Sucking the Tit

I wrote the following post to an Indy listserv in response to a misunderstanding about our local advocacy group, Indiana Equality xxxx, ever since you posted ab...


Chris Crain’s editorial lamenting that HRC apparently has finally decided to put their money where their mouth was and decide to become a GLBT rights organizati...

Open Letter to Windows Media

By Autumn Sandeen Dear Windows Media Management, I find it difficult to believe that Windows Media truly believes “Newspapers should reflect all aspects o...

What’s More Unfair?

When a middle school teacher leaves for the summer as he and plans to return as she, is it unfair to students? More or less unfair than it would be to re-assign...

Update on Kim

Dr Kimberly Hyatt-Wallace commented on that she was sent the following e-mail from Spokane County Jail representatives: Dr. Hyatt-Wallace I wa...

Being Transgender is a Crime!

On Friday July 29th, 2005 Kim Stankovich turned herself in at the Spokane County Jail. Her crime? Being transgender. Kim is serving a seven day sentence in the ...

Heriosm, Endurance and Freedom

by Caillean McMahon Pennsylvania Gay and Lesbian Alliance. The City of Los Angeles has just renamed a street intersection after an outspoken opponent of gay mar...

A Line In The Sand

by Caillean McMahon Pennsylvania Gay and Lesbian Alliance This well may be the least popular editorial that I have ever written. Having said that, having warned...