made a target of you and or of your position in life as you are today, with any vile or hateful rhetoric, not once. It is just like if someone says anything about our problem of illegal immigration right away one is labeled a racist a bigot. You continue to assert that I am a hateful individual because I listen to Micheal Savage that his voice and idea’s promote me to go and commit an act of violence in his name as you did in referring, the name of George Wallace. And you do this by mixing apples with oranges. Yes liberalism is a mental disorder and the sooner you grasp on to the reality of that concept. I believe the better off your mental torture that you suffer from will be a thing of the past.

    You speak of being mistreated and such, well history of man kind is filled with evil all down through the ages, a case in point being the
    american indian and the westward expansion of our country, how they were butchard, brutalized, etc. Now they have a chance to make money from their casino’s and what does the government want to do, yes tax them. I say for once let these people “live” and leave them the hell alone.

    Respectful Responsibility, is a phrase I have coined no matter how corny it may sound to masses. It is about taking personal responsibility on a daily basis to try and treat all persons as you would wish to be treated,” a golden rule adaptation ” but also being extra mindful, if one try’s to promote this way of thinking that they make and extra effort to incorporate a sense of value and direction of a positive nature in the way they live life towards others.

    So Marti, is is understandable how you are motivated to take up this cause and direction that you find yourself on.

    You have to take note, that we as humans have to deal with our limitations on a daily basis, taking the good with the bad. In my past area’s of employment I could have pulled the trigger and been justified by all means in doing so, but I held on to the belief if I could just make the connection and be able to defuse the situation
    maybe just maybe this person could have another chance to make things right.

    Yes, Marti there is a “God” having been given just three days to live
    after a serious accident when I was 14 years old I know the power
    and do not take lightly of the extra time I have been given, I am able to see things that others can’t, so what ever cross we choose to carry in life always remember someone, somewhere carries a cross perhaps much heavier and larger than ours. We can have such
    tremendous knowledge in our minds but if we do not have it in our hearts how shall we then be judged in history.

  51. The truth has finally come out and it pains me that you consider “god” just a fictional being . I am sorry you have no faith or had any experience in life to prove in your mind otherwise.

    I ask a question, yet I get only a question instead of an answer, tell me Marti where and when in any of my responses have I made a target of you and or of your position in life as you are today, with any vile or hateful rhetoric, not once. It is just like if someone says anything about our problem of illegal immigration right away one is labeled a racist a bigot. You continue to assert that I am a hateful individual because I listen to Micheal Savage that his voice and idea’s promote me to go and commit an act of violence in his name as you did in referring, the name of George Wallace. And you do this by mixing apples with oranges. Yes liberalism is a mental disorder and the sooner you grasp on to the reality of that concept. I believe the better off your mental torture that you suffer from will be a thing of the past.

    You speak of being mistreated and such, well history of man kind is filled with evil all down through the ages, a case in point being the
    american indian and the westward expansion of our country, how they were butchard, brutalized, etc. Now they have a chance to make money from their casino’s and what does the government want to do, yes tax them. I say for once let these people “live” and leave them the hell alone.

    Respectful Responsibility, is a phrase I have coined no matter how corny it may sound to masses. It is about taking personal responsibility on a daily basis to try and treat all persons as you would wish to be treated,” a golden rule adaptation ” but also being extra mindful, if one try’s to promote this way of thinking that they make and extra effort to incorporate a sense of value and direction of a positive nature in the way they live life towards others.

    So Marti, is is understandable how you are motivated to take up this cause and direction that you find yourself on.

    You have to take note, that we as humans have to deal with our limitations on a daily basis, taking the good with the bad. In my past area’s of employment I could have pulled the trigger and been justified by all means in doing so, but I held on to the belief if I could just make the connection and be able to defuse the situation
    maybe just maybe this person could have another chance to make things right.

    Yes, Marti there is a “God” having been given just three days to live
    after a serious accident when I was 14 years old I know the power
    and do not take lightly of the extra time I have been given, I am able to see things that others can’t, so what ever cross we choose to carry in life always remember someone, somewhere carries a cross perhaps much heavier and larger than ours. We can have such
    tremendous knowledge in our minds but if we do not have it in our hearts how shall we then be judged in history.

  52. “Yes the jokes on me, I thought you were male and yet you are female who wants to be male. please correct me if I am wrong as it appears any and everything I have said to you there has been a problem with it.”

    It’s not a joke, at all. I don’t think my genitals are important in this argument. I am a m2f transsexual. I live and work and am seen by the world as a female, and you will address me as such.

    “I did not attack you in any way, I have only been trying to understand why you feel this way and now I know. You have no real peace in your heart your liberal mind set has you chained to some horrible event that took place in your life.”

    Heh. You can judge my heart and mind, because?
    I’m not chained to anything, but if that makes you feel better about your hatred, so be it.

    “i wonder who he going to put in those detention camps he is wanting to construct, of course you heard about that. ”

    Um, duh… he wants to write discrimination of gays and lesbians into the Constitution. If anyone will be put it camps, it’ll be the faggots and the queers first, followed by illegal aliens. The biggest misconception people have about this post is that i support government censorship. What I DO support is censorship through the free market forces like boycotts.

    If anyone would be censored by the government it would be the GLBT community.

    “So really Marti why do you hate god so much ?, that you feel you must respond to the world in this manner and form.”

    LOL! I don’t hate god, anymore than I hate the easter bunny or Santa. It’s really hard to hate a fictional being.

    I respond in this manner and form because I tire of illogical minds that decide I am not worthy of the right to live and exist, and that I am “lucky” to be able to walk the streets and live.

    “So what you saying that you alone are so much smarter then Micheal Weiner aka Micheal Savage and it bothers you he is making a buck, and you want to make him hurt.”

    His intellect isn’t in question, but his listeners are. It bothers me that he spews his
    hate filled words, but I’m not asking for government intervention. It’s not a matter of intelligence, but of integrity. He went from idolizing a gay poet and sending obscene post cards of himself to the paragon of virtue? Please.

    “I have heard of no incident where someone has said, yes Micheal Savage made me do it and that is where the rubber meets the road”

    Bullocks. George Wallace never told anyone go out and commit violent acts, yet his words did incite people to do just that.

  53. “Yes the jokes on me, I thought you were male and yet you are female who wants to be male. please correct me if I am wrong as it appears any and everything I have said to you there has been a problem with it.”

    It’s not a joke, at all. I don’t think my genitals are important in this argument. I am a m2f transsexual. I live and work and am seen by the world as a female, and you will address me as such.

    “I did not attack you in any way, I have only been trying to understand why you feel this way and now I know. You have no real peace in your heart your liberal mind set has you chained to some horrible event that took place in your life.”

    Heh. You can judge my heart and mind, because?
    I’m not chained to anything, but if that makes you feel better about your hatred, so be it.

    “i wonder who he going to put in those detention camps he is wanting to construct, of course you heard about that. ”

    Um, duh… he wants to write discrimination of gays and lesbians into the Constitution. If anyone will be put it camps, it’ll be the faggots and the queers first, followed by illegal aliens. The biggest misconception people have about this post is that i support government censorship. What I DO support is censorship through the free market forces like boycotts.

    If anyone would be censored by the government it would be the GLBT community.

    “So really Marti why do you hate god so much ?, that you feel you must respond to the world in this manner and form.”

    LOL! I don’t hate god, anymore than I hate the easter bunny or Santa. It’s really hard to hate a fictional being.

    I respond in this manner and form because I tire of illogical minds that decide I am not worthy of the right to live and exist, and that I am “lucky” to be able to walk the streets and live.

    “So what you saying that you alone are so much smarter then Micheal Weiner aka Micheal Savage and it bothers you he is making a buck, and you want to make him hurt.”

    His intellect isn’t in question, but his listeners are. It bothers me that he spews his
    hate filled words, but I’m not asking for government intervention. It’s not a matter of intelligence, but of integrity. He went from idolizing a gay poet and sending obscene post cards of himself to the paragon of virtue? Please.

    “I have heard of no incident where someone has said, yes Micheal Savage made me do it and that is where the rubber meets the road”

    Bullocks. George Wallace never told anyone go out and commit violent acts, yet his words did incite people to do just that.

  54. well my aplologies I do forget from time to time that my dyslexia does rear it ugly head from time to time and yes I did forget to use spell check. My god, Had I only known as to what great big can of worms I opened up.

    Yes the jokes on me, I thought you were male and yet you are female who wants to be male. please correct me if I am wrong as it appears any and everything I have said to you there has been a problem with it.

    Hell I give up. all you could do was bastardize my spelling and grammar and my intellect, yet you missed the the most salient point I was trying to make ” It is all about D.N.A. if your trapped in one body when you think you should have been given something else. that has been the gay rallying call for years “god made me this way”

    I did not attack you in any way, I have only been trying to understand why you feel this way and now I know. You have no real peace in your heart your liberal mind set has you chained to some horrible event that took place in your life.

    Yes I spoke of G.W. but I sure as hell don’t like him, he has done more to ruin america than any other president, i wonder who he going to put in those detention camps he is wanting to construct, of course you heard about that. Let’s see he is going to put all of simple minded white folks in there.

    So really Marti why do you hate god so much ?, that you feel you must respond to the world in this manner and form. So what you saying that you alone are so much smarter then Micheal Weiner aka
    Micheal Savage and it bothers you he is making a buck, and you want to make him hurt. I do hear he is really educated.

    Well is not that the American way ” money talks and bullshit walks”
    or is that phrase to simple minded to disgest at this time in our relationship. You see Marti I was the class clown and even if no one else would laugh I could still laugh at myself.

    You know Marti words do hurt, but actions hurt more. I have heard of no incident where someone has said, yes Micheal Savage made me do it and that is where the rubber meets the road, if looking for someone who can be down right nasty and hateful then you need to listen to Ray Talafaro KGO 810 San Francisco well until next time do try and let it go, it is not worth the grief. and thanks for the english
    lesson I will try and be more concise in my grammar,spelling and my display of intellect, sure don’t want anybody thinking I was stupid or something. Hey have good day with a little good karma on the way.

  55. well my aplologies I do forget from time to time that my dyslexia does rear it ugly head from time to time and yes I did forget to use spell check. My god, Had I only known as to what great big can of worms I opened up.

    Yes the jokes on me, I thought you were male and yet you are female who wants to be male. please correct me if I am wrong as it appears any and everything I have said to you there has been a problem with it.

    Hell I give up. all you could do was bastardize my spelling and grammar and my intellect, yet you missed the the most salient point I was trying to make ” It is all about D.N.A. if your trapped in one body when you think you should have been given something else. that has been the gay rallying call for years “god made me this way”

    I did not attack you in any way, I have only been trying to understand why you feel this way and now I know. You have no real peace in your heart your liberal mind set has you chained to some horrible event that took place in your life.

    Yes I spoke of G.W. but I sure as hell don’t like him, he has done more to ruin america than any other president, i wonder who he going to put in those detention camps he is wanting to construct, of course you heard about that. Let’s see he is going to put all of simple minded white folks in there.

    So really Marti why do you hate god so much ?, that you feel you must respond to the world in this manner and form. So what you saying that you alone are so much smarter then Micheal Weiner aka
    Micheal Savage and it bothers you he is making a buck, and you want to make him hurt. I do hear he is really educated.

    Well is not that the American way ” money talks and bullshit walks”
    or is that phrase to simple minded to disgest at this time in our relationship. You see Marti I was the class clown and even if no one else would laugh I could still laugh at myself.

    You know Marti words do hurt, but actions hurt more. I have heard of no incident where someone has said, yes Micheal Savage made me do it and that is where the rubber meets the road, if looking for someone who can be down right nasty and hateful then you need to listen to Ray Talafaro KGO 810 San Francisco well until next time do try and let it go, it is not worth the grief. and thanks for the english
    lesson I will try and be more concise in my grammar,spelling and my display of intellect, sure don’t want anybody thinking I was stupid or something. Hey have good day with a little good karma on the way.

  56. “kind sir,”

    it’s ma’am, thank you.

    “you speak of intellect and of my grammer are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of.”

    Well, since you listen to Savage, you’re probably American. If you are, you’ve got HORRID English, and HORRID grammar. You don’t use correct punctuation and your sentences are either fragments or run ons.

    “are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of. I see now talk specifically of the irainian people what do know of these people?? who are they, what is their history etc.

    Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa on transsexuals,3604,1536658,00.html

    “it is my belief from your statement that many muslin sects approve of transsexuality that you may be void of any cognitive reason of thought on this matter you appear to have no knowledge or idea what the koran has to say on this matter.”

    First of all, it’s not the koran, it’s the Qur’an. And it says “To God belongs the dominion over the heavens and the earth. It creates what it wills. It prepares for whom it wills females, and it prepares for whom it wills males. Or it marries together the males and the females, and it makes those whom it wills to be ineffectual (barren)”.

    “Would you like to go and live amoung the shia and ask them to try and understand your position on you lifestyle. “m

    I am an American. My children are here, and this is where I will most likely stay. But the Shi’a already do understand my “position” on my lifestyle. If you check, you’ll see that Iran is Shi’a.

    “I notice you did not chide me for my reference to my d.n.a. comment”

    Well, I didn’t chide you because it makes no sense.

    “is that where your contending I am promoting some sort christian fanacticisum, yet you know me not and yet you have some bitterness in your heart towards anyone who may like what micheal savage has to say about certain things in life from time to time.”

    No matter what religion YOU believe in, you spoke of GW. He and his ilk are Christian fanatics.

    Michael Savage is fiction, his name is Michael Wiener. If you listen to his show, yes I think you are devoid of any sense of decency, class, or intellect. Michael “Savage” Weiner makes a buck masturbating the hate of the simple minded people.

    “you act like you are being so persecuted and want to just live, well this still america and like assholes everyone has their opinion, and freedom speach I do believe is the first admendment,”

    It’s not an act my friend, it’s a FACT. I am shocked that you know your first two amendments. Now if we could only get you to spell SPEECH correctly….

    ” besides what would DR LAURA say, oh must hate her too right,”

    I don’t hate anyone. Dr. Laura is a hypocrite. I don’t hate her, I just don’t buy her line of crap. I mean she’s got her own porn, for Christ’s sakes.

    “life to to short to worry about a few loose words being tossed about the air waves. maybe some day you will find peace”

    My friend, words mean things. He stated that she DESERVED what she got. She deserved to die. These aren’t just words, it’s a rubber stamp given to people like you, so you can hate us.

    I have peace, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed by people with tiny intellects that can’t even form a sentence.

  57. “kind sir,”

    it’s ma’am, thank you.

    “you speak of intellect and of my grammer are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of.”

    Well, since you listen to Savage, you’re probably American. If you are, you’ve got HORRID English, and HORRID grammar. You don’t use correct punctuation and your sentences are either fragments or run ons.

    “are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of. I see now talk specifically of the irainian people what do know of these people?? who are they, what is their history etc.

    Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa on transsexuals,3604,1536658,00.html

    “it is my belief from your statement that many muslin sects approve of transsexuality that you may be void of any cognitive reason of thought on this matter you appear to have no knowledge or idea what the koran has to say on this matter.”

    First of all, it’s not the koran, it’s the Qur’an. And it says “To God belongs the dominion over the heavens and the earth. It creates what it wills. It prepares for whom it wills females, and it prepares for whom it wills males. Or it marries together the males and the females, and it makes those whom it wills to be ineffectual (barren)”.

    “Would you like to go and live amoung the shia and ask them to try and understand your position on you lifestyle. “m

    I am an American. My children are here, and this is where I will most likely stay. But the Shi’a already do understand my “position” on my lifestyle. If you check, you’ll see that Iran is Shi’a.

    “I notice you did not chide me for my reference to my d.n.a. comment”

    Well, I didn’t chide you because it makes no sense.

    “is that where your contending I am promoting some sort christian fanacticisum, yet you know me not and yet you have some bitterness in your heart towards anyone who may like what micheal savage has to say about certain things in life from time to time.”

    No matter what religion YOU believe in, you spoke of GW. He and his ilk are Christian fanatics.

    Michael Savage is fiction, his name is Michael Wiener. If you listen to his show, yes I think you are devoid of any sense of decency, class, or intellect. Michael “Savage” Weiner makes a buck masturbating the hate of the simple minded people.

    “you act like you are being so persecuted and want to just live, well this still america and like assholes everyone has their opinion, and freedom speach I do believe is the first admendment,”

    It’s not an act my friend, it’s a FACT. I am shocked that you know your first two amendments. Now if we could only get you to spell SPEECH correctly….

    ” besides what would DR LAURA say, oh must hate her too right,”

    I don’t hate anyone. Dr. Laura is a hypocrite. I don’t hate her, I just don’t buy her line of crap. I mean she’s got her own porn, for Christ’s sakes.

    “life to to short to worry about a few loose words being tossed about the air waves. maybe some day you will find peace”

    My friend, words mean things. He stated that she DESERVED what she got. She deserved to die. These aren’t just words, it’s a rubber stamp given to people like you, so you can hate us.

    I have peace, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed by people with tiny intellects that can’t even form a sentence.

  58. kind sir, you speak of intellect and of my grammer are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of. I see now talk specifically of the irainian people what do know of these people?? who are they, what is their history etc.
    it is my belief from your statement that many muslin sects approve of transsexuality that you may be void of any cognitive reason of thought on this matter you appear to have no knowledge or idea what the koran has to say on this matter. Would you like to go and live amoung the shia and ask them to try and understand your position on you lifestyle. I notice you did not chide me for my reference to my d.n.a. comment is that where your contending I am promoting some sort christian fanacticisum, yet you know me not and yet you have some bitterness in your heart towards anyone who may like what micheal savage has to say about certain things in life from time to time . you know I can not think of one single time I have ever put down someone who is gay or otherwise so we can all agree to disagree, you act like you are being so persecuted and want to just live, well this still america and like assholes everyone has their opinion, and freedom speach I do believe is the first admendment, the second is the right to bear arms so if you really want live you have to learn to not go and get your feelings hurt besides what would DR LAURA say, oh must hate her too right,
    well when you have seen what I have seen and done what I have done in life perhaps you will have the knowledge and experience to
    life to to short to worry about a few loose words being tossed about the air waves. maybe some day you will find peace

  59. kind sir, you speak of intellect and of my grammer are so blinded with the blacnes of hate in your heart you understand not of what I speak of. I see now talk specifically of the irainian people what do know of these people?? who are they, what is their history etc.
    it is my belief from your statement that many muslin sects approve of transsexuality that you may be void of any cognitive reason of thought on this matter you appear to have no knowledge or idea what the koran has to say on this matter. Would you like to go and live amoung the shia and ask them to try and understand your position on you lifestyle. I notice you did not chide me for my reference to my d.n.a. comment is that where your contending I am promoting some sort christian fanacticisum, yet you know me not and yet you have some bitterness in your heart towards anyone who may like what micheal savage has to say about certain things in life from time to time . you know I can not think of one single time I have ever put down someone who is gay or otherwise so we can all agree to disagree, you act like you are being so persecuted and want to just live, well this still america and like assholes everyone has their opinion, and freedom speach I do believe is the first admendment, the second is the right to bear arms so if you really want live you have to learn to not go and get your feelings hurt besides what would DR LAURA say, oh must hate her too right,
    well when you have seen what I have seen and done what I have done in life perhaps you will have the knowledge and experience to
    life to to short to worry about a few loose words being tossed about the air waves. maybe some day you will find peace

  60. Your grammar speaks volumes on the average intelligence of the average Savage listener. Secondly, many Muslim sects approve of transsexuality (Iran, for example). As far as shoving an ideology, give me a break. You want to talk about pushing a ideology, check your Christianity at the door. Most of us aren’t trying to push ANY ideology, we’re just trying to LIVE.

  61. Your grammar speaks volumes on the average intelligence of the average Savage listener. Secondly, many Muslim sects approve of transsexuality (Iran, for example). As far as shoving an ideology, give me a break. You want to talk about pushing a ideology, check your Christianity at the door. Most of us aren’t trying to push ANY ideology, we’re just trying to LIVE.

  62. my god, you poor people did get your feelings hurt because you understand not. you should go live with the taliban and see how thoughtful and kind they are about transgender individuals and poeple who by design that is a genetic flaw have come be what they are. Savage has people listen to him why??? think about it, he is more in tune with the pulse and reallity of what is going on and happening in this world on a global sense than just one fragmented issue such as one being a transgender being who’s dna got screwed up and produced the out come of those individuals as they are today, these individuals would be such more successful if they would quite trying to shove thier ideology down our throats, it is like george bush trying to put this illegal aliean proplem on us
    look they don’t belong here end of story.

  63. my god, you poor people did get your feelings hurt because you understand not. you should go live with the taliban and see how thoughtful and kind they are about transgender individuals and poeple who by design that is a genetic flaw have come be what they are. Savage has people listen to him why??? think about it, he is more in tune with the pulse and reallity of what is going on and happening in this world on a global sense than just one fragmented issue such as one being a transgender being who’s dna got screwed up and produced the out come of those individuals as they are today, these individuals would be such more successful if they would quite trying to shove thier ideology down our throats, it is like george bush trying to put this illegal aliean proplem on us
    look they don’t belong here end of story.

  64. Go Mike! I don’t care one way or another about gays and lesbians, maybe if you guys would stop with all the gay and proud bullshit people would have a better opinion of you. You don’t see me walking around with a straight and proud banner do you? No, dumbfuck, because sexual orientation is not an accomplishment, so where is there something to be proud about?

  65. Go Mike! I don’t care one way or another about gays and lesbians, maybe if you guys would stop with all the gay and proud bullshit people would have a better opinion of you. You don’t see me walking around with a straight and proud banner do you? No, dumbfuck, because sexual orientation is not an accomplishment, so where is there something to be proud about?

  66. Wow, that’s some compelling commentary ya got there. Of course you can’t argue your point, so you name call.

    I support freedom of speech. But freedom of speech doesn’t guarantee anyone a space on the public airwaves.

    Oh yes, the world really is such a good place with wasteful, war mongering, hateful assholes. Definitely yin yang.

  67. Thank GOD for the voice of reason. Micheal presents, albeit in a radical way, many absolute truths.
    Thank GOD for our freedom of speech.
    Imagine how sick our world would be if all the tree-hugging, world warming, all gender morons had no counterpoint?

  68. Eh, New Hampshire is a great state. Lots of liberty. As a former business owner
    i appreciate it.

    Massachusetts is a great state there are decent programs for the poor and
    heathcare. In addition it is very hard to get the state to force anyone into
    unwanted medical care.

    Both great states, different principles. I can love both Denmark for it’s social
    programs and equality and Luxembourg for it’s individuality and banking laws.

    People chose their systems. I am for that.

    I’d argue about equality with you but i don’t want more emails 😉 In the
    end what i want is that people be ‘judged by the content of their heart rather
    than the color of their skin” of any other physical charactaristic.

    ….I did not realize that i would get an email copy of every comment on a
    thread here.

    — MT

  69. Eh, New Hampshire is a great state. Lots of liberty. As a former business owner
    i appreciate it.

    Massachusetts is a great state there are decent programs for the poor and
    heathcare. In addition it is very hard to get the state to force anyone into
    unwanted medical care.

    Both great states, different principles. I can love both Denmark for it’s social
    programs and equality and Luxembourg for it’s individuality and banking laws.

    People chose their systems. I am for that.

    I’d argue about equality with you but i don’t want more emails 😉 In the
    end what i want is that people be ‘judged by the content of their heart rather
    than the color of their skin” of any other physical charactaristic.

    ….I did not realize that i would get an email copy of every comment on a
    thread here.

    — MT

  70. What I am interested in are the liberty and freedom of people. Without it, there can be no dignity of people. Left wing ideas package the idea of equality as important as freedom. They are not the same thing. There are extreme right wing ideas too.
    You are correct in saying that both the left and right have made a “mess of things” in certain structures. That only happens when there is too much government control over the lives of the people. Scandinavia is one example where equality is more important than freedom. I dont want America to turn into this.

    BTW, I have nothing against gay, bisexual or transgender people. This is a free country and people can be whoever they want to be.

    Do you need Marti’s permission to get off this board?

  71. What I am interested in are the liberty and freedom of people. Without it, there can be no dignity of people. Left wing ideas package the idea of equality as important as freedom. They are not the same thing. There are extreme right wing ideas too.
    You are correct in saying that both the left and right have made a “mess of things” in certain structures. That only happens when there is too much government control over the lives of the people. Scandinavia is one example where equality is more important than freedom. I dont want America to turn into this.

    BTW, I have nothing against gay, bisexual or transgender people. This is a free country and people can be whoever they want to be.

    Do you need Marti’s permission to get off this board?

  72. Prove that right wing ideas do not leave societies in as much a mess as left
    wing ideas. For every pol pot(left wing) there is a Mussolini or Charles Taylor (right wing). People are very capable of making a mess of things anywhere
    whether they are right wing or left wing.

    I present you with Scandinavia for an example of where left wing ideas have
    worked. I present you with Taiwan for an example of where right wing ideas
    work well. Which of these two societies is more brutal ?

    I present you with Northern Korea (left wing) as an example of where left wing
    ideas have failed. I present you with Saudi Arabia (right wing) as an example of
    where right wing ideas have failed. Which of these two countries is more brutal ?

    What matters to me is if the basic dignity of human beings is respected. When
    systems go awry they are not respected. I am for people’s rights to be who
    they are above respect for tradition or property. That is what makes me left
    wing. Simple as that. For me people in their wonderfull variety and differences
    are more important than old fashioned demands to conform to familly or
    tradition and people weigh much more heavilly in my mind than property.

    In any case, Marti, is there a way i can get off this discussion board ? PLEASE.

    — MT

  73. Prove that right wing ideas do not leave societies in as much a mess as left
    wing ideas. For every pol pot(left wing) there is a Mussolini or Charles Taylor (right wing). People are very capable of making a mess of things anywhere
    whether they are right wing or left wing.

    I present you with Scandinavia for an example of where left wing ideas have
    worked. I present you with Taiwan for an example of where right wing ideas
    work well. Which of these two societies is more brutal ?

    I present you with Northern Korea (left wing) as an example of where left wing
    ideas have failed. I present you with Saudi Arabia (right wing) as an example of
    where right wing ideas have failed. Which of these two countries is more brutal ?

    What matters to me is if the basic dignity of human beings is respected. When
    systems go awry they are not respected. I am for people’s rights to be who
    they are above respect for tradition or property. That is what makes me left
    wing. Simple as that. For me people in their wonderfull variety and differences
    are more important than old fashioned demands to conform to familly or
    tradition and people weigh much more heavilly in my mind than property.

    In any case, Marti, is there a way i can get off this discussion board ? PLEASE.

    — MT

  74. Liberal and left wing causes do not need help being destroyed. The ideas are flawed enough for them to destroy themselves.
    (for those who whose education did include political science)

  75. Liberal and left wing causes do not need help being destroyed. The ideas are flawed enough for them to destroy themselves.
    (for those who whose education did include political science)

  76. Lol. I did not realize i would get a messege every time someone posted on this
    old worn out subject.

    I commented simply because i wanted the savage stuff behind an LJ cut.

    It is part of market activities to protest against someone you think is disgusting.
    Free and open does not mean that you only take negative (not listening)
    steps against a product you dislike. If i hate some companies product i am free
    to write all i want that their product sucks. Freedom is negative and positive.
    I am free to not buy products i dislike and i am free to express my dislike of
    products that i think suck.

    The reason Air America got messed up is that they spent more – probably two
    or three times the energy they expended in radio in fighting. Pacifica radio has
    been around for around 70 years and it is the same – all they do is fight. I
    guess i can hope that some of them convert to conservatism. Then they can
    destroy conservative causes like they have destroyed liberal and left wing
    ones. Nota Bene – liberal is not the same thing as left wing. (for those whose
    education did not include political science).

    — MT

  77. Lol. I did not realize i would get a messege every time someone posted on this
    old worn out subject.

    I commented simply because i wanted the savage stuff behind an LJ cut.

    It is part of market activities to protest against someone you think is disgusting.
    Free and open does not mean that you only take negative (not listening)
    steps against a product you dislike. If i hate some companies product i am free
    to write all i want that their product sucks. Freedom is negative and positive.
    I am free to not buy products i dislike and i am free to express my dislike of
    products that i think suck.

    The reason Air America got messed up is that they spent more – probably two
    or three times the energy they expended in radio in fighting. Pacifica radio has
    been around for around 70 years and it is the same – all they do is fight. I
    guess i can hope that some of them convert to conservatism. Then they can
    destroy conservative causes like they have destroyed liberal and left wing
    ones. Nota Bene – liberal is not the same thing as left wing. (for those whose
    education did not include political science).

    — MT

  78. I should know better than to leave messages on liberal sites. It seems impossible to have a civil discussion without being insulted.

    The fact is, I do not listen to Savage much because I think he is a little off the wall on some things. Instead of trying to get him off the air, why don’t you people compete in the arena of ideas.

    The market place dictates who is on the air and the people decide who they tune in. I listen to both sides and its easy to see why left wing talkers don’t have much of an auidence and Air America went bankrupt. Your point of view just doesn’t hold up in debate and the listeners see right through it all.

  79. I should know better than to leave messages on liberal sites. It seems impossible to have a civil discussion without being insulted.

    The fact is, I do not listen to Savage much because I think he is a little off the wall on some things. Instead of trying to get him off the air, why don’t you people compete in the arena of ideas.

    The market place dictates who is on the air and the people decide who they tune in. I listen to both sides and its easy to see why left wing talkers don’t have much of an auidence and Air America went bankrupt. Your point of view just doesn’t hold up in debate and the listeners see right through it all.

  80. oh, and btw there’s no such word as alot… it’s “a lot.” Maybe if you turned off the radio and cracked a book every once in a while, you might know that.

  81. “Thank God we have free speech in this country. If it were up to you people, you would silence anyone that differs with you by labeling it as hate speech.”

    If you actually read my post, you’d see that I don’t advocate silencing anyone. But would I like to see GLAAD start a campaign against him. That’s not stifling free speech, it’s doing something your side likes to talk about but not follow through on, and that’s letting the market dictate who’s on the air and who’s not.

    “Advise: If you dont like listening to Savage, turn him off or listen to someone else. Michael is entitled to his opinion.”

    Advice: Get a spell check. He’s entitled to his opinion, but airtime is NOT an entitlement, it’s a privilege.

    “With 8 million listeners its easy to see that alot of people like listening to him. Far more than any liberal host in the country. Deal with it.”

    Um… 22 million people live in trailers… what’s your point?

  82. Thank God we have free speech in this country. If it were up to you people, you would silence anyone that differs with you by labeling it as hate speech.

    Advise: If you dont like listening to Savage, turn him off or listen to someone else. Michael is entitled to his opinion.

    With 8 million listeners its easy to see that alot of people like listening to him. Far more than any liberal host in the country. Deal with it.

  83. Thank God we have free speech in this country. If it were up to you people, you would silence anyone that differs with you by labeling it as hate speech.

    Advise: If you dont like listening to Savage, turn him off or listen to someone else. Michael is entitled to his opinion.

    With 8 million listeners its easy to see that alot of people like listening to him. Far more than any liberal host in the country. Deal with it.

  84. christ, reading his shit is like being plugged directly into the collective sick id. what an epic fuckup that man is. and yeah, i’m pissed at GLAAD too, thanks for the heads up.

    i wonder whether any of it has to do with his particularly batshit responses to any criticism, as i recall, he goes on CRUSADES.

    not an excuse even if it is so, just–godDAM, what a friggin’ nutjob!

  85. christ, reading his shit is like being plugged directly into the collective sick id. what an epic fuckup that man is. and yeah, i’m pissed at GLAAD too, thanks for the heads up.

    i wonder whether any of it has to do with his particularly batshit responses to any criticism, as i recall, he goes on CRUSADES.

    not an excuse even if it is so, just–godDAM, what a friggin’ nutjob!

  86. Thanks for doing this Marti. It is important to not ignore the hate that is tossed at us in hopes that it will just go away. We need to send a clear message that perpetuating violence against our community is not acceptable behavior. 8 million listeners is a lot of people to be spewing hate to and telling them that it is okay to harm transgender people. Since when is that okay? If he was talking about gay and lesbians the same way he is talking about transgender people, GLAAD would have his ass in a sling by now.
    I think I”m going to send GLAAD an email… Dear GLAAD, thank you for the paragraph. It came in real handy in our fight.

  87. Thanks for doing this Marti. It is important to not ignore the hate that is tossed at us in hopes that it will just go away. We need to send a clear message that perpetuating violence against our community is not acceptable behavior. 8 million listeners is a lot of people to be spewing hate to and telling them that it is okay to harm transgender people. Since when is that okay? If he was talking about gay and lesbians the same way he is talking about transgender people, GLAAD would have his ass in a sling by now.
    I think I”m going to send GLAAD an email… Dear GLAAD, thank you for the paragraph. It came in real handy in our fight.

  88. Yes. I think it’s very important to contrast the two. Savage has a DAILY audience of 8 million listeners on over 400 stations throughout the United States. He’s got a HUGE daily platform to spew his hate.

  89. All i can say is UGH ! Must you pubish this asshole’s spewings en toto ?

    — Miri of Mtribe

  90. All i can say is UGH ! Must you pubish this asshole’s spewings en toto ?

    — Miri of Mtribe